Judy Ann Lockwood

Judy Ann Lockwood
I am also called SugarBear...Juju.. and Mom

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael
I do not know what I would do without him!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Friday, December 31, 2010

Got this in the mail right now.. Love it..
from Dad Bill, Pam, Penny, Danny and William..

Just put it on a stand in my Curio Cabinet..

Thanks so much for adopting us into the Yearsley Family...
Family are those who love you... And we LOVE YOU ALL...

Happy New Years Eve

Hello friends.. Hope you all have a nice New Years Eve. Mike has to work tonight at Wally World from 10 pm to 7 am...

Nathan Minton has been here a couple of days spending some time with Bubba. They have had a nice time.

This morning I made them French Toast with Powder Sugar, Fresh Apples and Whipped Cream on it. Aaron said he didn't want to eat it cause it was to pretty.. Ha

Nathan said I should take a picture of it and send it to Ihop. Ha!

Anyway they ate it.. and seemed to enjoy it.

Have a safe New Years Eve...

Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas Eve

Been in the kitchen making our Christmas Eve munchies.. we always eat munchies tonight and watch movies.. I made some of the Mexican dip with cheese, salsa and green chilis and green onion.... deviled eggs, veggies, pinwheels made with tortillas, cheese spread I made and ham... all kinds of goodies plus I made these cute Christmas Trees from Pillsbury Crescent Rolls that you cut and make into shape of a tree and bake.. you put cream cheese chive and sour cream spread on it after it is cooled them decorate with veggies.. I used orange, yellow, red and green bell peppers, celert, tiny carrots, broccoli, etc.. they turned out cute made one for Deannie I am going to go drop it off at her house so her family can enjoy it for their family festivites tonight. Hope you all have a safe holiday...

Monday, December 20, 2010

SO Proud of our son

I am so proud of Aaron Michael Lockwood.. AKA BUBBA

Just went online to check out his Semester Grades and he got ALL A's and B's and 2 of the B's he missed an A by the skin of his teeth.. This all despite the fact of his surgery and his being in the hospital and all. All I can say is WAY TO GO BUBBA.. And all of these classes but one his English 4 (Senior English) that is the only class that is NOT a mainstream regular education class. WOO HOO..

I am just thrilled with him he is trying so very hard and all his hard work and efforts are paying off...

Love you Bubba.. Hugs Momma

Monday, November 29, 2010

Happy Monday Morning

Hope all who are reading this had a nice Thanksgiving. Ours was very quiet. Michael had to go into work at 8 pm and work till 5 am. Bubba was not feeling well and went up to take a nap at 3 pm and did not wake until 5:30 the next morning. So needless to say I was alone most of the day cause Mike had to take a nap too.

I was not going to decorate this year for the Holidays after the cruddy year we have had with all of Aaron's surgeries and health issues.. But he said Mom are you really not going to decorate??? So by that I knew he wanted me to.. so I decided I had to after that. So I have been busy getting the house ready for Christmas.

After losing my Mom and Evelyn just 19 days apart last month, I really did not feel the wanting to celebrate. But life goes on... Cannot sit around feeling depressed. And Bubba needs something to make his days happier he has had such a rough year.

Sometimes I think no one is reading my blog then I get emails from you all saying okay Judy why aren't you posting? HA HA HA.. So I guess many of you do keep up to date on the Lockwood Clan from this site. So I will keep on posting as time permits and I remember to do it. HA!

Here are a few pictures of my decorations..

Sunday, November 21, 2010

YAY for Bubba

Friday was the Regional Level Bowling Special Olympics Bubba insisted he was well enough to try and bowl. He had to bowl in Regionals in order to bowl in State level in January.

HE DID AWESOME he won the GOLD.. WOO HOO Bubba.. he has went through so much with his surgeries and health and treatments this year.. Bless his heart..He had a hard time trying to bowl but did so so good..

Another day

It has been a month ago today since my Mom passed.. Happy for her sad for the rest of us left behind.. Sure she and Dad are having a wonderful time once again..

I love ya Mom

Monday, November 1, 2010

SO glad October is over..

