Judy Ann Lockwood

Judy Ann Lockwood
I am also called SugarBear...Juju.. and Mom

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael
I do not know what I would do without him!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Show about Bipolar and Medication issue...

Well anyone who knows me knows I read and watch as much as I possibly can things concerning Bipolar in Children and Autism. PBS had a special which you can watch on online here if you missed it.

It shows families and what they go through with their children who have been DX with Bipolar. It also talks to the Food and Drug Admin about medications they are making and ones that are given to our children. There is a segment where parents are blaming the medications killed their child. Some from Suicide. I feel so sorry for these parents because this has always been a fear of mine because I know several people who have lost their Bipolar children to suicide some of the had taken their kids off medications because of all the talk our children were drugged. So there is two sides to this issue. Some parents feel the medications made them commit suicide and I have seen first hand of friends who lost their child because they removed the medication. So there is no right or wrong answer is a situation such as this. I have been told more than once that the type of Bipolar has and the things that have been seen in him that someday it might be to much for him and that he could try and hurt or kill himself. This has always been a fear of mine for sure.
That is why I see that he sees his Psychiatrist and Psychologist as often as possible so that they might see the early signs of this. I do know in my heart I have done all I can to see that Aaron gets the help he needs and see that he takes his medications. But this has not been an easy journey and it is an ongoing battle to try and make sure he has all that he needs and every avenue has been checked out on things that can possibly make things easier for him to live in this world. So those friends of mine who read my blog who have special kids check out the show on the link I posted above it was good to watch. I know many of you when you read my blog you email me instead of posting and that is fine whatever makes you more comfortable if you do not like others reading what you wrote then just email me. Hugs and have a blessed day...


Anonymous said...

Judy I did watch this show all I can say it people who do not have special children have no idea what we go though every single day of our lives. Without medication for my daughter we would have type of a normal life whatsoever. You are the greatest special mom I know.