Judy Ann Lockwood

Judy Ann Lockwood
I am also called SugarBear...Juju.. and Mom

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael
I do not know what I would do without him!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Mike's Surgery

Well it is almost 10 pm we just got home from the hospital. Mike is doing well from his surgery so they did not keep him overnight. (THANK YOU LORD) Hawaiian Gardens is not that close to our house. It is about an hour and half or so away. Mike is resting on our bed and I came in to check my email for a minute then I have to go back to be nursemaid. They sent him home with this electric ice chest thingy that plugs into where his surgery was it is to keep swelling, pain and infection down. I fill it up with ice then water then it circulates... Kind of a neat machine actually.....Different but neato.. (smile)

Just wanted you all to know we are home and well and I pray the surgery was a success the DR seemed to think it all should be fine now.

While we were at the hospital for the surgery... Kaiser called about his tests he had done about his eyes the DR said she was still not satisfied with the results and wants to retest him in 3 months or so. UMN... kind of scary it is the part of the eye that causes blindness they are concerned with and with his recent tests of them feeling he now has diabetes that does scare me a bit. So keep this matter in prayer too please. He is falling apart lately it seems. I guess that happens when you get old huh. We cannot live forever. But I wish to keep him around a lot longer. We will have our 38th Anniversary on Friday. I am very blessed to have such a wonderful hubby.

And speaking of wonderful.. Aaron did great all day at the hospital especially considering he was hungry the cafeteria at this hospital is weird they close at 2 and Mike's surgery was not until 4:30 and we stayed with him until surgery so by the time he went to surgery they were closed. So we hit the vending machines. I had taken some cheese and crackers cause I knew I would have to have a bite of something today too. Thank goodness I did. Before surgery the therapist doctor was cute he was showing Michael how to use the ice therapy machine they were gonna be sending home with Michael and they they said they needed to prepare Mike for surgery. So Mike said tell my wife how to use it please. Well Kimmi had went with us to the hospital... I said I am the wife Kimmi said I am his girlfriend.... this guy said cool I wish my wife was so accommodating that she allowed me to have a girlfriend. I said I have no choice... he laughed, it was really funny. But I really appreciated Kimmi coming along with us and helping to keep Aaron company I must say Aaron was extremely well behaved today and had no issues at all. Also was awesome because Bro. Glenn drove all the way down there too and he calls Aaron his body guard. (smile) Bro. Glenn is the Assit. Pastor of our church and also he is Aaron's one on one teacher on Sunday Nights Aaron adores him and I think Bro. Glenn feels the same way back at him. (smile) THANK YOU BRO GLENN for spending the day and evening with us and helping us pass the 5 hours or so....We love ya..
Here are some pictures I took before surgery...
In the one picture Mike was saying to me look Mommy I now have a boo boo where she had put in the IV took her 2 times to get it in...