Judy Ann Lockwood

Judy Ann Lockwood
I am also called SugarBear...Juju.. and Mom

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael
I do not know what I would do without him!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Bills Kids Annual Bar B Q and Picnic

Today was our Annual Bar B Q and the Awards for Bowling. It was a nice turn out over 200 people,but wow it was hot. Over 100 today and very humid. I am pooped out. (smile) after we came home and brought home the ice chests and things we had to go to Sams to get the food to make for Potluck tomorrow at church and to pick up the cake I ordered for tomorrow it turned out very pretty too. Tomorrow marks the 67th Anniversary of when our church in Redlands was organized. AMEN!!!!!!!
Anyway here are a few pictures of the afternoon today with Bills Special Kids.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Yesterday at Aaron's School.. my gentle Giant of a young man...

I had a meeting for the Parent Advisory Committee at Aaron's School yesterday. The Principal Julie has taken in these adorable kittens whose mother was killed by a coyote. She went and bought them all kinds of stuff they needed including the special milk they drink and the bottles to feed them with. It was so cute. Aaron loved holding them and playing and feeding them. He said can I have one Mom. (smile) it was cute.
His hands are bigger than these tiny little kitties. Anyway the principal told Aaron everyday during free time he can come up and feed them. He was all excited about that. My young man is certainly the gentle, sweet, compassionate giant indeed. Wish everyone could see him when he is like this would make your heart smile.
These are a few of the pictures I took.

This is Awesome....

USS New York

Hot Comments

It was built with 24 tons of scrap steel
from the World Trade Center.
It is the fifth in a new class of warships
designed for missions that include
special operations against terrorists.
It will carry a crew of 360 sailors
and 700 combat-ready Marines to
be delivered ashore by
helicopters and assault craft.
Steel from the World Trade Center was melted
down in a foundry in Amite,LA to
cast the ship's bow section. When
it was poured into the molds on
Sept 9, 2003, those big rough
steelworkers treated it with
total reverence, recalled
Navy Capt. Kevin Wensing,
who was there.It was a spiritual
moment for everybody there.
Junior Chavers, foundry operations manager,
said that when the trade center steel
first arrived, he touched it with his
hand and the "hair on my neck
stood up." "It had a big meaning
to it for all of us," he said.
"They knocked us down.
They can't keep us down.
We're going to be back."
The ship's motto? "Never Forget"

Hot Comments

Some people will never change or grow up......

Sexy Myspace Comments

Okay well last night while I was at church we decided we need to print the bulletin, because of so much going on this weekend with the Bills Special Kids picnic and bowling on Saturday etc. So I come home to work on some paperwork for BSK and also working on getting names and addresses printed out before Sunday because I am making a new Church Directory, that I had put off because of the busy week of VBS and the RMBI Opening. Since we live so far from church it makes it hard to get some things done. Many church members are only a few minutes from the church. But we are not and last night because of work traffic it took us 45 minutes to get to Church.

So anyway I come home to start working on the things I needed to get done. To find out that while at Church my computer had been hacked into. They hacked into my AOL account and changed the password so that they could go on my Myspace and change the password and email on there. I finally got it all fixed with AOL still working on the myspace one and I redid my blogger today with new passwords etc.

Is it not a shame that people have nothing better today than to try and play head games with others and mess with their computers and such? They must have a very sad, dull life is all I can say.

I need to go back to work on these papers but wanted to say Good Morning to all and hope you have a good day. And to all of my friends, and special needs moms reading this I am sending you all safe and gentle hugs...

Saturday, August 23, 2008

RMBI Opening

Today was the Opening Day of RMBI for the 2008-2009 School Year. For those who attended it was a fun filled day with preaching, food and fellowship. (of course it included fried chicken for some of the food) it is not a Missionary Baptist meeting if no fried chicken. ha ha ha..

Here are some of the pictures of the day Aaron and I had fun spoiling Steven and Val's twins Colton and Clayton it is such a blessing they are doing so well now. Thanks for sharing them with us today *wink. Aaron adores babies and is so good with them.

Bowling Bills Special Kids

Today was bowling for Bills Kids we took Aaron before we went to the RMBI Opening at our church in Redlands. Here are a few pictures from today

First is William he is the grandson of Bill.
Evelyn with Aaron he calls her Grandma
This is Penny who Aaron calls Auntie Penny
William with me he is my cutie pie
Pat who is like a sister to me... with me. I love her very much...
The last one is of some of Bills Kids with Bill and a man from the Rotary Club he was presenting a check to Bills Kids.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

This touched my heart.. hope it does yours..

