Judy Ann Lockwood

Judy Ann Lockwood
I am also called SugarBear...Juju.. and Mom

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael
I do not know what I would do without him!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Monday, June 30, 2008

Beautiful Monday Morning

Had great services yesterday. Bro. Oscar preached morning services and Bro. Craig preached last night.

Yesterday morning Alyssa was baptized she had been saved at Camp so Grandpa was very pleased and happy to perform the baptism indeed. (smile)

Last night we had two more be baptized David and Hillary. So we got 3 new members yesterday.

Yesterday was our 5th Sunday Potluck too so we wound up being at church about 12 hours yesterday. Because once everything was cleaned up from Potluck was to late to drive back home would have had to turn around and drive back and with price of gas that would have been silly so we just hung out at the church with the Minton's and a few others.

So I am pooped this morning funny I get more tired sitting in church on Sunday than actually working. Silly huh? I think because we have to sit still and be quiet. (SMILE)

Aaron is working with Bro. Glenn on memorizing the Books of the Bible he is having a good time with that. Bro. Glenn is his BTC teacher so that is nice he has a One on One teacher finally this past year and it has helped him a great deal.

I posted the pictures of Stephanie's party before going to church yesterday. It was wonderful seeing her and seeing all the weight she has lost.

We had a very busy day on Saturday too. Aaron is bowling again on Saturday mornings and then his guitar lessons are at Noon on Saturday. So as soon as he finished that we had to get to Stephs party cause it was starting at 1:00. So was a full day.

This week is busy too. Mike got the approval for the surgery so today he should get another appointment with the surgeon this week sometime.

We promised Aaron to go see Wall*E this weekend but ran out of time so have to fit that in this week. I think we are going tomorrow.

We have a VBS meeting this week it will be fun to work with the kids with that since I am no longer working I can finally do some fun things. Yeah!!!!!!
Michael said he did not want me working any more so I am not gonna argue with that. I have had a daycare for over 30 years...Still love babies and kids but I can still see them whenever I want and I can have Nathan whenever I want so I can still get my kid fix. Ha ha.

Also this week is 4th of July so we will have the Annual Bar B Q and watch the fireworks at church. So that should be fun as well.

Well I should hush for now must get to Kaiser for my weekly injections. Oh joy.. (smile)

Have a blessed day.. remember God loves you and so do I..... Hugs

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Stephanie's Birthday

Birthday Graphics

Yesterday we went to Stephanie's Birthday party. I met Steph in April of 2007 and we fast became friends. She was in my Options class for 6 months prior to my gastric bypass surgery. I had my surgery in February and she had hers a month later. She has lost a total of 145 pounds with her before and after total. AWESOME GIRLIE... Prior to her surgery, Steph could not walk without being out of breath. Just sitting she struggled with breathing. Yesterday at her party she was out running around playing with water balloons and squirt guns with the kiddos. It was wonderful being able to see her have fun. I am so proud of her. She has a wonderful man in her life and they will be married in March of 2010. He is going for his consultation about possible gastric bypass very soon. He is such a sweetheart and we enjoyed meeting him yesterday. We also met her parents and many friends. We had a great time and the weather was awesome it was so nice and cool. The park we were at had a Lake so it was very pretty there. Sue also came with her hubby for a bit. She also was in my class with me she had her surgery in January. So Michael took a picture of all 3 of us together.
Here are some photos I took while at the party.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Camp 2008

