Judy Ann Lockwood

Judy Ann Lockwood
I am also called SugarBear...Juju.. and Mom

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael
I do not know what I would do without him!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Update on Family.....................

Okay so here is the update on Michael's surgery it will be on Monday the 21st at 4:30 PM please keep him in your prayers. Also I had said I got him to go for a complete physical last week finally. All of our family issues has really been getting to him and he just does not look well at all. The Dr called yesterday and said he has Diabetes it looks like. So he has to go this morning for the longer blood workup he will be there for a few hours. This new Dr he is seeing is very good he said too that his Cholesterol was over the top like 10 times higher than it should be. Said he was a heart attack waiting to happen. So he will be putting him on medications for that as well. I am so happy I finally talked him into seeing the Doctor I worry about him alot and a person can only take so much and work all the time. I told him we have to LET GO AND LET GOD. There is nothing more we can do it is all his hands. And we have to consider Aaron and do what is best for him and he too can no longer handle the heartaches and struggles of our family.

Speaking of Aaron he sees his Psychologist at 10:30 this morning and his Psychiatrist at 3:30 this afternoon. Please keep him in your prayers too. He has been having some depression over the lastest family issues that happened a few weeks ago. Poor kiddo he so wanted to see Haley before they moved to Conn. BUT OF COURSE THAT DID NOT HAPPEN..... We have told him he just has to get over it.I am talking to his Drs. today to see if they can tell him he just has to move on he cannot dwell on these things. He needs to focus on the good stuff and those who do love and care for him. In his heart he knows this but he does tend to sometimes get focused in on the negative issues too. (I think every human does at some point) but with his OCD he tends to Obess over it to much. So pray about this matter too please.

As for me the weight loss has been slow this month. The Dr assures me this will continue to happen that I will hit stall points. He said it is my body trying to play catch up and making sure it is not in starvation mode. So I wait patiently. (smile) total loss is 86 pounds. I have 14 more pound to hit my first goal of 100 pounds. When I began this adventure I told myself if I could lose 100 pounds I would be happy. I would LOVE to lose alot more than that but this is my first goal I set for myself so I am almost there. I can almost see the finish line on this first goal of making me healthier. I do feel SO MUCH BETTER. I tease when someone asks me how I feel they will say JUDY you look awesome or my one friend Penny Bowhay calls me her HOTTIE friend. (smile) Love you Penny.... But honestly when I stop and think about it I say.. wow I have lost a small person like a 5th grader or something I bet they weigh about 86 pounds. Ha ha ha.. So THANK YOU for all your prayers on this because PRAYERS DO WORK...

Well I had best hush and wake up Aaron he is sleeping in and he will want breakfast before seeing the Psychologist. Until next time giving you safe and gentle hugs...


Anonymous said...

Of course we shall keep Mike in prayer not only for the surgery but his health concerns as well. And sweet Aaron bless his heart. That child has a heart of GOLD. It just breaks my heart he has to endure all of this heartbreak over his sisters and family. He does not need this or deserve this. And you my friend wow girl you do look awesome in all your recent pictures. I pray you continue to have the weight loss you want and so much deserve. I am so very proud of you, not only because of the weight loss but because of all you have dealt with concerning your family. One more thing I do pray for is that JESUS will come again soon and take us all out of this miserable world. Just keep on keeping on Judy and remember you have so many people who love and admire you.