This is like don't judge a book by it's cover kind of thing. I really liked this so needed to share it... it is called Shoes in church..

I showered and shaved....... I adjusted my tie.

I got there and sat......... In a pew just in time.
Bowing my head in prayer......As I closed my eyes.

I saw the shoe of the man next to me..... Touching my own. I sighed.

With plenty of room on either side...... I thought, 'Why must our soles touch?'

It bothered me, his shoe touching mine... But it didn't bother him much.

A prayer began: 'Our Father'............. I thought, 'This man with the shoes, has no pride.

They're dusty, worn, and scratched. Even worse, there are holes on the side!'

'Thank You for blessings,' the prayer went on.

The shoe man said............... A quiet 'Amen.'

I tried to focus on the prayer....... But my thoughts were on his shoes again.

Aren't we supposed to look our best. When walking through that door?

'Well, this certainly isn't it,' I thought, Glancing toward the floor.

Then the prayer was ended........... And the songs of praise began.

The shoe man was certainly loud...... Sounding proud as he sang.

His voice lifted the rafters......... His hands were raised high.

The Lord could surely hear. The shoe man's voice from the sky.

It was time for the offering....... And what I threw in was steep.

I watched as the shoe man reached.... Into his pockets so deep.

I saw what was pulled out.......... What the shoe man put in.

Then I heard a soft 'clink' . As when silver hits tin.

The sermon really bored me......... To tears, and that's no lie.

It was the same for the shoe man... For tears fell from his eyes.

At the end of the service...... As is the custom here.

We must greet new visitors, And show them all good cheer.

But I felt moved somehow............. And wanted to meet the shoe man.

So after the closing prayer....... I reached over and shook his hand.

He was old and his skin was dark.... And his hair was truly a mess.

But I thanked him for coming......... For being our guest.

He said, 'My names' Charlie.......... I'm glad to meet you, my friend.'

There were tears in his eyes....... But he had a large, wide grin.

'Let me explain,' he said......... Wiping tears from his eyes.

'I've been coming here for months.... And you're the first to say 'Hi.''

'I know that my appearance.........'Is not like all the rest.

'But I really do try.................'To always look my best.'

'I always clean and polish my shoes..'Before my very long walk.

'But by the time I get here.........'They're dirty and dusty, like chalk.'

My heart filled with pain........... And I swallowed to hide my tears.

As he continued to apologize........ For daring to sit so near

He said, 'When I get here...........'I know I must look a sight.

'But I thought if I could touch you..'Then maybe our souls might unite.'

I was silent for a moment........... Knowing whatever was said

Would pale in comparison... I spoke from my heart, not my head.

'Oh, you've touched me,' I said......'And taught me, in part;

'That the best of any man............'Is what is found in his heart.'

The rest, I thought,................ This shoe man will never know.

Like just how thankful I really am... That his dirty old shoe touched my soul.

Live each day as your last because it could be.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Well Michael returned to work yesterday after being off for 3 and 1/2 months. I think besides the fact of having to up at 4 am again every morning he was ready to go back. However the day did not start off well. He had to go get gas in his car. Then he called me at 4:30 he was stranded his car overheated. We had it worked on while he was off work spent like 2700.00 it had a cracked head and some kind of mounting something or others.. (you can see I don't know a lot about cars) but anyway he had driven it about maybe 10 miles since he picked it up from the garage place. We think they did not put enough water in radiator cause it was very very hot yesterday morning. So anyway I picked him up and took him to catch the 5 am train then picked him up after work and we got radiator fluid and all seemed to be okay. He made it to the train this morning so hopefully that was the issue with the car.

Aaron was supposed to have his wisdom teeth removed yesterday morning. What gets me is you go to the dentist if your appointment is at 10 am they ask you to be there by 9:45 am and if you are not there by 10:15 then you have to reschedule. Well we got there like 9:30 his appointment was 10 by 10:45 they still were not calling him he was getting anxious. So I asked she said they would take us back soon. So they finally took him to a room. Then someone came in and then it was like 40 minutes before surgeon came in. He said he did not feel comfortable doing this surgery on Aaron in the office setting it needed to be done in a hospital room. He said with all this medications he is on with his Autism issues and he said he has a very small airway opening. (I do too) I found out when I had surgery in February. He said with all these factors plus his weight he said he was afraid to put him to sleep in the office setting. He said he felt it was to dangerous and that I would have to sign a waiver releasing them from any responsibilities etc. I said UMN NO!!!!!
So he did not have his Wisdom Teeth out yesterday needless to say.

