Judy Ann Lockwood

Judy Ann Lockwood
I am also called SugarBear...Juju.. and Mom

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael
I do not know what I would do without him!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Sis Ruth

I love this lady... she has known me since I was a young one for sure I was gonna say since I was little but I was never blessed with ever being that little. (smile) I was always chubby or fat. Ha! But she has known me for ions. Many.. many..many years ago someone at Coachella church took a picture of Sis Ruth and me cause she was always one of my favorite people. Someday I hope to find that picture that was taken way back when. But yesterday at church when I was hugging her, Aaron said Mom let me get a picture of you and Sis Ruth. So he took it of us. So thought I would share it.

Also Mike took a couple of pictures of me yesterday also. Some of my Options Class Friends. (The ones who also had the gastric bypass class with me) had been asking for an updated picture of me. So here it is ladies. I am on the downhill stretch of ONERDERLAND..woo hoo.. For those of you who do not understand that lingo. (smile) it means I will soon meet my first 100 pound goal. I have lost a small child off my body. WOO HOO...!!!!

Today is Michael's test for the Sleep Study to check him out for sleep apnea. I really think they will find he does have it. I know I am no DR. But I just think they will.

On another note our air conditioner went out on Friday. We called the Homeowners Insurance people. They called us back and gave us the techs number who will service it. I called him a couple of times this weekend. He just called and said earliest he can be here is Wednesday. Guess everyone is having air conditioning problems with this heat wave. Oh well we won't melt. Cause Sugar melts and I am a bitter person so I can't melt away. (smile) Hugs to you all who are reading this..


Anonymous said...

All I can say is you look wonderful Judy. Keep up the good work. You were always very pretty now you are a hottie.

Anonymous said...

You need to put up a before picture next to a recent one. You look great!