Judy Ann Lockwood

Judy Ann Lockwood
I am also called SugarBear...Juju.. and Mom

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael
I do not know what I would do without him!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Monday, December 31, 2007

Year is coming to a close

Wow where oh where did this year go? Seems like just a couple of months ago it was turning 2007. I guess the saying is true the older you get the faster the time goes by. I must be aging really quickly then. (smile)

Looking over the year there are many things to be grateful for.

Aaron was only in the hospital once this year which was really good. (it was Church Camp time again) he has a really rough time going to church around the time it is for camp to come around. Everyone is talking about this and that for camp. He really hates to hear about it since he cannot go up for the week like the rest of the teens. He so much wishes to be a part of the youth group and their outings and such but he just cannot do it. It is so sad. Watching him and knowing how much he desires to be (normal) for lack of a better word for just one day....No one really truly understands the turmoil our boy goes through. Things that other teens in our church take basically sometimes for granted I think he would give anything to do. Sad but true. Sad people do not understand mental illness better. I mean some people could understand it more if they gave themselves half the chance to get to know Aaron better. (I mean the real Aaron) The teddy bear, caring, loving Aaron. With the sweetest, gentleness, most giving heart I have ever seen. Many people do not see this side of Aaron. They think of the times he has been hurt or upset over something. Sad but true. So looking back over this year I am so proud of Aaron and all he has come through not being accepted by some people. And oh so proud of him for trying so hard to stay in control, which at times can be really hard.
He is doing so well in school and I can really see some growth in these areas.
He even loves to go with Dad on Thursday night to the Church History Class that Dad is taking at the Seminary. He says our Pastor is very smart. (smile).....
And speaking of growth.. WOW ... he grew this year.. he is now 6 ft 3 and growing nightly it seems. (hopefully that kind of growth will lessen this year and his learning side of growing will continue)....

I want to thank the Yearsley Family for accepting him and ALL OF US for that matter into their loving, caring family. Lord knows I do not know how I would have made it without them. The minute Pat heard Aaron was in the hospital here she comes to give me a shoulder to cry and lean on. And her and Bob even went to the hospital to see Aaron when he was in. They entire Yearsley Family called me each day he was in the hospital to check on him and on US.... WOW is all I can say. I LOVE YOU GUYS.. more than you will ever know. Thank you for loving my son so much and for all you do for ALL the special kiddos with Bills Special Kids. You may not get much of a reward for all you have done for our kids here on earth. But I do believe God will have many blessings in store for ALL of you someday when you get to the Pearly Gates.

So as this year comes to a close tonight at midnight I thank the Lord for the wonderful year he has given us. And I pray 2008 we will be wonderful. And I will have better health (if I ever get approved for my surgery) (Ha!) Those of you who have been keeping in touch with me on all of this know why I say. Ha! have to smile about it at this point of the hurry up and then wait part of this. The nurse did call on Friday and asked if I could get to the lab before 7 pm to give more blood the DR before releasing me for surgery wanted to redo my vitamin D and B1 levels. He has been giving me MEGA doses of Vitamin D and B! injections. So hopefully they have worked and these tests will come back fine. Keep me in your prayers as I sit and wait to get approval and also hopefully have the surgery soon.

Tonight we shall spend the end of this year in church. Our church is having a Watch Night service. So that should be nice. Bringing in the new year at church.

I pray you all have a safe and Happy New Year's Eve. And may God richly bless you in 2008.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

CHRISTmas Night...