A day after my last posting I got a phone call that said that my Mom had passed away.. I could not believe it. Evelyn had died earlier in the month then Tommy then my mother.. and also Aaron had his surgery and had been in an out of the hospital.

So we took off on Saturday and made the trek to CA for my Moms funeral and then went to Tommys the next day after my Moms.

I know she is finally at peace and is with my Daddy once again and she is HAPPY..

Was such an insane month. I pray November is better..

Please continue to keep Bubba in your prayers.

I had this picture taken of my Mom prior to me moving to Oklahoma..

Rest in Peace dear Mommy...

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Another relative gone home to be with Jesus

At 11:41 God called another Soldier home last night. My cousin's husband was escorted into Heaven and is now with his wife and other loved ones who have gone on before us. He was a wonderful man of God. I had basically known him all of my life well as far as I can remembering knowing and remembering anyone.
He was such a sweet gentle man always had a kind word to say about everyone. This past year has been hard on him I am happy for him but sad for his children. See you in heaven someday Tommy... Give my Dad a hug for me please...

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

A Sad Day

Today is the service for Evelyn please keep the family in your prayers. My heart is with them in spirit. Wish I could have went to CA to be with them all. But I know Mom Evelyn would have been saying JUDY your place is with Aaron... I can hear her telling me that right now. (smile) But it doesn't make me feel any less sad and depressed to the fact I could not be there with my dear adopted sisters in my heart and my dear sweet "DAD" Bill...


Thursday, October 7, 2010

My dear sweet Evelyn

Saturday night while I sat in the hospital room with Bubba sleeping I got a phone call telling me my beloved Evelyn had went to Heaven.

Oh how my heart was aching...
Any of you who know me at all know how much I loved Evelyn.. I was blessed she called me one of her daughters. She has 3 daughters but she made me her 4th one and she did not treat me any differently than she did her own biological daughters. She opened her arms and her heart to me. She called Bubba her Grandson and always sent him giftcards on his Birthday and Christmas...

When we were in CA.. we were included in EVERY family event and gathering.. Fathers Day.. Mothers Day.. Fourth of July.... Birthdays... Thanksgiving.. Christmas Eve and Christmas.. you name it any family dinners we were ALWAYS included.. This wonderful family came into our lives when many of our own family had deserted us and walked out on us. They are truly a ONE IN A MILLION kind of family. The love, compassion, empathy and concern they show.

I am so upset there is no way I can attend the funeral for Evelyn but with all that Bubba is going through there is no way he is up to the trip and no way I can fly there because he needs me here each day when Home Health Nurses comes to care for him etc.. I know "Mom" Evelyn is up in Heaven right now saying.. Judy you take care of Bubba I am no longer in pain.. but oh how I wish I could be there for the family...

In June we went to CA for Penny's wedding.. I was quite fearful it would be the last time I would see Evelyn alive she had been fighting this awful CANCER for several years now. I am so very THANKFUL God allowed us to be able to make the trip to CA in June.

This photo was of me and Mom Evelyn the day of the Rehearsal Dinner

Even while she was so very very ill she would ask Pat how is Aaron doing have you spoken with Judy today? And this weekend with all that dear sweet Bill is going through of losing his wife of so many many years he asked Pat have you heard how Aaron is in the hospital today? So even in times of their own trials and struggles they continue to care about others.. UNREAL...We just celebrated our 40th Anniversary in July and Mom Evelyn sent us a card that said Happy 40th.. so unselfish so caring.. so loving..

This photo was at Penny and Danny's Wedding 3 months ago..

I loved this SPECIAL LADY ever so much and I thank the Lord for placing her in our lives...

So behind on posting so much going on..

Bubba had his surgery 2 weeks ago.. it has been quite the ordeal..

He has been to the ER two times since surgery one time was bleeding like crazy looked like someone had tried to kill someone there was so much blood almost gave me a heart attack..

Next day back to ER he had a 103 temp and alot of drainage coming out of the incision. The admitted him to the hospital. We spent the next 2 days in the hospital. I stayed with him it was over the weekend and Mike works at Walmart all weekend. So I just lived at the Hospital with him.

