Judy Ann Lockwood

Judy Ann Lockwood
I am also called SugarBear...Juju.. and Mom

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael
I do not know what I would do without him!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Happy Birthday JESUS and Merry CHRISTMAS one and all

I pray all my dear friends who read this has a wonderful day today. We had a nice morning watching Aaron open his gifts. We had already told him we were not spending much this year but he was thrilled with what he did get Games of course. (smile) what else huh? That is all he wanted(besides Bella that is). So he was very easy to buy for.
Tom (my boyfriend and hubby's best friend) Hahaha... he came by with gifts on Saturday. He has said he bought it for US.. me and Michael but it was for me. Ha! He bought this fountain for drinks for parties. It is way to cool he has always said I am the Party giver.(smile) For Aaron, Uncle Tom bought him a Borders Store gift card. Aaron loves to go to Borders. So we will be visiting there sometime this week I am sure. Amanda and Family sent him a gift card for Itunes so he is in his room on his Imac downloading the Pirates of the Caribbean "At World's End" Movie and a Game on his Ipod. His Grandma Waddill mailed him a Gift Card earlier in the month for Walmart. He bought the Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End game for his Wii with that. Yes he loves the Pirates Movies. (smile)

We will be going to our Adopted Family's home for Christmas Dinner. THE YEARSLEY HOME.

The Lord truly blessed us when he placed this family in our lives. They have totally adopted us and made us a part of their family and their lives. I do ask you PRAY for Evelyn. She will soon start her Radiation Treatments for Cancer of her lungs at Loma Linda. She went there yesterday morning for more blood work. She was off to Loma Linda in the early AM yesterday and I went off the other direction to Kaiser. (Yes on Christmas Eve) I got in to see my Orthopedic finally and he gave me a wonderful Christmas Gift.. Cortisone for my knee. Best present I could have got for sure. (wink)But seriously when you say your prayers each night PLEASE PRAY for Evelyn she is in much need of prayers this upcoming year. WE LOVE HER VERY MUCH.....

As you can see in the posting before this the wonderful Christmas Eve we had last night. GOD IS GOOD...

The Yearsley Family accepts Aaron as he is and does not judge him and is calm with him and understand ALL his disabilities. So it is such a blessing being there because I never have to worry about something he might say or do. THEY UNDERSTAND and love him. THANK YOU JESUS...

I pray you all have a wonderful day today and can be with the people who LOVE YOU and Care for you. Because believe me that is what Christmas is all about. The Birth of our Savior foremost indeed. But also everyone being with loved ones. And we shall be with our LOVED ONES and the ones who care about our Family. I pray you all can be as well.

The Wii that Aaron sent to Oklahoma to Justin arrived safely. Deannie called us as he opened it I put him on speaker phone so we could hear his excitement. It was so very cool it is really what Christmas is for "GIVING". And I am so so proud of Aaron for wanting to send what he had won to Justin. JUSTIN WAS THRILLED.....he could not believe it.

There is a FREE Gift you can receive from Jesus today. All you have to do is ask him into your heart and be saved. And start the New Year off with a really good start. So if you do not know Jesus as your Savior stop for a moment today and ask Jesus into your heart. If you are saved I will see you again someday in Heaven, even if I don't see you again in this old world. I love you...

MERRY MERRY CHRISTmas... Hugs Judy, Michael, Aaron and Bella

Here are some pictures of the morning.. Bella wanted to help Aaron with his gifts..