Well as most of you know you are close to our family, Aaron cannot attend our Church Camp like all the other teenagers get to. They have no classes or staff for special needs kids. (yes it does stink) The past 2 years he has had a breakdown during camp week and wound up in the hospital for 7 to 10 days. That is why we took him out of town last weekend so he would not have to hear all the hype about it both Sunday Morning and Sunday evening services. And if they choose to tell their stories about the full week this Sunday night we will tell him to go into the fellowship hall and play one of his games or something. He just cannot listen to them go on and on and on about how wonderful camp is. It triggers something in his brain and makes him feel even more left out. So his Psych said try and keep as much of it away as possible. He did tell his Psych and Psychologist though he would like to go up to camp for a day even if it meant us taking him and being with him. So I talked it over with his Psych and she said she did not feel an evening service would be to overwhelming for him because I told her there were no classes or anything at that time everyone comes together for worship time. So he would not be excluded from anything. So Mike and I had a long talk with him and said if you can handle it we will take you up in the afternoon one day. So we did and all went fine. He stuck pretty close to us and did no wander off to far. (one time we took him up to camp for an evening service and he wandered off and was lost about 45 minutes) And they do have bears at camp... I was a bit worried that year to say the least. So we had the talk of not going to far from us and letting us know where he was going if he did leave us for any length of time. Ha! All went well as I said and he did enjoy himself. He did say yesterday he wished he could be like the rest of the kids and go up there all week. Had a sad face but did not get overly depressed about it. He is old enough now to know he is different than the other kids so at times this is seeming to cause him a lot of pain. He just so wants to be a normal teenager. Bless his heart.... What a love bug he is. He is my joy do not know what I ever did without him. God surely blessed me with him indeed. He has taught me patience for sure. Ha! It is sad many do not take the time to get to know the REAL AARON.. the loving, caring side. And those who do really do love him.
So anyway yes I took a few pictures at camp not a lot because it got dark. Wow does it get dark up there we forgot to take a flashlight. Ha....
Here are a few of the pictures I took...
Matt was sure happy to see us he said finally someone I know has arrived.
Me and my girl Becca she was very excited and came and hugged me as soon as she saw me.
Josh gave us all hugs too. I love him and Becca very much we miss them living so far away.
Kimmi had a good time at camp and was welcomed with open arms. Everyone said they had missed them all.
Amanda does not like her picture being taken but with the trees behind her I thought this picture was cool
Aaron and Jessica before evening services.
Aaron and Dad chilling before evening services.
Stephen Minton or as Aaron calls him Stevie.....
Mama Kristen with her twin baby boys. Ain't she adorable????
Stephen Ridings
Bro. Oscar giving out the daily cabin awards.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Prayer Requests and Jabberings.....

Hello sorry I have not posted in a couple of days. On Monday after being gone all weekend I got up at 5:30 am so I could get to the hospital before Sis. Wiggins surgery. I was there until about 3:30 pm. So it was a long day after a tiring weekend. Please continue to keep my Pastor's wife in your prayers. They only did half of the surgery on Monday morning they had to stop because of her blood pressure and her losing some blood etc. As of last night she at 9:30 when I checked she was still in the ICU. She has been having a great deal of pain. If all goes well they will do the other part of the surgery next week they are giving her some time to get some strength back and less pain etc. For those of you from church who read my blog I will be changing the dinner sign up list this weekend. Those of you who signed up for the first of next week to start taking dinner to Pastor and wife I will be moving you to the bottom of the list since Sis. Wiggins will not be home as planned by next Monday. Thank you to all who have signed up on the list.

While I am asking for prayer can you also please continue to remember Evelyn in your prayers she is home from Loma Linda but she is still having some difficulties and has a long road ahead of her with this Lung Cancer and treatments etc. She is a very dear person and we love her VERY MUCH. Could not love her any more even if we were blood family. It was cute while she was in ICU this past visit to Loma Linda Penny and Pam had been in with her Pam went home and I stayed with Penny. Penny told the nurse this is one of my other sisters. She said Judy is our adopted sister. I told the nurse. I was more SPECIAL... ha ha because I had been hand picked to be a daughter and a sister to them all the rest had been born into the family. The nurse laughed and said well that is very true, you are kind of stuck with real family cannot choose them. Evelyn smiled so that was nice to see her have a smile on her face. So as I said PLEASE remember this very very special person in our lives.

Seems like I have been spending alot of time this year at the hospital. (myself included in that)

We are still waiting for the approval for Mike's surgery. He is still off work. We had to drive into Santa Ana yesterday. (I sure know why Mike takes the Metro Link) I hate that traffic. It took us over 2 hours to get home and it is only about 47 miles.
We had to go by each Drs office and the physical therapy place to have them sign off the mileage for Mike to get reimbursed. They had told us to bring what he had so far because it looked like it will be a while before he returns to work since he had not even had the surgery as of yet. We were quite surprised when we added up all the Dr and therapy visits. The millages totaled almost 900 miles. There were only 3 to Santa Ana the rest were in Riverside, but he was doing therapy 3 times a week or so. So it sure does add up. I am sure glad they do pay it for mileage with gas prices the way they are.

