Judy Ann Lockwood

Judy Ann Lockwood
I am also called SugarBear...Juju.. and Mom

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael
I do not know what I would do without him!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Busy Monday

Well I got up yesterday to go to the hospital for my weekly injections of B1 and B12 now I do not need any for a month whew...
Was crazy at Kaiser so so many sick people.. I wanted to wear a mask. I have not been sick in a LONG TIME and hope to keep it that way.

Then I had to go to Social Security. I had to pull a number then I finally talked to a lady through the thick glass.. (smile) she said I would have to see a worker so wait for my name to be called. It was like 10:30 I finally got out of there at 1:10. I had been sent a paper that said since Aaron was disabled I had to put in an application for Medicare.. Yes you heard me Medicare something that is for old people. Ha ha ha.. Also they wanted me to submit ANOTHER APP for SSDI... So had to do that all over again knowing it would be denied until he is 18. They go by the parents income until the child reaches 18. Then he can get monthly support then because they do not go by parents income after 18. So finally got all those filled out and signed and I went by the Post office and mailed it to the crazy people. Ha ha ha.

Then I came by the house picked up Michael, Aaron and Jessica. Jessica has been spending some time with us she and Aaron played Wii the night before till like 2 am. Aaron loves having her here. So off we went back to the Kaiser hospital. Michael had a 2 and a 2:30 appointment with specialists about his eyes. When he got his eye exam last month they found something wrong with his eyes. Cannot remember what is it is called but early stages of what causes someone to go blind. So they sent him to a Specialist a couple of weeks ago and he ordered 2 more different tests yesterday. We should find out results in a week or so they said.

Then we went by the surgeons office to see if they have scheduled his surgery yet. Was told we should find out today when that is going to be. Between his Drs visits and mine we are busy busy busy.. (smile)

Jess and I went into a cute little store and I bought her a really cute halter kind of top. I love shopping for girls clothes. My girls always had cute clothes when they were home. My friend always said if she believed in reincarnation she wanted to come back as one of my daughters because I was so good to my girls and always took them shopping even had their prom dresses made one year so no one would have one like theirs.
When Jess was just a wee little thing she came to spend some time with Auntie Juju she went back home with clothes she did not come with. Ha ha.. One was a cute lavender dress and some pretty hair ribbons too. I promised her yesterday she would not have to buy a frilly dress today. Ha ha ha..

Then the kids were hungry so off to subway we went. Jess loves subs and so does Michael and Aaron. They all got the 12 inch I got the mini sub like the 3 inch one and could not eat it all. (smile) oh the joys of gastric bypass. ha ha ha..

After that we went to Sams Club had to get the goodies for Vacation Bible School on Wednesday night I signed up to help bring snacks this week. So I got crackers and cheese because we are supposed to bring healthy snacks since the theme is the Olympic Games. Also bought some steaks. I have not had a steak in over a year. So Mike is gonna Bar B Q tonight. I will eat like 4 bites maybe but yum it will be to taste steak again I am sure. I put them in to marinate last night so they should be yummy by dinner tonight.

We brought all that home then took the kids to go see the movie called the Strangers. Wow what a nightmare of a movie. Very scary to think that actually happened. But we all enjoyed it none the less.

When we got home it was like 9:30 so Aaron and Jess played basketball it had been to hot in the daytime to play. They played for like 3o minutes and both came in soaked it was still very hot and humid even at 9:30 last night so they worked up a good sweat. So off Jess went to shower then Aaron they they played Wii again.

Today I am off soon to the hospital Pat Yates is having surgery this afternoon and I am going to go and sit with Lloyd for a bit.

So not sure about the rest of the day what it will hold but seems like since I quit working I am running running running all the time. Ha ha ha..

Hope you all have a good day.. Stay COOL.. supposed to be in the triple digits here again today..Summer has for sure arrived.