Judy Ann Lockwood

Judy Ann Lockwood
I am also called SugarBear...Juju.. and Mom

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael
I do not know what I would do without him!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Monday morning.. just VENTING

Morning it is Monday morning and here it is 4 am and I am up why??? Cause I cannot sleep. I have had a headache forever it seems. It lessens at times but still hangs on to some degree. It hurts so much sometimes it affects my vision even. YES it is a MIGRAINE kind of headache. FUN.. NOPE..

I have to go Kaiser this morning for my 18 hour fasting blood workup they have to run between 12-20 cannot remember how many actually for my 6 month surgery checkup. Wow cannot believe it has been 6 months almost already. I do feel so so much better and yes someday I will reach my first goal. (SOMEDAY) this stall stuff stinks to high heaven. ha ha ha but I understand it can happen for up to 6 weeks at a time. OH JOY NOT!!!!!
I am 12 pounds shy of my first goal of losing 100 pounds. Yes I want to lose more than just the 100 but I had to start out with a realistic goal.

I posted above my links section below last week a new I guess you will call it a disclaimer. (smile) anyway.. if you click on ANY of my links below I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE. I cannot control what my friends write on their own blog. I am not the BLOG POLICE. Well if it payed well I might consider taking the position tell me does that come with medical insurance? UMN just thought I would ask if I am going to be considered for this position I do need to know what the PERKS are of the position.!!!!!!

SO PLEASE if you do not agree with what someone on another blog says PLEASE do not contact me. You are able to click on their blog and respond to whatever you disagree with. Also on these blogs there is a place to click on the owners email address if you are not brave enough to post it for all to see.

But if you still feel I should be the new Blog Police please mail me or fax me the application and I will consider taking the position if it pays well.

Now does that sound stupid or what??? That is basically what some are expecting me to be. Sorry I cannot do it. Either contact the people saying what you don't like or quit reading their blog. One or the other.

These type of people have not helped me to get rid of my Migraine in fact they have made it worse. So thanks for nothing!!!!!

Thank you for letting me vent I do feel better.
This is very theraputic... wow!!!!!! Maybe you should try it....Cheaper than paying the Psych all the time.

And by the way all my friends who have came by here to check on me this morning YOU ALL have a Blessed Day!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Judy loved the graphic I so agree stupid should hurt. Not sure what you were venting about I will call you later to see what the heck this is all about. But don't let stupid people get to you it is not worth it. I hope your blood work all comes back that you are okay. You are doing such a wonderful job since your surgery and I am so proud to call you my friend. Talk to you later today.

Anonymous said...

I also thought the graphic was classic. And very true. Sorry if people have been being rude to you it sounds. Just tell them to get over it. Email me what is going on with you and yours. Toodles

Anonymous said...

Hey if you become the blog police can I be your deputy? And we can weed through some of the riff raff who just some on here to be nosey like ET who can go home. LOVE YA

Anonymous said...

You are so funny Judy the Blog Police. LOL LOL I loved this. You have quite a way with words my friend. And why would people talk to you about what someone else has on their blog? This is I did not quite understand. Please send me a private email and let me know what is going on here. If you need something let me know as the saying goes dear friend I have your back and over the years you have always been there for me when I needed someone. So email me or call whatever is easier for you.