Thank you all who emailed, text messaged me or called this weekend while I was in San Diego to check on me and see how I was doing. I feel much better and since many of you talked to me it really helped. I must move on and not let people upset me. More than anything my feelings were very hurt and I felt heartbreak once again. But thank you..... YOU ARE ALL THE BEST and I appreciate it very much. Knowing you all love and care for me made me feel so much better. I hate when I feel sorry for myself and think no one loves me.( I tell myself GET OVER IT) Makes me so mad at myself. Ha! Silly me yes I know.. But despite the icky day prior to us leaving we did have a good time. I especially had a good time just enjoying watching Aaron having so much fun. I knew I could not let anything ruin his good time this was his Birthday present to go to Sea World. And I needed to focus on making him happy he is the one I need to be concerned with as he will be with me for life. He was so GOOD ALL WEEKEND. Not one upset. He was tired too on Saturday but quite the trooper. He had so much fun riding the rides to get soaked on with Ashley.

I bought this really cool scrapbook paper at Sea World to put some of my pictures on. I went and printed my pictures there are over 100 of them. Ha.... see we did have fun. Not sure when I will get around to scrapping probably not till Mike returns to work. The rest of this week is very busy. And on Saturday Aaron has bowling in the morning, guitar at noon and then we have a Birthday party in Orange County at 1. Sunday is potluck at church just a reminder all of you from church who read this. (smile) so I will also have to cook Sunday morning.

Guess I had best hush and get busy I need to start on the church bulletin with being at the hospital on Monday all day basically and Santa Ana yesterday I am behind.
Have a blessed day.. Love to you all who read all of my jabbering... Ha!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Michael's Birthday

Kimmi called yesterday as we were leaving Dick's Last Resort in San Diego. She called Michael's cell to wish him a Happy Birthday. Then she called my phone and we chatted for a bit. After chatting we decided to meet at Shakey's for dinner to celebrate Michael's Birthday with us. So they met us there. After dinner we went to the bowling ally. Pat, Bob, Bill, Evelyn, Penny and Pam were all there they bowl on Sunday nights. So Kimmi got to meet my sweet adopted family. I had the gifts I had bought in the van for Nathan from SeaWorld. So I gave them to Pat to give him today because Nathan was not at the Bowling ally. We had a really nice evening. And Pat took a picture of all of us together. Thanks Pat... I love ya..

Anyway Kimmi had been sending me messages for the past couple of months on myspace so we were keeping in touch again. She had emailed me a few months ago about my surgery to check on me and I had been trying to keep up with her and her health issues she is currently having.

She had called me the other night after reading my blog and how upset I was for people being rude etc.
She told how sorry she was for the way I had been treated the past two years and said she was so sorry she had allowed them to manipulate her against me. She said she felt very badly for allowing them to use her to try and hurt me. She said she felt they had taken advantage of the fact of her mom and sister dying and her brother basically not being part of her family and felt she had no family but my family. They had told her they were her true family. She said they told her how mean I had been to them and how I did not like Kimmi and never had that I used her. (used her for what???) I have no idea.

Kimmi told me how she felt very stupid and so sorry that she ever fell for all the lies from all of them. She told me that they even convinced her to leave Redlands and join Banning to try and make me angry.

Anyway I told her I forgave her. That is the Christian thing to do when some says they are sorry. And I know you can be dragged into situations at times.

So I am happy we had such a wonderful evening.... Here are some pics of the night..

Our San Diego Weekend

Well we got up Friday morning and took off for San Diego we met Angie,Donald,Ashley and Brit on the way there off the freeway so we could follow each other. Angie decided she wanted to ride with me so Mike went with Donald and we took the 3 kids with us. We arrived at the hotel and checked in then of to Sea World we went. It was really nice and the kids had a lot of fun too. Us big kids had fun also.

Angie said the Dolphin Show was really neat so we went there and she said lets sit here cause you do not get to wet just splashed a little bit.. Well....... it was not a SPLASH... I was SOAKED for a bit.. (Ha!)

We went and watch the Cirque de la Mer show it was very good and I enjoyed it very much.

