Judy Ann Lockwood

Judy Ann Lockwood
I am also called SugarBear...Juju.. and Mom

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael
I do not know what I would do without him!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend Tournament

This weekend is the Memorial Day Tournament for the Moreno Valley Youth Federation. It goes from Friday Night to Monday. Friday night Bill's Special Kids played in the Tournament. The kids all had a great time despite the cold and the rain. It was great the parents brought their kids out to enjoy in the fun times. Here are some of the pictures I took. Since it was raining on and off I didn't get very many, but wanted something to remember the night.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Weird weird weather I feel like Dorothy and Wizard of Oz....

Click on where it says weird weird weather is a link to
Check out a video that shows the big rig that was turned over
and the box cars of the train by the tornados..

We are having such weird weather... Last weekend was 105 right now it is like 50 degrees...
2 tornados were spotted in Riverside County at 5 pm last night one of them touched down in Moreno Valley.

The funnel cloud touched down near March Air Reserve Base; the storm then moved toward the Lake Elsinore area.

The Moreno Valley twisters tipped over a big rig on the northbound Interstate 215 and derailed a number of boxcars from railroad tracks on the other side of the freeway. The Jaws of Life had to be used to extricate the injured truck driver.

Snow was reported in the local mountains, and hail in was in Redlands and in Moreno Valley areas. Last night we went to print the bulletin for church on Sunday at there was no electricity at our church. Power was out in the neighborhood houses surrounding the church as well. When we arrived you could see how much it had hailed it had came off the roof on the drain spout. There was a pile of hail by the front door of my church. As I said weird weird weather we are having for sure.

This picture was taken by March Air Reserve Base close to my house.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Spring Cleaning Bug.....

Well I have been busy these past few weeks the spring cleaning bug bit me I guess. I cleaned all our closets. I took 4 big bags of clothes out of my closet of things I cannot wear anymore since losing 75 pounds. Some I kept are a bit big on me too but I had to keep some needed something to wear. (smile) cannot go around naked! What a site that would be NOT!!!!!! Ha ha ha....

So today I cleaned out around my computer desk what a mess. I really need to buy a paper shredder too. Something else on my list I need to put down to buy....

Where do all these papers come from do they grow in the middle of night??? Unreal... how much garbage mail we get too. Ergh!!!!!

Yesterday we cleaned the front yard up and made it look pretty again.
Here are some pictures. And look at the adorable Bear Welcome Michael bought me. He said it is Me, Aaron and Him.. so cute huh? It is by our front door....

Aaron and Baseball

Here is Aaron's Baseball picture this year and here is a picture of his trophy he won too. It is really cool. Tomorrow night he is playing in the Memorial Baseball Tournament.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Happy Birthday Amanda

Today is my oldest daughter Amanda's 28th Birthday. Hard to believe it was 28 years ago I gave birth to her. She was a miracle child. After having many miscarriages it was a true miracle when we were blessed with her birth. I was in labor for 3 days with her. She was not ready to come out. She weighed 6 pounds and 3 ounces so I guess she was comfortable inside still. Now she is married and has a little girl of her own. My how the years pass and things change. But I shall never forget her birth and how blessed I felt to have her for my daughter. Happy Birthday Sweetie. I will love you forever.

Our Family

When we were at Pat and Bobs a couple of weeks ago Bob snapped this photo of us in his backyard I thought it was kind of cute considering we were not prepared to take a picture that day really.

Speed Racer

Since Michael has been off work (he got hurt at work about 10 days ago) Anyway he hurt his wrist and has been having to have physical therapy everyday. So we picked up Aaron at school yesterday and took him to see Speed Racer. He had been asking to see it ever since he saw the trailer for it a few months ago at the movies. I have to admit it was kind of a cute movie. Michael and Aaron loved it. So that is all that matters. Now me I would have liked to have seen Prom Night. Ha!

The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian begins today that is another one Aaron wants to see so I am sure we will have to go and see that also very soon.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Dottie Rambo Dies on Mother's Day.......

Another Gospel Legend has gone home. On Sunday morning May 11, 2008 at approximately 2:19 AM, the bus Dottie Rambo was traveling in was hit by high, gusty winds and pushed down an embankment into a median on I-44 near Mt. Vernon, MO. Dottie was on her way to meet Lulu Roman and Naomi Sego at a Golden Girls of Gospel Concert in North Richland Hills, TX at the Fountain of Life Church. Traveling with Dottie were her manager Larry Ferguson, his wife Judy and their two sons Pierce and Christian, the bus drive Ronnie Meadows and Chris Barnes, Larry's assistant. The survivors have sustained multiple injuries and are receiving care. Doctors say they will recover, but it may be a long process.

Dottie Rambo was the most respected and loved gospel songwriter in he world. She had written over 2500 songs, many of which have been recorded by Dolly Parton, Elvis Presley, Whitney Houston, and Porter Wagoner as well as nearly every other gospel singer. Her music crossed all genres of music.