When we saw the surgeon yesterday he took out the other stitches and the WHOLE area opened right up he said he was not surprised because he had was very agressive in this surgery in order to remove all the cancer.. But wow we are talking a Crator in his back.. OUCH no wonder he has been in pain. You can see it on his face. Yet he NEVER complains he is the BEST patient I have ever seen. All the Drs and Nurses have been amazed at him and how well he is dealing with all of this. It has been going on and off for the past 15 months now..

This is what it looked like before stitches came out..

So here is what it looks like today....

Home Health Nurses come to our Home each day to change his dressing and check vitals take blood etc.. they are awesome..

Please do continue to keep him in your prayers..

Monday, September 13, 2010

Grandparents Day

We are so blessed to have a sweet daughter who thinks of us as grandparents for her adorable sons...

Got the best surprise in the mail a card.. look at it.. it made me cry... I LOVE YOU PATRICE.. You are tbe best daughter in the world anyone could ever pray for..
Thanks for calling me MOM... I love you.. and my adorable grandsons...and of course BEN too.. (smile)

Sunday, September 5, 2010

WHEW what a week...

Home health nurses are still coming daily at 8 am during the week and 10 am on weekends...

Started out Monday morning with nurse coming then took Bubba to school he had eye appointment after school so I picked him up at 3 and took him for exam. Needed new glasses.. (more money someone wanted.. LOL)

Then Tuesday Home health nurse arrived we had appointment with Surgeon in afternoon in Enid. So picked Bubba up from school and picked up Michael from work and off to Enid we went. The surgeon decided he did need to do a bit of surgery on the tumor/cyst once again to open it up. ( I think they are going to have to take him back into surgery again ) to have it all cut off and totally removed not just opened up. Nurse thinks so also she does not think this infection is going to clear up without complete removal of entire thing. Surgeon was leaving for vacation on Wednesday so he will see him again on the 14th I think it is. So will know more than.

Wednesday nurse came took she said I should keep him home today he was running a temp and was bleeding quite a bit. So he stayed home. We had afternoon appointment at the College for his Vocational Rehabilitation Program so we did make it to that.

Thursday nurse came and said he could try and go to school if he felt up to it. He wanted to try and go so he did. We had an after school appointment with his Psychologist.
However Thursday morning I had a bad morning. My fibro has been killing me lately but something else was going on had a backache that would not quit. It took me like 10 minutes to get off my bed everytime I would move it was like I was being stabbed in the back. I never cry with pain but I sure did Thursday morning I scared Mike and Bubba cause I never cry or complain with pain I deal with it. It took me like 10 minutes to finally get down all the stairs. I was HURTING. So even though I do not have insurance I called the Dr and told them she said come right in when I took Bubba to school. She gave me Steriod shot, Pain Shot and my B-12 injection I was overdo on. And sent me home with also a bunch of medication she said I have Sciatica and the nerve was being pinched or something. All I knew was I was hurting. I also have Degenertive Joint Disease and Osteoarthritis so these do not help either. Anyway I was able to motivate after the injections. Do not like the meds they make me feel like Gumby but I am taking them cause better than the pain.

Friday nurse came then took Bubba to school. Eye Dr called his glasses were in so had to take him there after school.

Saturday Nurse came at 10:00 Mike went up to nap about noon he had worked all night at Walmart from 10 pm to 7 am came home and mowed some of our acre of lawn. We have ALOT OF LAWNS at this house.. Bubba went up to nap so I just kicked back and rested some besides doing a bit of laundry.

Today is Sunday could not attend church this morning cause Nurse was coming between 10 and 11 am. She left a bit ago. So Bubba went up to play his game and rest. Mike is out working on yard some more then he is gonna take a wee nap he worked all night again at Walmart. Hopefully we can go to church tonight at 6 pm for evening services if Bubba is up to it.