So we watched shows we loved the Shamu Rocks at night show it was awesome.. then came the fireworks after.

After that we went back to the hotel the girls wanted to stay in our room for a bit. They left about 12:45 from our room.. Aaron was having a rough night of sleeping... I gave him his pills to late.. Yes shame on MOM.... I am such a bad bad mom...
So he finally went to sleep about 2:30 and then I woke up at 6 wide awake.. ergh..

Angie and Donald had not booked their room for 2 nights when she made the reservation and they got booked up so they had to check out before SeaWorld cause they had to stay at a different Hotel Saturday night. I come out of the bathroom from taking my shower to find Donald on my bed, Angie on my bed and the girls on Aaron's bed.. Was funny... I said this is my room isn't it?????

So again off we headed to SeaWorld. We had an awesome day. Looking at things like the Shark Encounter, Pets Rule, The Penguins, The Arctic Ride (reminds me of the kind of ride like Star Wars at Disneyland was really cool) We also watched the dolphin show at night called Ignite the Night... wow it was really nice.

The kids of course wanted to ride Journey to Atlantis several times and they did. The also loved the shipwreck rapids ride too.

After another fun filled day at SeaWorld we went back to the hotel and watched some tv and got in bed about 1 am. Yesterday morning we woke up... it was Michael's Birthday so after we checked out of the hotel we met up with Angie, Donald and the girls to take Michael to Dick's Last Resort for his Birthday lunch. They had never been there as you will see in the pictures below a fun time was had by all.

We plan on going back to SeaWorld our pass we bought is good until December 31st 2008.

I will now post some pictures here and then tell you about the rest of Michael's Birthday on another blog...

Friday, June 20, 2008

Good Morning ... A New Day Begins

Hello all well I will start off first by saying I am so very sorry to put you through my rant yesterday. But I have been told it is good to write down your feelings and not keep them inside. Yesterday began so nicely to ended so ugly....I am sorry I let my sad heart get so upset. So I should focus on the good part of the day not the bad. Right?
I had a dear friend email me after reading my blog last night she gave me words of wisdom....I know God sent her my way. I prayed so hard last night to have God take away my angry feelings I do not like feeling angry. I have not been that angry in a long time. Life has been good and I have been feeling good about myself. I need to focus on the positive things in my life not the negative. I should not let people bring me down. Yes my mind tells me this but then my heart gets broken again. I have to learn you cannot and will not ever please everyone in your life and I need to give up trying to please others and show those who do love and care about me how much I love, care and appreciate them in my life.
My friend who wrote to me last night said. Judy You don't owe anyone any explanation. I decided long ago that my life isn't a spectators sport. Anyone just watching me and doing a critique could feel free to do so, but I am moving on, and standing in my faith. Let them say what they want. It is hurtful in some ways, but also a learning experience that God is our defender. If He is with us, who can be against us?

Powerful words isn't it? And this also coming after a wonderful lesson at church Wednesday night by Brother Oscar about Anger and how people hurt us and we should be slow to anger then BAM...that lesson just went right out the door yesterday for a short time didn't it? Shame on me... I get hurt and think very unchristian thoughts..ergh.. I am so mad at myself this morning for letting this upset and anger me so much. Again please forgive my anger and wild rants. That is not the person I wish to be. THAT IS NOT PERSON I am going to be. I refuse to let ignorant people causing problems that are none of their business make me this way either or cause me anymore grief. IT IS DONE.... I am picking myself up and dusting off my butt and going on from here. Just chalk it up to someone wishing to ruin my day and cause problems. And I let them how dumb is that???????

So on to better things..

I have had a good week. Michael has been off waiting to have his surgery from being injured at work. Him being hurt and needing surgery is not the good part. (smile) Poor Michael.. But he and Aaron and I have been having a lot of fun together. We especially have been enjoying the Wii Fit together. What a hoot we are all playing that. So so funny. I had a WOW moment this week when I weighed in on the Wii Fit hitting the 80 pound mark on my weight loss. So that was a big woo hoo moment for me this week. I had set my first goal of 100 pounds. So I have 20 more pounds to go and I feel I can really make this goal so I feel good about myself and know I can make it. I am not trying to lose weight to look good I am doing it to feel good. No I will never be thin but I am and will be healthier. Going to Universal a couple of weeks ago and being able to ride and rides and actually fit into the rides that was a BIG WOW time for me too. Michael and Aaron are so very proud of me and they call me skinny all the time. (SMILE) they say what's up skinny? Cute huh? NO I am not skinny but I guess in their eyes seeing me everyday being with me through the surgery and time at the hospital they know what I have endured and they are BOTH proud of me. So I have to tell myself WHO CAN ASK FOR MORE RIGHT? I am so blessed to have my two men in my life. Who love and care for me in good times and in bad. Thanks Michael, thanks Aaron. I love you ......

