Judy Ann Lockwood

Judy Ann Lockwood
I am also called SugarBear...Juju.. and Mom

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael
I do not know what I would do without him!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Well Michael returned to work yesterday after being off for 3 and 1/2 months. I think besides the fact of having to up at 4 am again every morning he was ready to go back. However the day did not start off well. He had to go get gas in his car. Then he called me at 4:30 he was stranded his car overheated. We had it worked on while he was off work spent like 2700.00 it had a cracked head and some kind of mounting something or others.. (you can see I don't know a lot about cars) but anyway he had driven it about maybe 10 miles since he picked it up from the garage place. We think they did not put enough water in radiator cause it was very very hot yesterday morning. So anyway I picked him up and took him to catch the 5 am train then picked him up after work and we got radiator fluid and all seemed to be okay. He made it to the train this morning so hopefully that was the issue with the car.

Aaron was supposed to have his wisdom teeth removed yesterday morning. What gets me is you go to the dentist if your appointment is at 10 am they ask you to be there by 9:45 am and if you are not there by 10:15 then you have to reschedule. Well we got there like 9:30 his appointment was 10 by 10:45 they still were not calling him he was getting anxious. So I asked she said they would take us back soon. So they finally took him to a room. Then someone came in and then it was like 40 minutes before surgeon came in. He said he did not feel comfortable doing this surgery on Aaron in the office setting it needed to be done in a hospital room. He said with all this medications he is on with his Autism issues and he said he has a very small airway opening. (I do too) I found out when I had surgery in February. He said with all these factors plus his weight he said he was afraid to put him to sleep in the office setting. He said he felt it was to dangerous and that I would have to sign a waiver releasing them from any responsibilities etc. I said UMN NO!!!!!
So he did not have his Wisdom Teeth out yesterday needless to say.

Back to Michael he went back to the Dr on Friday and yes indeed he does have Diabetes they gave him a monitor and he now has to check his blood 2 times a day. and take medication. I have Aaron checked all the time for this because it was in my dad's family really really bad. But now Mike has it so Aaron will for sure need to be checked more often for this. Gee one more thing to check on for Aaron as if there wasn't enough already huh?
So Michael is having to change his diet and watch closely his blood sugar was extremely high the Dr said and wanted to see him again in 2 weeks to adjust medication accordingly.

So that is the update with my two guys in my life... Have a great day...