Judy Ann Lockwood

Judy Ann Lockwood
I am also called SugarBear...Juju.. and Mom

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael
I do not know what I would do without him!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Prayer Requests and Jabberings.....

Hello sorry I have not posted in a couple of days. On Monday after being gone all weekend I got up at 5:30 am so I could get to the hospital before Sis. Wiggins surgery. I was there until about 3:30 pm. So it was a long day after a tiring weekend. Please continue to keep my Pastor's wife in your prayers. They only did half of the surgery on Monday morning they had to stop because of her blood pressure and her losing some blood etc. As of last night she at 9:30 when I checked she was still in the ICU. She has been having a great deal of pain. If all goes well they will do the other part of the surgery next week they are giving her some time to get some strength back and less pain etc. For those of you from church who read my blog I will be changing the dinner sign up list this weekend. Those of you who signed up for the first of next week to start taking dinner to Pastor and wife I will be moving you to the bottom of the list since Sis. Wiggins will not be home as planned by next Monday. Thank you to all who have signed up on the list.

While I am asking for prayer can you also please continue to remember Evelyn in your prayers she is home from Loma Linda but she is still having some difficulties and has a long road ahead of her with this Lung Cancer and treatments etc. She is a very dear person and we love her VERY MUCH. Could not love her any more even if we were blood family. It was cute while she was in ICU this past visit to Loma Linda Penny and Pam had been in with her Pam went home and I stayed with Penny. Penny told the nurse this is one of my other sisters. She said Judy is our adopted sister. I told the nurse. I was more SPECIAL... ha ha because I had been hand picked to be a daughter and a sister to them all the rest had been born into the family. The nurse laughed and said well that is very true, you are kind of stuck with real family cannot choose them. Evelyn smiled so that was nice to see her have a smile on her face. So as I said PLEASE remember this very very special person in our lives.

Seems like I have been spending alot of time this year at the hospital. (myself included in that)

We are still waiting for the approval for Mike's surgery. He is still off work. We had to drive into Santa Ana yesterday. (I sure know why Mike takes the Metro Link) I hate that traffic. It took us over 2 hours to get home and it is only about 47 miles.
We had to go by each Drs office and the physical therapy place to have them sign off the mileage for Mike to get reimbursed. They had told us to bring what he had so far because it looked like it will be a while before he returns to work since he had not even had the surgery as of yet. We were quite surprised when we added up all the Dr and therapy visits. The millages totaled almost 900 miles. There were only 3 to Santa Ana the rest were in Riverside, but he was doing therapy 3 times a week or so. So it sure does add up. I am sure glad they do pay it for mileage with gas prices the way they are.

Thank you all who emailed, text messaged me or called this weekend while I was in San Diego to check on me and see how I was doing. I feel much better and since many of you talked to me it really helped. I must move on and not let people upset me. More than anything my feelings were very hurt and I felt heartbreak once again. But thank you..... YOU ARE ALL THE BEST and I appreciate it very much. Knowing you all love and care for me made me feel so much better. I hate when I feel sorry for myself and think no one loves me.( I tell myself GET OVER IT) Makes me so mad at myself. Ha! Silly me yes I know.. But despite the icky day prior to us leaving we did have a good time. I especially had a good time just enjoying watching Aaron having so much fun. I knew I could not let anything ruin his good time this was his Birthday present to go to Sea World. And I needed to focus on making him happy he is the one I need to be concerned with as he will be with me for life. He was so GOOD ALL WEEKEND. Not one upset. He was tired too on Saturday but quite the trooper. He had so much fun riding the rides to get soaked on with Ashley.

I bought this really cool scrapbook paper at Sea World to put some of my pictures on. I went and printed my pictures there are over 100 of them. Ha.... see we did have fun. Not sure when I will get around to scrapping probably not till Mike returns to work. The rest of this week is very busy. And on Saturday Aaron has bowling in the morning, guitar at noon and then we have a Birthday party in Orange County at 1. Sunday is potluck at church just a reminder all of you from church who read this. (smile) so I will also have to cook Sunday morning.

Guess I had best hush and get busy I need to start on the church bulletin with being at the hospital on Monday all day basically and Santa Ana yesterday I am behind.
Have a blessed day.. Love to you all who read all of my jabbering... Ha!


Anonymous said...

Good morning Judy came by your blog to see if you had posted anything new I had emailed you too and was a bit worried when I had not heard from you yet. But see you have been a very busy lady. I will say a prayer for the pastors wife and Evelyn. And what you said it true you are lucky you were picked by them to be a part of thier family. But I think after knowing you all these years they are the lucky ones having you in their lives.

So happy to hear you all had such a good time this weekend and Mike had a nice Birthday too it looked like. Loved seeing all the pictures and Aaron with a big smile on his face. He is such a handsome young man.

You said thank you for reading the jabbers from you. I love to come and read your blog do not always post but I always come and check in so please keep on writing or jabbering as you said.

Much love to you friend