Judy Ann Lockwood

Judy Ann Lockwood
I am also called SugarBear...Juju.. and Mom

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael
I do not know what I would do without him!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Monday, December 31, 2007

Year is coming to a close

Wow where oh where did this year go? Seems like just a couple of months ago it was turning 2007. I guess the saying is true the older you get the faster the time goes by. I must be aging really quickly then. (smile)

Looking over the year there are many things to be grateful for.

Aaron was only in the hospital once this year which was really good. (it was Church Camp time again) he has a really rough time going to church around the time it is for camp to come around. Everyone is talking about this and that for camp. He really hates to hear about it since he cannot go up for the week like the rest of the teens. He so much wishes to be a part of the youth group and their outings and such but he just cannot do it. It is so sad. Watching him and knowing how much he desires to be (normal) for lack of a better word for just one day....No one really truly understands the turmoil our boy goes through. Things that other teens in our church take basically sometimes for granted I think he would give anything to do. Sad but true. Sad people do not understand mental illness better. I mean some people could understand it more if they gave themselves half the chance to get to know Aaron better. (I mean the real Aaron) The teddy bear, caring, loving Aaron. With the sweetest, gentleness, most giving heart I have ever seen. Many people do not see this side of Aaron. They think of the times he has been hurt or upset over something. Sad but true. So looking back over this year I am so proud of Aaron and all he has come through not being accepted by some people. And oh so proud of him for trying so hard to stay in control, which at times can be really hard.
He is doing so well in school and I can really see some growth in these areas.
He even loves to go with Dad on Thursday night to the Church History Class that Dad is taking at the Seminary. He says our Pastor is very smart. (smile).....
And speaking of growth.. WOW ... he grew this year.. he is now 6 ft 3 and growing nightly it seems. (hopefully that kind of growth will lessen this year and his learning side of growing will continue)....

I want to thank the Yearsley Family for accepting him and ALL OF US for that matter into their loving, caring family. Lord knows I do not know how I would have made it without them. The minute Pat heard Aaron was in the hospital here she comes to give me a shoulder to cry and lean on. And her and Bob even went to the hospital to see Aaron when he was in. They entire Yearsley Family called me each day he was in the hospital to check on him and on US.... WOW is all I can say. I LOVE YOU GUYS.. more than you will ever know. Thank you for loving my son so much and for all you do for ALL the special kiddos with Bills Special Kids. You may not get much of a reward for all you have done for our kids here on earth. But I do believe God will have many blessings in store for ALL of you someday when you get to the Pearly Gates.

So as this year comes to a close tonight at midnight I thank the Lord for the wonderful year he has given us. And I pray 2008 we will be wonderful. And I will have better health (if I ever get approved for my surgery) (Ha!) Those of you who have been keeping in touch with me on all of this know why I say. Ha! have to smile about it at this point of the hurry up and then wait part of this. The nurse did call on Friday and asked if I could get to the lab before 7 pm to give more blood the DR before releasing me for surgery wanted to redo my vitamin D and B1 levels. He has been giving me MEGA doses of Vitamin D and B! injections. So hopefully they have worked and these tests will come back fine. Keep me in your prayers as I sit and wait to get approval and also hopefully have the surgery soon.

Tonight we shall spend the end of this year in church. Our church is having a Watch Night service. So that should be nice. Bringing in the new year at church.

I pray you all have a safe and Happy New Year's Eve. And may God richly bless you in 2008.