Dottie Rambo's Home-going celebration service will be held on Monday, May 19, 2008.

Monday, May 12, 2008

WOO HOO......

Well I see my surgeon tomorrow. It has been 3 months since my surgery. I am feeling so much better. And officially total weight loss as of today is 70 pounds. I have been FAT FAT FAT the majority of my life. It is so cool to be able to go shopping and find something cute to put on. Yesterday when arriving at church our Assistant Pastor said Brother Mike what does your wife think about you hanging around with this skinny woman. I laughed and said his wife loves it. (smile) It is nice to know that it is showing finally some of my weight loss. I am FAR FAR far from skinny and I shall never be skinny I just wanted to be more healthy and be able to walk better for my bad knee. We went shopping on Saturday for hours in the mall and I did not get tired nor did I have to sit down and rest. After church one our Deacons whispered in my ear. Sister Judy how much have you lost now? I told him and he said awesome... he said he knew it was not polite to ask about a womans weight but he really wanted to know because I looked so good. I told him no it is not nice to say wow how much weight have you gained... ha ha ha... So I was pretty jazzed that 2 of the men of our church had noticed. That is a WOO HOO moment for me. (SMILE)

Anyway Michael took a picture of me and Aaron and one of me yesterday here they are. I love my baby boy who is my sweet Giant...

So this was taken yesterday

and this one was 3 months ago..

Another Moms Day Present

When we went to Pat and Bobs yesterday to drop off Aaron, Pat handed me this big pretty pink bag and said Happy Mothers Day. She and Bob had made this for me and I LOVE IT. I love them too. (SMILE)..... I am so blessed to have them in my life or should I say we are blessed to have them in our lives. I am so happy they have adopted us. Ha!
She is truly a sister to me. Thanks again Pat and Bob... don't know what I would do without you in my life..I also got the most adorable card that said Happy Mothers Day Grandma from Nathan. He is such a doll... I love him to death...

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mothers Day

Happy Mothers Day to all you Moms who read my blog...
I have had a wonderful day. Aaron got me a Photo Frame that is Digital I have wanted one for quite some time and the guys went shopping last week and got it for me. I love it....

I needed a new soft blanket to cuddle with on the bed while we watch tv at night. It has Tinkerbell on it. I have never seen one this big. It is so nice and soft. I love it.

All my adopted Sisters, Pat, Penny and Pam have called to wish me a Happy Mothers Day and Patrice my adopted daughter I call her hers was the first this morning. I love you Patrice. (smile) Hugs! You are a great Mommy too.

So my day has been blessed. I will post the pictures we took outside today later. I have to run because Pat is having a dinner for Evelyn at her house and we are going by there. Aaron is going to stay with them for the dinner. Tonight is Business Meeting at our church and we needed to be there for that. So we will meet up with them all later.

Hope you all had a wonderful day.. I will post more tomorrow and the pictures off the camera from today..

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Aaron's 15th Birthday Photos

I finally got around to getting Aaron to Sears for his Birthday Pictures. Since his school does not do school pictures I try and make sure I get him in each year. And since I have the photo membership card at Sears there is no sitting fee and I always wait till have the coupon for inexpensive package too. Right now having Mother's Day Specials so it was good.
Here are the proofs..

Airshow this past weekend

We took Aaron to see the Airshow this past weekend it was really neat. The Thunderbirds were there. They are awesome.
Here is one of their planes.

They do awesome things in the sky.. scary but awesome..

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Ironman the movie

Last night after Aaron's Baseball game (which he hit a homerun in I might add) we took him to see Ironman. Yesterday was opening day of the movie. We were going to see the 8:00 o'clock show but the line was all around the mall. So we opted for the 8:45 show and we were first in line for that one.
Aaron has been watching the trailers for this movie for quite sometime and he always knows when it is being released just like with video games he always does the count down on. (um yes it does sound like an Autism child doesn't it) Ha!

Anyway Dad and I really enjoyed the movie as well. And all I will say as to not to ruin anything just as with the Pirates movies you must sit through all the credits and not miss the ending that is all I will say. (wink)....

Hope you have a nice weekend. Have to run to get Aaron to guitar lessons. Also today is the Air Show and the Thunderbirds are here. They have been practicing all week coming right over our house. Been really cool.. We live really close to March Air Base.


Thursday, May 1, 2008

Arlene and Nolan

I had Arlene and Nolan in my daycare for many years. Arlene came to my daycare at just a few months old. Nolan came when he was a few weeks old. Dawn their mom keeps in touch with me still. She brought the kids by the other night to see us. Wow they have grown. It was great seeing them. I took a picture of Arlene and Nolan while they were here. I made this scrapbook page of that picture and it has a picture of Nolan and Arlene when younger too.