Judy Ann Lockwood

Judy Ann Lockwood
I am also called SugarBear...Juju.. and Mom

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael
I do not know what I would do without him!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

News and update on Surgery

Well here I sit and wait and wait. Been waiting for the approval from Kaiser for my surgery. Come to find out yesterday there was a hold up on everything because of my EKG... the nurse called and said it had a hiccup in it.(what does that mean) she said it meant it showed up something irregular and would have to be repeated. She said also your sonogram now shows multiple gallstones not just 3 or 4 like before. She said the tests also show I have a hernia that needs to be taken care of. ( hopefully during same surgery as the gallbladder.. I guess I am falling apart) it is the pits to get old. If I had known when I was a kid I would live to be 50 I would have taken better care of myself. ha ha...I thought 50 was ancient when I was growing up....

So when the nurse called me yesterday to tell me about the Abnormal EKG she said I have you scheduled at 9 am in the morning to do the EKG and then see your Primary Dr. I said okie dokie I will be there. I get there they send me all over. (WRONG PLACES).... finally they call me where they sent me and said go to your Dr office she will do the EKG at her office... so off I go..

By this time I am anxious and frustrated (already was because of the irregular test of the EKG) my Dr's. nurse Antoinette who I adore says where have you been Judy I have been trying to track you down to tell you to come here? I said DO NOT ASK.. she smiles at me and sits me down to do my blood pressure Yep.. it is WAY TO HIGH wow what a surprise NO WONDER.. it is like 160 over whatever it was.. anyway.. she takes it over and over. then she says.. just sit here and think nice calming thoughts.. so she comes back and takes it and it is now 124/80 which is still high for me but she says she will take that considering the morning I was having. So off we go to undress for the EKG.. we get it done she takes the machine out of the room and says I can get dressed Dr will be right in..So I get dressed the DR comes in and says I may need a stress test I said remember I had one in July she said umn.... let me look she looks YEP there it is she prints it.. She says here take a copy of this with you in case the surgeon asks.. ( I said you mean if I finally get approval ) ha!

She said well while you are here lets give you your vitamin B-12 injection ( I have to have one a month now )... so she does that.. I get all dressed and she says okay go to the lab we need to check your level for your hypothyroidism I said okay. I am walking out the door.. oops cannot run fast enough with my bad knee.. JUDY they are calling I said YES...... umn you are way overdo for your Pap Smear. Wonderful oh holly jolly Christmas I said.. You know I had my Mammogram done 2 weeks ago I have been tortured enough this month, I said. She smiled and said come back.. So in I went and had to undress again. Oh joy am I having fun yet?????

Then after that I went to have my blood drawn.

So here I am back home waiting to hear hopefully someday that I can have surgery.. I guess I can say next year at this point now huh? (smile)

Just thought I would fill you in on my very very exciting Holiday Morning...

PS Oh yes also there was a cancellation for the Ortho Dr and he can see me Christmas Eve morning for my Cortisone injections in my knee. So I shall get injections for Christmas woo hoo. ( Seriously I am happy there was a cancellation all this cold weather my leg is killing me )....
Hope your day has been less hectic than mine.. Hugs