Tomorrow is Labor Day Mike does not work and Bubba has no school. Nurse is coming at 9 am. We hope if Bubba is up to it for us to drive into Pratt, Kansas tomorrow so we can get out of town for a couple of hours. They have a huge Walmart Supercenter there and they have the auto section so I can get my oil changed. We do not have any of those things at our Walmart here. Silly too cause it is the only store basically we have in this tiny town you would think they would have all the special things in this store. BUT NOPE.. we are in the STICKS I tell ya.. (smile)

So that is our past week in a short version you can see all I did was run, run, run and take Bubba here and there. He is a full time job I tell ya. But I LOVE HIM to death.. My Gentle Giant who is like a Teddy Bear..

Hope you all had a better week than we did... Between Aaron's new glasses having to drive to Enid for his surgery and my Dr appointment and paying for my medications we had a very very expensive week.. Hope this week is better..

Whew I am pooped just writing about my week...

Sending you many hugs..

ALSO PLEASE keep Evelyn in your prayers she started a new round of Chemo and is making her very tired...

Love you

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Glad this is a new week................

I pray this week is better than last week.

The In Home Health Nurse came each day again this past week to see Bubba and take his vitals and change his dressing etc. He did not feel good most of the week. Then on Friday when she came she was not happy with the way the cyst/tumor was looking at all she said it was going to have to be drained she feared and she called our PCP (Pamela) and she said to come right over. Pam took a culture of it and said we needed to put in a call to the surgeon. So they faxed papers over to Dr. Shreck his surgeon and I called and spoke to the nurse she said she was already gone for the day but that she would give him all the paperwork and info first thing on Monday she said however he is leaving to go out of town this week. (Oh joy) not what I really wanted to hear. So I guess tomorrow we shall see.

Today is Sunday it is 2:17 and the Nurse just left. She said his temp was down today so that is a good thing. She said his Blood Pressure was slightly elevated however.

Then on top of all of Bubba's health issues I have gotten myself a major UTI and my back is killing me..Hurts when I walk really bad. And my fibro has been giving me fits this week as well. I know stress and fibro do not mix. So I am praying this next week is a better week for us all.

I hope you all have a great week.. Love and Hugs

Friday, August 13, 2010

Hello friends

Well we got through the first week back to school for Michael and for Aaron. Aaron is a Senior wow. Mike will be working at the HS as a Paraprofessional in a couple of weeks right now working as a Para at the Middle School.

Aaron broke his cell phone yesterday at school he was so upset I felt so sorry for him.

The In Home Health Care Nurses are still coming daily before school to check his vitals and change his dressing on his infected area. They are AWESOME nurses ALL OF THEM. We are so lucky to have them help us out with this. Keep on praying for his healing and health.

My High School is having their 40th reunion in November in CA I SOOOOOOOOO want to attend.. Please say a prayer for this. I went to school from Grade school with many of these people so have known some of them for almost 50 years it would be so very very awesome to see them all. I just have to pray for a windfall. (smile) or for us or someone to win the lottery. If ya win the lottery any of you please let me know. (smile) Seriously it would be awesome to attend it is during Thanksgiving Weekend so I would actually get to also see THE YEARSLEYs for Thanksgiving so would be a double blessing. So just have to come up with money for the flight to rent a car for a few days and for the ticket for the reunion and hotel cost for the night of the reunion. I can find places to stay while there since it would be just me coming. But still this will be a lot of money. So say a prayer for me that this would work out. I could use a break... Mike really wants me to be able to go we attended his 40th Reunion right before we moved to Oklahoma. It was a lot of fun.

Well, I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. I have been feeling kind of yucky past few days.. And this heat is a booger it is 106 here today...

Hugs N Prayers to you ALL.........................

Friday, August 6, 2010

Update on Bubba

Okay was I still concerned on how Aaron was doing since his surgery back in February was not pleased at the progress of the healing of the area of the surgery etc. I called his primary Dr. she said to bring him right in to see her. She took one look and said good Lord, she called her nurse in who has worked with wound care patients before her name is Mandy. She said oh no we have to get something done for him this is awful. She did culture (biopsy) of the two areas the actual wounds and also the cyst/tumor like growth growing again on top. When we got home she called and said have Aaron in here before office opens at 8:30 am tomorrow I have someone who needs to see Aaron. So we went in. We saw Regina she is an RN who specilizes in Wound Care Home Health Care. She said yes, they needed to start caring for Aaron NOW...