Back to Michael he went back to the Dr on Friday and yes indeed he does have Diabetes they gave him a monitor and he now has to check his blood 2 times a day. and take medication. I have Aaron checked all the time for this because it was in my dad's family really really bad. But now Mike has it so Aaron will for sure need to be checked more often for this. Gee one more thing to check on for Aaron as if there wasn't enough already huh?
So Michael is having to change his diet and watch closely his blood sugar was extremely high the Dr said and wanted to see him again in 2 weeks to adjust medication accordingly.

So that is the update with my two guys in my life... Have a great day...

Friday, August 15, 2008

ERGH This story upset me...Disruptive behavior by Autistic kids stirs furor

When I read this story I was more than a little upset. I know MANY MANY people do not understand Autism and how it affects some of our children. But you know the one place you feel you could get some support you would think would be from a church. Well it so often it not true. Many times churches turn their backs on helping families with special kids. Sad but true and so very often if a child is in a wheelchair they are accepted... but one that is not what we would call OF THE NORM they are banished and not accepted or maybe even told at times they need to have a better CHRISTIAN ATTITUDE (oh do not even go there) those who feel a child with Autism needs a better CHRISTIAN ATTITUDE best be on their knees at the alter asking God for forgiveness. Over the years Aaron has been upset MORE THAN ONCE believe me over the way he has been treated or should say mistreated and ostracized from church outings, camps, retreats etc. It is time as Christians people need to stand up and take notice not ALL CHILDREN are what you would call "NORMAL" they cannot act the way some other kids do and quite honestly they should NOT BE EXPECTED to either. (ALSO what is normal??? it is a setting on my washer and dryer)....

People who continue to ignore the issues of a special child I really feel they should stop and examine their own heart and their relationship with our Lord.

Autistic children have feelings just like any other child and they must be dealt with on a different level than other kids. It is time our churches and our communities learn to deal with SPECIAL KIDS. If everyone could have the frame of mind and big hearts that the YEARSLEY FAMILY has for special kids the world would be a much better place. All I can say is GOING TO CHURCH DOES NOT MAKE YOU A CHRISTIAN ANYMORE THAN GOING IN THE GARAGE MAKES YOU A CAR.....

Like I said reading this story really upset me.. !!!!!!!!

When a 13-year-old Minnesota boy was banned from church after parishioners complained about his behavior, it exposed a painful truth so politically incorrect that some people feel guilty just saying it out loud: Some autistic children can be annoying and disruptive in public.
The case of Adam Race and others like him has laid bare conflicted feelings — among both parents of these children and other people — over autistic youngsters in public places. And it has stirred debate over how much consideration one side owes the other.

In the case of Adam Race, a judge agreed with a priest in Bertha, Minn., who said the 225-pound teenager was disruptive and dangerous, and upheld a restraining order barring him from services. The priest said Adam spit, wet his pants, made loud noises and nearly ran over people while bolting from the church after services.
Carol Race, Adam's mother, said the congregation's claims were exaggerated. But in a letter to the Star Tribune of Minneapolis, JoAnn Brinda of Crystal, Minn., said the Race family should have shown more consideration for others.
"I don't understand why families that have a challenged child who becomes loud and abusive remain at a service where all participants are quiet and contemplative most of the time," Brinda wrote.
Susan Duclos of Peoria, Ariz., who writes the conservative Wake Up America blog, called the Race story a "horrible situation all around."
"I have known a few people over my lifetime who have had to deal with autism with their children," Duclos said. "It's as frustrating for them as it is for the public."
Similar cases involving people with autism have played out in public recently. A California man was kicked out of a health club for screaming. A North Carolina boy was taken off a plane before takeoff after having a meltdown. A South Carolina girl was ordered out of a restaurant by the town's police chief for crying.

Syndicated radio talk show host Michael Savage added to the furor last month when he charged that doctors and drug companies are overdiagnosing autism, and said, "I'll tell you what autism is: In 99 percent of the cases, it's a brat who hasn't been told to cut the act out." Several major companies pulled their advertising from Savage's show.
Lisa Jo Rudy, who is the mother of an autistic child and writes and consults on autism, said Savage's words were "truly nasty and hurtful." At the same time, Rudy said the talk show host has raised awareness of some of the frustrations of parents of autistic children and the wider public, too.