I said we had a good day in the beginning yesterday. We all took Nathan to the movies to see Horton Hears a Woo. We have a 2 dollar movie place here in town so it is really fun to go to the movies and not pay a fortune been seeing a lot of movies there and since it has been so hot nice to use their Air Conditioning instead of ours and it is very nice and cool in there. Nathan was so cute watching the movie and eating his popcorn and red vines. He had a dollar in his pocket and would say Grandma popcorn please before we ever got inside to see the movie. Too Too Cute. Here again I need to focus on these moments in my life and what a joy it is to have Nathan in our lives and for him to call me Gramma and spend time with all of us. He thought it was different cause Grandpa Mike was with us yesterday last time we went to the movies Grandpa Mike was at work. So he would get off his chair at the movies and walk over to see Mike was cute. He even sat in Grandpa's lap for a bit. ADORABLE... he wanted to share the red vines with Uncle Aaron.
So this was the HAPPY PART of my day yesterday so so so sorry I let someone ruin the rest of the day for me and take away for a short time the happy times we did have yesterday. Thank you dear blogger friends for putting up with me through the bad part of my day yesterday. I know God is good and he is in control NOT ME... so I need to let God deal with ignorant people and not take it on my heart and shoulders. So as I began this it is a new day and I shall be glad and rejoice in it.
I pray you all have a wonderful weekend. I will blog on Monday about our weekend.
Hugs to all who are reading this thanks for loving me. And I love you too.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

I am deleting this post.......

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Autism Speaks

If you are reading my blog you know why Autism is a big part of our lives.
Our son Aaron was diagnosed with Autism when he was 10 years old. I felt for many years he had it but the doctors would say no he does not have it. We finally took him to UCLA to the Autism Clinic there where he was formally diagnosed within just a few minutes of the first interview. We need to educate people on just what Autism is and how it affects many lives.

There will be an Autism Walk in San Diego on November 8, 2008 it will be held in
Balboa Park.

Join Autism Speaks as we tackle autism! Experience the power of thousands united by a single cause by joining Walk Now for Autism. Start a corporate, school or family team today!

Walk Now for Autism offers everyone a fun-filled experience with entertainment, refreshments, an autism community resource fair, and much, much more. Be sure to raise $100 to earn your commemorative Walk Now for Autism t-shirt. We look forward to seeing you at the event!

For more information on this event please contact:

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Evan Scott Surrendered to Preach

Evan announced this morning after Bro. Wiggins preached that he had answered the call to the ministry of the Gospel. He preached his first sermon this evening. He for sure has the SCOTT blood in him. You can tell he has some of the wonderful Scott genes of Brother Jessie Scott.(smile) Here are a few pictures I took of Evan this evening. All I can say is this young man sure has a lot of energy and it is wonderful he wishes to use it for the Lord.

Happy Fathers Day myspace graphic comments

Hope everyone had a wonderful Fathers Day. I miss my Dad all the time but especially on Fathers Day. I never ever missed calling him on Fathers Day not even when I was in Turkey with Michael in the Air Force. Little things such as a phone call always meant so much to him. He would tease my Mom and say that is Punkin calling and it usually was... Ha ha ha..
Oh the blessed memories....

Here is Michael with Aaron today at church...

Here is Michael and I at church today...

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Kyle's Graduation Party

We were invited to attend Kyle's Graduation Party last night. It was really nice. Mike and Tina out did themselves with such yummy food. They had Bar-B-Q Ribs and Chicken, with potatoes, salad, corn, green beans, watermelon, Cantaloupe,Strawberries, and MORE... very very good wish I could have eaten more. I should have brought home a doggie bag for a midnight snack. ha...
Here are a few of the pictures I took at the party.