We just returned from our wonderful Christmas Dinner and opening of gifts with the Yearsley Family. We had a wonderful time. They asked Mike to say the Christmas Dinner Blessing and that was very nice.
We got some wonderful gifts. Aaron got 2 gift cards to Game Stop.
Mike and I got a Gift Card from Steer and Stein for dinner and Movie Tickets to see a show. I also got some wonderful smelling bath goodies from Victoria's Secret Shop from Patrice. We got a box full of cheeses and meats and yummies. Michael will enjoy those for sure. Ha... We also received some beautiful pictures in frames that Bob took. One of them is of the entire Yearsley Family. Grandkids and all. So so nice. Another is of Nathan our little boy that calls me Gramma Judy and Mike is Grampa Mike and Aaron is Uncle Aaron. He lights up our life for sure. Patrice also gave Aaron a 5 by 7 of Nathan for his room too which thrilled Uncle Aaron for sure.
So Aaron made out like a bandit this year with Gift cards. He got Borders.. Walmart.. Itunes.. Target.. and Gamestop. What a lucky young man he is for sure.
Here are a few pictures of the evening.
The table was beautiful the plates matched the tablecloth and napkins and the utensils were Gold. SO SO Beautiful to pretty to eat on I said..
One of the pictures you will see one of the gifts Evelyn received it is a Cancer Charm Bracelet it is beautiful...
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The Yearsley Family

Our Little Guy... Mr. Nathan

Happy Birthday JESUS and Merry CHRISTMAS one and all

I pray all my dear friends who read this has a wonderful day today. We had a nice morning watching Aaron open his gifts. We had already told him we were not spending much this year but he was thrilled with what he did get Games of course. (smile) what else huh? That is all he wanted(besides Bella that is). So he was very easy to buy for.
Tom (my boyfriend and hubby's best friend) Hahaha... he came by with gifts on Saturday. He has said he bought it for US.. me and Michael but it was for me. Ha! He bought this fountain for drinks for parties. It is way to cool he has always said I am the Party giver.(smile) For Aaron, Uncle Tom bought him a Borders Store gift card. Aaron loves to go to Borders. So we will be visiting there sometime this week I am sure. Amanda and Family sent him a gift card for Itunes so he is in his room on his Imac downloading the Pirates of the Caribbean "At World's End" Movie and a Game on his Ipod. His Grandma Waddill mailed him a Gift Card earlier in the month for Walmart. He bought the Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End game for his Wii with that. Yes he loves the Pirates Movies. (smile)

We will be going to our Adopted Family's home for Christmas Dinner. THE YEARSLEY HOME.

The Lord truly blessed us when he placed this family in our lives. They have totally adopted us and made us a part of their family and their lives. I do ask you PRAY for Evelyn. She will soon start her Radiation Treatments for Cancer of her lungs at Loma Linda. She went there yesterday morning for more blood work. She was off to Loma Linda in the early AM yesterday and I went off the other direction to Kaiser. (Yes on Christmas Eve) I got in to see my Orthopedic finally and he gave me a wonderful Christmas Gift.. Cortisone for my knee. Best present I could have got for sure. (wink)But seriously when you say your prayers each night PLEASE PRAY for Evelyn she is in much need of prayers this upcoming year. WE LOVE HER VERY MUCH.....

As you can see in the posting before this the wonderful Christmas Eve we had last night. GOD IS GOOD...

The Yearsley Family accepts Aaron as he is and does not judge him and is calm with him and understand ALL his disabilities. So it is such a blessing being there because I never have to worry about something he might say or do. THEY UNDERSTAND and love him. THANK YOU JESUS...

I pray you all have a wonderful day today and can be with the people who LOVE YOU and Care for you. Because believe me that is what Christmas is all about. The Birth of our Savior foremost indeed. But also everyone being with loved ones. And we shall be with our LOVED ONES and the ones who care about our Family. I pray you all can be as well.

The Wii that Aaron sent to Oklahoma to Justin arrived safely. Deannie called us as he opened it I put him on speaker phone so we could hear his excitement. It was so very cool it is really what Christmas is for "GIVING". And I am so so proud of Aaron for wanting to send what he had won to Justin. JUSTIN WAS THRILLED.....he could not believe it.