Rudy said there are times when parents should not put their children in situations where they may be disruptive. "Some of these stories really are the ones where the general public can absolutely identify with the other side of the story," Rudy said.

Jason Goldtrap of Davenport, Fla., said too many people diagnosed with autism are out and about in public because of political correctness. Goldtrap, 40, has two nephews, ages 3 and 21, with autism, and said the older one has become so violent at times that the police have been called.
"I certainly sympathize with all the families who are in this situation," Goldtrap said. "But when we got away from the concept of institutionalization in America, we lost an important element of trying to maintain civility. There is a place for mental institutions."

Goldtrap added: "If it were up to me, he would be in an institution. My brother doesn't agree, and that's his prerogative." He declined to identify his brother, saying, "I don't want to start another argument."
Autism is a mental disorder that inhibits a person's ability to communicate and can include a host of complications. It varies widely in its severity. Some people are well-behaved; others are prone to outbursts or self-abusive behavior such as biting or head-banging.
A recent study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that one out of every 150 U.S. children over the age of 8 is autistic or suffers from a related disorder. About 560,000 Americans under 21 are believed to have autism.
Many parents say that their autistic children are largely misunderstood, that they can't help it when they act up, and that they need interaction with the public.
Barbara Coppo, whose 30-year-old son, Kenny, was banned from a Vallejo, Calif., health club for screaming, said Americans need to learn about living with autistic children.
"Autism may frighten people because so little is known about the disorder," said Coppo, who wrote a book about her son. "The cause has not been scientifically proven and the victims often act in ways society doesn't understand."
However, some parents wonder how much understanding can be gained in grocery stores, churches or other public places.
Nikki Wilmoth-Williams of Rockport, Texas, said certain high-traffic areas are off-limits for her autistic 14-year-old son, Zach."I'm an advocate for my child, but we all have to play on the same playground," she said. "It's not about clearing the playground so my child can be on it."

Rudy advises parents of autistic children to arrange forays out in public with care, which may mean five minutes in the grocery store instead of 45 minutes.

"Certainly there are cranky people in this world. If a mother glares at your child for something that's really pretty harmless, quite honestly that's her problem," Rudy said. "But if your child is going to have a meltdown, I don't think it's in anybody's best interest to bring the child along."

Joe Schmitt, a Minneapolis lawyer who has often defended employers against claims they discriminated against disabled employees, said people who object to certain accommodations may be viewed as insensitive to those with autism or other disabilities.
"They usually really do care, but they have to weigh the considerations of others," Schmitt said.
Schmitt said church officials in Minnesota knew they would be criticized for banning Adam, but took action after the two sides failed to arrive at a compromise.
"I'm not saying they were right," Schmitt said of the church. "But I would disagree with anybody who thinks they did that casually or it wasn't important to them."
Sandy Boyles, whose 18-year-old son, Walter, is autistic, said that when she began attending First Reformed Church in New Brunswick, N.J., she didn't bring him along, because in other churches he would run up and down the aisles screeching.
"She was afraid of being ostracized. I told her, 'So what? Bring him anyway,'" the Rev. Susan Kramer-Mills said.
Eventually, the small congregation revised its services to Walter's liking. Worship used to start softly and build to a crescendo. Now, it starts with more noise.
"I have to be careful because sometimes he'll do a fast movement or run," Boyles said. "But the other members aren't as scared as I am."

So after reading this what really upset me was too that a JUDGE would allow a restraining order against one of GOD'S SPECIAL CHILDREN from attending worship services. GOD HELP OUR COUNTRY....!!!!!!! This is who we have judging our country.. SCARY very very SCARY......

I think some people really need to read this book....

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Well will wonders never cease.....

I saw Dr Suh today for my 6 month checkup from surgery also saw Dr Provancha from Kaiser today for my 6 month blood workup results etc.

Dr. Provancha was really proud of all that I have done and said I am doing awesome. He also started me back on my B12 injections.. Woo hoo I will have energy soon. Ha..

Dr. Suh said I was not eating enough I thought that was funny never had a Dr. say I did not eat enough will wonders never cease for sure. Those words just sounded very strange to me. I have been overweight the majority of my life so never had a Dr tell me to eat more. (smile)

Friend Makes You Smile Funny Picture

So this journey has something new all the time for sure. My weight loss has been stuck a bit this month but with the stress of Michael's surgery and all that has been going on. Things have been hectic. Also my knee is killing me so have not been able to get much walking or exercise in this month. I see the Ortho Dr the 27th for my Cortisone injection in my knee so hopefully I can get back on track very soon. Michael returns to work on Monday too so that will also help.
But all in all this has been awesome and I would do it all over again in a heartbeat.

