Judy Ann Lockwood

Judy Ann Lockwood
I am also called SugarBear...Juju.. and Mom

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael
I do not know what I would do without him!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Good Morning ... A New Day Begins

Hello all well I will start off first by saying I am so very sorry to put you through my rant yesterday. But I have been told it is good to write down your feelings and not keep them inside. Yesterday began so nicely to ended so ugly....I am sorry I let my sad heart get so upset. So I should focus on the good part of the day not the bad. Right?
I had a dear friend email me after reading my blog last night she gave me words of wisdom....I know God sent her my way. I prayed so hard last night to have God take away my angry feelings I do not like feeling angry. I have not been that angry in a long time. Life has been good and I have been feeling good about myself. I need to focus on the positive things in my life not the negative. I should not let people bring me down. Yes my mind tells me this but then my heart gets broken again. I have to learn you cannot and will not ever please everyone in your life and I need to give up trying to please others and show those who do love and care about me how much I love, care and appreciate them in my life.
My friend who wrote to me last night said. Judy You don't owe anyone any explanation. I decided long ago that my life isn't a spectators sport. Anyone just watching me and doing a critique could feel free to do so, but I am moving on, and standing in my faith. Let them say what they want. It is hurtful in some ways, but also a learning experience that God is our defender. If He is with us, who can be against us?

Powerful words isn't it? And this also coming after a wonderful lesson at church Wednesday night by Brother Oscar about Anger and how people hurt us and we should be slow to anger then BAM...that lesson just went right out the door yesterday for a short time didn't it? Shame on me... I get hurt and think very unchristian thoughts..ergh.. I am so mad at myself this morning for letting this upset and anger me so much. Again please forgive my anger and wild rants. That is not the person I wish to be. THAT IS NOT PERSON I am going to be. I refuse to let ignorant people causing problems that are none of their business make me this way either or cause me anymore grief. IT IS DONE.... I am picking myself up and dusting off my butt and going on from here. Just chalk it up to someone wishing to ruin my day and cause problems. And I let them how dumb is that???????

So on to better things..

I have had a good week. Michael has been off waiting to have his surgery from being injured at work. Him being hurt and needing surgery is not the good part. (smile) Poor Michael.. But he and Aaron and I have been having a lot of fun together. We especially have been enjoying the Wii Fit together. What a hoot we are all playing that. So so funny. I had a WOW moment this week when I weighed in on the Wii Fit hitting the 80 pound mark on my weight loss. So that was a big woo hoo moment for me this week. I had set my first goal of 100 pounds. So I have 20 more pounds to go and I feel I can really make this goal so I feel good about myself and know I can make it. I am not trying to lose weight to look good I am doing it to feel good. No I will never be thin but I am and will be healthier. Going to Universal a couple of weeks ago and being able to ride and rides and actually fit into the rides that was a BIG WOW time for me too. Michael and Aaron are so very proud of me and they call me skinny all the time. (SMILE) they say what's up skinny? Cute huh? NO I am not skinny but I guess in their eyes seeing me everyday being with me through the surgery and time at the hospital they know what I have endured and they are BOTH proud of me. So I have to tell myself WHO CAN ASK FOR MORE RIGHT? I am so blessed to have my two men in my life. Who love and care for me in good times and in bad. Thanks Michael, thanks Aaron. I love you ......

I said we had a good day in the beginning yesterday. We all took Nathan to the movies to see Horton Hears a Woo. We have a 2 dollar movie place here in town so it is really fun to go to the movies and not pay a fortune been seeing a lot of movies there and since it has been so hot nice to use their Air Conditioning instead of ours and it is very nice and cool in there. Nathan was so cute watching the movie and eating his popcorn and red vines. He had a dollar in his pocket and would say Grandma popcorn please before we ever got inside to see the movie. Too Too Cute. Here again I need to focus on these moments in my life and what a joy it is to have Nathan in our lives and for him to call me Gramma and spend time with all of us. He thought it was different cause Grandpa Mike was with us yesterday last time we went to the movies Grandpa Mike was at work. So he would get off his chair at the movies and walk over to see Mike was cute. He even sat in Grandpa's lap for a bit. ADORABLE... he wanted to share the red vines with Uncle Aaron.
So this was the HAPPY PART of my day yesterday so so so sorry I let someone ruin the rest of the day for me and take away for a short time the happy times we did have yesterday. Thank you dear blogger friends for putting up with me through the bad part of my day yesterday. I know God is good and he is in control NOT ME... so I need to let God deal with ignorant people and not take it on my heart and shoulders. So as I began this it is a new day and I shall be glad and rejoice in it.
I pray you all have a wonderful weekend. I will blog on Monday about our weekend.
Hugs to all who are reading this thanks for loving me. And I love you too.


Anonymous said...

Was happy to read this just now Judy this is the Judy I know and love speaking. You go girl you are 100 percent correct you cannot let mean spirited people ruin your outlook and anger you. You are blessed you are right to have Mike and Aaron in your life. Yes focus on the good things not the negative. And I am so proud of you dear friend and all you have accomplished this year with getting healthier and losing weight keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you are in better sprits dearest friend. I am a better person for knowing you as a friend. Keep your chin up and don't let these awful people bring you down. You are much to chipper of a person to let others bring you down. Talk to you soon.

Anonymous said...

ju ju , you keep your chin up i loved talking to you last night. you know i was able to sleep better than i have in a long time. you know you told me we have to move on and be thankfull for the people in our lives.and you dont know how much i meant to me for you to actually help me try to deal with what you have for years i can never thank you enough. have a great weekend and i will talk to you again soon.and those of you who dont know me or do yes its me kimmi and if you dont have something nice to say. then say it to me.but dont be haten my juju
love ya