There is a FREE Gift you can receive from Jesus today. All you have to do is ask him into your heart and be saved. And start the New Year off with a really good start. So if you do not know Jesus as your Savior stop for a moment today and ask Jesus into your heart. If you are saved I will see you again someday in Heaven, even if I don't see you again in this old world. I love you...

MERRY MERRY CHRISTmas... Hugs Judy, Michael, Aaron and Bella

Here are some pictures of the morning.. Bella wanted to help Aaron with his gifts..

Monday, December 24, 2007

Wonderful blessed Christmas Eve..

We were asked to go to Bill and Evelyn's for Christmas Eve. dinner Pat and Bob were cooking. They cooked Tacos yummy. I made my salsa and cheese dip. Everyone had a great time and a wonderful surprise Santa and his Elf came by. (David who is Michael's best friend) Michael is Pat's son. Anyway his Aunt had bought these costumes off of Ebay so they went to his house for all the kids to surprise them. After they finished at David's house they came to the Yearsley House.(Michael's grandparents). They were so cute. I just loved Michael's tights. (smile) honestly it was very nice what they did for the kids but we all had a great time with it also. I had said Santa would sit on Aaron's lap this year. (YEP HE DID) you shall see in one of the pictures it was really funny. We have so much fun with this family. And they have truly become like "Our Family" I do not know what we would do without them. Hope you get a kick out of these pictures as much as we did.

PS and tonight is a full moon too....and Aaron did pretty well. However he went to bed a bit ago and just got up he said he cannot sleep that happens a lot on full moons too so not sure if because of waiting for Christmas or the moon.
Guess we shall see. It might be a LONG NIGHT... guess that is okay cause Bella has her days and nights messed up yes she is a Baby for sure. (smile)

MERRY CHRISTMAS.. to all and to all a good night.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Christmas came a bit early today for Aaron..

Aaron has been begging us for quite sometime now for a Dog of his own. Michael said he thought this was a good time to get him one. So Christmas came early because this is what he wanted more than anything for Christmas.... She is adorable. Aaron named her Bella.. Princess Bella Lockwood.. Nice name huh?

Thursday, December 20, 2007

It has been cold and rainy today...

 Cool Graphics at

I have been chilled all day so Aaron and I decided we would light the fireplace doesn't it look so nice and cozy. It is very calming to Aaron and he loves to watch it.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

A few years with Santa with my Kids... Wonderful Memories..

When I could not sleep this morning I made these scrapbook pages. I sat and cried as I made them. Oh the wonderful memories. The memories of crying with Santa. Amanda never did cry with Santa, one year she thought maybe she should be crying since Sara was screaming her head off. Ha! But she just looked like what is her problem? Can we get out of here...
And the year Aaron bit Santa.. Yes the memories.. (smile)
If only we could go back in time. The time when my kids all thought the sun rose and set with Mommy. When they loved their mommy more than anything in the world. Shared everything with mommy...Good good... Sad very sad and tearful memories today too....
Since Aaron still has a child like mind he still thinks Mommy is great so that I am thankful for. Merry Christmas hope you get a few smiles out of these pictures of my beautiful daughters and handsome little boy.. (who is now 6 foot 3. I think Santa would have to sit on his lap this Christmas.

This is one of my favorite Christmas pictures of my beautiful daughters...


I do not know why but for some reason many times I feel when an earthquake is going to happen. I woke up at 2:30 this morning could not go back to sleep I had been asleep almost 3 hours so I guess my body thought it was time to get up. I do not require much sleep usually about 5 hours is what I get.

Well I wandered around the house looking outside at the rain coming down. It had rained hard earlier in the morning, when I woke for a few minutes and went back to sleep now it was just gently falling down it looked very calm and peaceful outside. I knew it was to early to stay up and needed to at least lay down again and rest even if I could not sleep so I got a bottle of water from the fridge and back to bed I went. As I was sitting on the side of the bed it was about 3 a.m. I thought to myself it seems like there is an earthquake coming, maybe that is why I could not go back to sleep I thought. (Umn) wondering..

