Judy Ann Lockwood

Judy Ann Lockwood
I am also called SugarBear...Juju.. and Mom

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael
I do not know what I would do without him!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Happy Anniversary.....

MySpace  Graphics

Well today is our 38th Anniversary seems like we just had our 37th just a couple of months ago. So much has changed though since last year. We have had a busy year so I guess when you are busy time just flies. (smile) And I am getting healthier and healthier and feeling so much better than this time last year. I tease to everyone I have lost like a 5th grader off my body. I have hit a stall again so I am stuck for a bit and not losing much right now but Dr said this is what will happen cause my body has to play catch up. I am still losing inches though even if not pounds so I will take whatever I can get. (Ha ha ha) But still looking forward to hitting my first goal of 100 pounds of weight off. So I have about 13 more pounds to do that. I have had SO SO MUCH support from Michael and Aaron on this and they are VERY PROUD of me and they call me SKINNY.. ha ha ha I will never be skinny but cute they think so. It is funny how loving someone makes you feel I love my TWO GUYS and I not only started this journey of weight loss 5 months ago for me but also to be around longer for my TWO GUYS....Also my other family the Yearsley's have been a wonderful source of support. And Kimmi tells me all the time she is proud of me too. And my friend Penny Bowhay calls me her Hottie Friend now. And so many others have been so encouraging to me and noticed the weight loss, it helps more than you could ever know... (So thanks to everyone for your love and support) it means the world to me.

I am very blessed to have my hubby for sure. He is a wonderful man and the best Daddy in the whole world (well according to Aaron that is)The sun rises and sets in his Dad as far as Aaron is concerned.
He has been a wonderful Daddy all these years, regardless of what some may say or lies that are told.

He is recovering from his surgery quite nicely and has been a very good patient actually. I had told him last week he had better be or I would cut him up in tiny pieces and tell God he fell apart. (just kidding) he he he.. But I have not had to say that again maybe I scared him into being an ideal patient ya think? Well whatever works I say. ha ha ha

Seriously I cannot believe it has been 38 years and I won't lie it has not been easy at times. You have to work at marriage for sure. Living with someone 24/7 is not always an easy task. But we have BOTH put up with each other at times when it would have been easier to walk out but we struggled and continued on. Michael always said when we got married it was for life. He has had SO MANY divorces in his family between his Dad, Mom and Brothers and Sister he said he would never go through all that. So all their divorces I guess made him a stronger person. Also his belief in God and reading the Bible. The Bible says you are to stay married for life. So I am also great full to have a hubby that is a God Fearing Man.

Here is what we looked like on our wedding day 38 years ago.. I LOVE YOU MICHAEL....
Happy Anniversary from your SugarBear..............

I was 17 years old and Michael had just turned 20 the month prior to our wedding


Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary to you Judy and Mike hope you have 38 more wonderful years together and you do look awesome girl. I am proud of you too. Keep up the wonderful work and keep sending me updates and pictures of you please.

Anonymous said...

Hope you both have a wonderful day together. You are an inspiration to me being married to one person that long. In todays world people are not in it for the committment but for what they can get out of it. Love you

Anonymous said...

Judy you look the same to me now as you did way back then. You are still beautiful and have a beautiful smile. Happy Anniversary dearest friend.

Anonymous said...

That is so remarkable married for 38 years. That is quite a testament for sure. I am very happy for you both and Mike is one lucky man to have you for his wife.