Judy Ann Lockwood

Judy Ann Lockwood
I am also called SugarBear...Juju.. and Mom

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael
I do not know what I would do without him!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Camp 2008

Well as most of you know you are close to our family, Aaron cannot attend our Church Camp like all the other teenagers get to. They have no classes or staff for special needs kids. (yes it does stink) The past 2 years he has had a breakdown during camp week and wound up in the hospital for 7 to 10 days. That is why we took him out of town last weekend so he would not have to hear all the hype about it both Sunday Morning and Sunday evening services. And if they choose to tell their stories about the full week this Sunday night we will tell him to go into the fellowship hall and play one of his games or something. He just cannot listen to them go on and on and on about how wonderful camp is. It triggers something in his brain and makes him feel even more left out. So his Psych said try and keep as much of it away as possible. He did tell his Psych and Psychologist though he would like to go up to camp for a day even if it meant us taking him and being with him. So I talked it over with his Psych and she said she did not feel an evening service would be to overwhelming for him because I told her there were no classes or anything at that time everyone comes together for worship time. So he would not be excluded from anything. So Mike and I had a long talk with him and said if you can handle it we will take you up in the afternoon one day. So we did and all went fine. He stuck pretty close to us and did no wander off to far. (one time we took him up to camp for an evening service and he wandered off and was lost about 45 minutes) And they do have bears at camp... I was a bit worried that year to say the least. So we had the talk of not going to far from us and letting us know where he was going if he did leave us for any length of time. Ha! All went well as I said and he did enjoy himself. He did say yesterday he wished he could be like the rest of the kids and go up there all week. Had a sad face but did not get overly depressed about it. He is old enough now to know he is different than the other kids so at times this is seeming to cause him a lot of pain. He just so wants to be a normal teenager. Bless his heart.... What a love bug he is. He is my joy do not know what I ever did without him. God surely blessed me with him indeed. He has taught me patience for sure. Ha! It is sad many do not take the time to get to know the REAL AARON.. the loving, caring side. And those who do really do love him.
So anyway yes I took a few pictures at camp not a lot because it got dark. Wow does it get dark up there we forgot to take a flashlight. Ha....
Here are a few of the pictures I took...
Matt was sure happy to see us he said finally someone I know has arrived.
Me and my girl Becca she was very excited and came and hugged me as soon as she saw me.
Josh gave us all hugs too. I love him and Becca very much we miss them living so far away.
Kimmi had a good time at camp and was welcomed with open arms. Everyone said they had missed them all.
Amanda does not like her picture being taken but with the trees behind her I thought this picture was cool
Aaron and Jessica before evening services.
Aaron and Dad chilling before evening services.
Stephen Minton or as Aaron calls him Stevie.....
Mama Kristen with her twin baby boys. Ain't she adorable????
Stephen Ridings
Bro. Oscar giving out the daily cabin awards.