Judy Ann Lockwood

Judy Ann Lockwood
I am also called SugarBear...Juju.. and Mom

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael
I do not know what I would do without him!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Hello All

Well tomorrow Michael will get all his stitches out he has done quite well I might add. Praise the Lord so far no issues with the surgery and it was a week ago yesterday. He is getting antsy and ready to return to work.

We had a nice weekend we saw a few movies over the past week. We saw Dark Knight. Awesome movie I might add. Also we saw Hancock I love Will Smith. Funny and Sad movie is all I will say on that one. We went to the 2 dollar movie with Kim and the girls at 10 pm on Saturday night and saw Zohan. It is funny just cause of who is the star that guy makes you laugh no matter what I think. (smile)

Yesterday I worked on things for Aaron's school all day. The Principal wanted me to make a flyer to send home to the parents today about having a Parent Advisory Meeting next Wednesday evening at the school. Last year Julie had asked me to be the chairperson for the Parent Advisory Committee for the school. (it is something like PTA for Public Schools) and Aaron attends a NPS School. (Non Public School) so I made the flyer and took it to her so she could make copies and get them out. She also asked me to write something to place on the School Website so I worked on that some also. She also emailed me and asked if I could give a 15 minute speech on Autism at this meeting corporate is going to be having so I spent last night writing a speech. So basically yesterday all free time was dealing with things for Aaron's school.

Today I need to start on this weeks church bulletin. Nothing much new here really just still have my patient Michael home from work. Ha.. and Aaron is still out of school so I have had both my guys with me all summer. I guess I should say PRAY FOR ME. (SMILE) Sending you safe and gentle hugs for the day.... Love ya...