Judy Ann Lockwood

Judy Ann Lockwood
I am also called SugarBear...Juju.. and Mom

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael
I do not know what I would do without him!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Michael's Birthday

Kimmi called yesterday as we were leaving Dick's Last Resort in San Diego. She called Michael's cell to wish him a Happy Birthday. Then she called my phone and we chatted for a bit. After chatting we decided to meet at Shakey's for dinner to celebrate Michael's Birthday with us. So they met us there. After dinner we went to the bowling ally. Pat, Bob, Bill, Evelyn, Penny and Pam were all there they bowl on Sunday nights. So Kimmi got to meet my sweet adopted family. I had the gifts I had bought in the van for Nathan from SeaWorld. So I gave them to Pat to give him today because Nathan was not at the Bowling ally. We had a really nice evening. And Pat took a picture of all of us together. Thanks Pat... I love ya..

Anyway Kimmi had been sending me messages for the past couple of months on myspace so we were keeping in touch again. She had emailed me a few months ago about my surgery to check on me and I had been trying to keep up with her and her health issues she is currently having.

She had called me the other night after reading my blog and how upset I was for people being rude etc.
She told how sorry she was for the way I had been treated the past two years and said she was so sorry she had allowed them to manipulate her against me. She said she felt very badly for allowing them to use her to try and hurt me. She said she felt they had taken advantage of the fact of her mom and sister dying and her brother basically not being part of her family and felt she had no family but my family. They had told her they were her true family. She said they told her how mean I had been to them and how I did not like Kimmi and never had that I used her. (used her for what???) I have no idea.

Kimmi told me how she felt very stupid and so sorry that she ever fell for all the lies from all of them. She told me that they even convinced her to leave Redlands and join Banning to try and make me angry.

Anyway I told her I forgave her. That is the Christian thing to do when some says they are sorry. And I know you can be dragged into situations at times.

So I am happy we had such a wonderful evening.... Here are some pics of the night..


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Juju I am very sorry you have always been a true friend someone I could count on.Sorry I let them say things to make me think you did not like me.
All I can say is Juju I am better off without all of them and we had a blast night with you all.