Friday, June 13, 2008

The Incrediable Hulk

We took Aaron this afternoon to see his TWIN... (smile) the Incrediable Hulk movie started today so we went to the Matinee before 5 showing cause so much cheaper.
What an awesome movie it was. Michael noticed something first thing off he notices things in movies. He took to much stage production in school. Ha! He noticed the name of the Industry...I won't say more. In case those of you reading this plan on seeing it. All I can say is you want to stay for it all. We all 3 really enjoyed it for sure. We will buy it when it comes out for sure.

Here is Aaron with the Hulk last week at Universal Studios

Uncle Aaron and Nathan and Aaron with Patrice

I made these pages this morning thought I would share...

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Aaron's Awards and last day of school...

Yesterday was Aaron's last day of school. Michael and I went to his school about 11 and stayed till the end of the day at 3. We got to see how things go throughout the day all I can say is these teachers have to have a lot of patience for these kids. And Mike and I decided we have a really good kiddo too compared to many of those in his class. We feel very blessed to have Aaron indeed.

They gave out awards for the year it was really nice and the Principal, Ms. Julie gave me an Award too. I was quite surprised and very thrilled. She also gave me flowers. She is such a nice person. She thanked me for my help throughout the year and for being a good Mom.

They had set up a luncheon also which was very nice it was all decorated very pretty for the graduates. One of Aaron's friends Graduated, Sean so I got a picture of him and Aaron and got to meet Sean's Mom too.

I will post some of the pictures I took..First is Aaron with Dad in the cafeteria where we had lunch.
Aaron and Sean his friend who Graduated.
Aaron with Ms. Julie the Principal
Aaron with his teacher Mr. Shanks. He said Aaron had gotten as tall as he was this year maybe even taller. (smile)
Aaron with Ms. Emily
Aaron with Ms. Rosalind (I call her cutie) isn't she a doll? She always has a smile on her face.
Aaron with Penny (his one on one aide) and Cassie she was in Aaron's class she said Aaron would be her husband someday. Aaron told her he was not ready for that kind of commitment. What a hoot these kids are!!!!!!
Aaron with his Academics Award...
The Certificate Julie gave me..
The flowers Julie gave me aren't they pretty?

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Our Day at Universal Studios

Yesterday we took Aaron to Universal Studios we all had a blast. We had not been since July 25, 1993 Aaron was 3 1/2 months old. So he was very excited to go there. It is also amazing how much more fun I had after getting 75 pounds off my body. (smile) I had a lot of fun on the rides this time too.

First place we went to was the Simpson's Ride that was one that Aaron did not want to miss and they warned us at different times of the day it could be as long as a 3 hour wait. It was only a 30 minute wait so that was wonderful. All the other rides and attractions there was really no wait yesterday it did pay to go on a Friday for sure. Place was not crowded at all.

It had changed a lot in the 15 years since we had been there for sure. We got to see where the fire had been last week destroying King Kong and other important movie files and props. But they said they were very lucky it could have done a lot more damage.

The Shrek 4D is an awesome experience we all loved that one. And also Terminator 2 (3D) it was also neat.

We all LOVED the Jurassic Park ride we got wet and it cooled us off for sure. (smile) was a very pretty day actually though. Was not to awfully warm.

All in all our day at Universal turned out wonderful and it was a fun filled day with my two favorite guys in the world. Here are some photos of our day...

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Wii Fit

Well I finally found a Wii Fit this morning. We have been looking for one since they came out but the stores would sell out as soon as they came in. This morning I called Toys R Us and they said YEP they had them so I ran over and got one for me and also called Pat at school and asked if she wanted me to pick one up for her. Luckily Michael was with me cause it was one per customer. So we were able to get her one also.
Now time to workout.. Woo hoo.. Never thought I would be one to exercise. Ha ha ha..

Steven Minton Graduation....

On Saturday we attended Steven's Graduation it was very nice. He has been home schooled by his mom Sue. There were 239 graduates of homeschools and charter school kids. It was really a nice ceremony. I am glad we got to go. When Aaron yelled out for Steven when they announced Steven's name. Steven knew Aaron had arrived. (smile)