They set it up for Regina and Wendy to come on Wednesday to our home. They took his vitals and history etc and dressed the infected area etc.. Putting something on to to create to skin growth as well.

Wendy has come everyday since and today another RN came as well to check on him with Wendy. Her name was Mary. All of these ladies are AWESOME so caring and gentle knowing that Aaron having to show his BUTT is not a favorite thing for a young man to have to do. But he is such a trooper and does not complain.

They also put him on a new med for pains as well. Wendy said normally they see patients Monday thru Friday but she said until he is feeling better she wants to see him Saturday and Sunday also. So it will be for 7 days for right now. Eventually will be Monday Wednesday and Friday visits. But it is so awesome they come into our home and do this all...

So we will just have to drive into Enid periodically to see the Surgeon for him to view the progress of the area. We have to go next Tuesday the day before school starts actually to see the Surgeon.

Please continue to keep Bubba in your prayers he has been through so very much this past year with everything. As if life has not been difficult enough over the years with his disabilities he gets thrown this into the mixture as well. He never complains and goes with the flow of what I say needs to be done. He is such a sweet kiddo I love him so so much..

Anyway just wanted to fill everyone in who reads this blog.. any personal questions on the issue just email at I am not posting ALL that is happening with his treatments on this open forum for all to read so feel free to ask if you want to know more.

God Bless

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Me and my boys

Patrice sent me this photo she took of me with my boys while in CA last month for the wedding.. This is Nathan and Cooper (I call them my grandsons) I love them to death... Gramma Juju misses you both something awful!!!!!!!!

Elijah's First Birthday

Sweet little Elijah.. the little one that Aaron adores here in town..
He just had his first BD.. he is such a doll. His Mom did the party in Elmo so we got him the cutest little Elmo outfit..

Friday, July 30, 2010

Happy Birthday

Today is Bill Yearsley's Birthday we love and miss you Bill out there in CA...

Bill is the man in charge of Bills Special Kids the Sports Group Aaron was in.. while in CA...

Aaron calls him Grampa... we are blessed to have him and the family in our lives.

This photo was taken last month while in CA at Penny's wedding..

Bubba and Grampa Bill

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

been a long 2 days

Home from the City.. thank the Lord for safe travels but need some continued prayers for Bubba... we also went to the hospital today to check on Don Canaan please continue to keep him and his entire family in prayer this is going to be a long road ahead of them with the amputation of his leg yesterday.(he is the father of a dear friend I met here in Alva after moving here..) Also went and saw Kim Lewis in the hospital she also needs your prayers as does her family. Thank you....

Monday, July 19, 2010


Hope everyone is having a great week thus far.. We are all okay here right now.. Aaron is getting anxious for school to begin I think. Anxious for his Senior year.. wow that sounds weird.. Senior and Aaron just don't go together LOL LOL

It was well over a 100 degrees here yesterday so I decided to try and make something pretty. My cousins son Ryan made it with Shrimp Salad in it I made it with Tuna Salad in it.. turned out pretty and very very yummy...

Here is what is looked like.. great for a summer dinner..

Monday, July 12, 2010

Never promised a tomorrow..

Just received one of those awful phone calls. The babies on my profile on facebook.. that I call my grandsons.. their grandpa died an hour or so ago with a massive heart attack. Please be with Patrice.. (the babies mommy) and her brother Michael and all the family he has left behind he was only 54 years old so quite scary indeed. God be with them all.... We are not promised a tomorrow tell those you love you love them.. NOW...

I laid my daddy to rest 11 years ago.. and I still love and miss him..

I love you Patrice and Michael and so know what you are going through..

Hugs N Prayers Judy

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Church Buddies

Last Sunday we attended Redlands Church while in California.. I got this picture of Corey and Aaron together I rememembed I had one in all of church photos of years ago.. so here is Corey and Bubba Then and Now.... Taken almost exactly 10 years apart... Corey and Aaron grew up together they were born only a few days apart....

Friday, July 2, 2010

Back from California

Thank the Lord we had safe travels to California and back. I am so happy we got to attend Danny and Penny's wedding.. God is Good..

Here are some photos..