But hopefully this stall will end soon and I can get to ONEderland soon.. 11 more pounds.. whew.. so close yet so far away.. SOMEDAY though...

Thanks all for your love, prayers and support. Could not have done it without all of my dear friends rooting and supporting me.

Love and Hugs....

More VBS and another phone call

Hello a few more pictures here of VBS this week and another phone call from China. I will upload from U Tube again and post here..

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Olympic Bible Project

Last night Bro. Ron and Bro. Mike called us from China. They are there with Bro. David Hardin for the Olympic Bible Project. They said they where they were standing while chatting with us they could see the Great Wall of China. I grabbed my camera when they called and took this video so you could hear them speaking to our Vacation Bible School kids from China. It was awesome. Here is also a picture of The Great Wall.

You will need to go down to the bottom of my page and turn off the music to hear this video. All you do is click on the first button on the player at the bottom of my page.

Thanks Judy

Monday, August 11, 2008

Vacation Bible School Opening Night

Tonight was the first night of our Vacation Bible School for Kids. Everyone really seemed to enjoy themselves. We had 21 kids present. We did the first night of the skit which was an interview from Kenya. Aaron did an awesome job as the Sound guy everyone told him he did well. He also worked with the 4 and 5 year olds teaching them a memory verse and playing games with them etc. They even decorated cupcakes and put life savers on the cupcakes to represent that Jesus is our lifesaver. He is so good with little kids.

During the evening two members of our church (Bro. Ron and Bro. Mike)called on their cell phone from China. They are at the Olympics trying to spread the word of Jesus Christ with Bro. David Hardin of the Olympic Bible Project. It is an awesome outreach they do. I videoed the phone call. I will try to put it on U Tube because it is to large of a file for Blogger.
Here is some of the photos I took tonight.

Here ya go

Someone posted on my blog today but they did not leave their name. They just asked that I post a before surgery and now picture. So here ya go. Whoever asked. Thanks for the compliment.

Sis Ruth

I love this lady... she has known me since I was a young one for sure I was gonna say since I was little but I was never blessed with ever being that little. (smile) I was always chubby or fat. Ha! But she has known me for ions. Many.. many..many years ago someone at Coachella church took a picture of Sis Ruth and me cause she was always one of my favorite people. Someday I hope to find that picture that was taken way back when. But yesterday at church when I was hugging her, Aaron said Mom let me get a picture of you and Sis Ruth. So he took it of us. So thought I would share it.

Also Mike took a couple of pictures of me yesterday also. Some of my Options Class Friends. (The ones who also had the gastric bypass class with me) had been asking for an updated picture of me. So here it is ladies. I am on the downhill stretch of ONERDERLAND..woo hoo.. For those of you who do not understand that lingo. (smile) it means I will soon meet my first 100 pound goal. I have lost a small child off my body. WOO HOO...!!!!

Today is Michael's test for the Sleep Study to check him out for sleep apnea. I really think they will find he does have it. I know I am no DR. But I just think they will.

On another note our air conditioner went out on Friday. We called the Homeowners Insurance people. They called us back and gave us the techs number who will service it. I called him a couple of times this weekend. He just called and said earliest he can be here is Wednesday. Guess everyone is having air conditioning problems with this heat wave. Oh well we won't melt. Cause Sugar melts and I am a bitter person so I can't melt away. (smile) Hugs to you all who are reading this..

Sunday Evening Services

Last night we were blessed to have with us the Burdette Family who is serving on the Mission Field in Udon Thani,Thailand. It was wonderful meeting the entire family. Rodney and Tracey are blessed with 4 adorable sons Joshua, Stephen, Timothy and Daniel. They were very friendly little guys. And you know how much I love kids so we hit it off right away. I even got a hug. Rodney played his guitar and sang a couple of songs for us too he has also been blessed by the Lord for his music talent and voice. Thank you so much for sharing your story with us last night at church. Today they were taking their boys to Disneyland... The Happiest Place on Earth. Have fun boys... with Mickey and Minnie.
This is the Burdette Family Photo and a couple of pictures I took of Timothy and Daniel.