Michael's alarm went off at 4 a.m. I am still wide awake his alarm wakes to the radio playing music so I start singing the song with the radio. He hates that I can be a morning person and smile in the morning. Ha! He said how long you been awake I said about an hour and a half. He said you are silly as he put his alarm on snooze and crawled back on the bed.... I said you know I think we are going to have an earthquake or something I have a feeling and I can't get back to sleep. Well he knows my feelings and said oh great. So he does not even wait for his snooze to go off he gets up to get ready for work now it is like 4:10 well a few minutes later we started to shake...There was an earthquake it was a 4.0 at 04:14:09 (7 mi) SSW of Big Bear Lake. Which is about 40 miles or so from us.

Needless to say I did not get back to sleep much after that it was almost time to get Aaron up and I started to feel sleepy of course. (smile) today will be a long day I bet. Tonight is his Open House at his school too.

I hope whoever reads this today has a wonderful day and your ground is not shakey.
God Bless....

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

News and update on Surgery

Well here I sit and wait and wait. Been waiting for the approval from Kaiser for my surgery. Come to find out yesterday there was a hold up on everything because of my EKG... the nurse called and said it had a hiccup in it.(what does that mean) she said it meant it showed up something irregular and would have to be repeated. She said also your sonogram now shows multiple gallstones not just 3 or 4 like before. She said the tests also show I have a hernia that needs to be taken care of. ( hopefully during same surgery as the gallbladder.. I guess I am falling apart) it is the pits to get old. If I had known when I was a kid I would live to be 50 I would have taken better care of myself. ha ha...I thought 50 was ancient when I was growing up....

So when the nurse called me yesterday to tell me about the Abnormal EKG she said I have you scheduled at 9 am in the morning to do the EKG and then see your Primary Dr. I said okie dokie I will be there. I get there they send me all over. (WRONG PLACES).... finally they call me where they sent me and said go to your Dr office she will do the EKG at her office... so off I go..

By this time I am anxious and frustrated (already was because of the irregular test of the EKG) my Dr's. nurse Antoinette who I adore says where have you been Judy I have been trying to track you down to tell you to come here? I said DO NOT ASK.. she smiles at me and sits me down to do my blood pressure Yep.. it is WAY TO HIGH wow what a surprise NO WONDER.. it is like 160 over whatever it was.. anyway.. she takes it over and over. then she says.. just sit here and think nice calming thoughts.. so she comes back and takes it and it is now 124/80 which is still high for me but she says she will take that considering the morning I was having. So off we go to undress for the EKG.. we get it done she takes the machine out of the room and says I can get dressed Dr will be right in..So I get dressed the DR comes in and says I may need a stress test I said remember I had one in July she said umn.... let me look she looks YEP there it is she prints it.. She says here take a copy of this with you in case the surgeon asks.. ( I said you mean if I finally get approval ) ha!

She said well while you are here lets give you your vitamin B-12 injection ( I have to have one a month now )... so she does that.. I get all dressed and she says okay go to the lab we need to check your level for your hypothyroidism I said okay. I am walking out the door.. oops cannot run fast enough with my bad knee.. JUDY they are calling I said YES...... umn you are way overdo for your Pap Smear. Wonderful oh holly jolly Christmas I said.. You know I had my Mammogram done 2 weeks ago I have been tortured enough this month, I said. She smiled and said come back.. So in I went and had to undress again. Oh joy am I having fun yet?????

Then after that I went to have my blood drawn.

So here I am back home waiting to hear hopefully someday that I can have surgery.. I guess I can say next year at this point now huh? (smile)

Just thought I would fill you in on my very very exciting Holiday Morning...

PS Oh yes also there was a cancellation for the Ortho Dr and he can see me Christmas Eve morning for my Cortisone injections in my knee. So I shall get injections for Christmas woo hoo. ( Seriously I am happy there was a cancellation all this cold weather my leg is killing me )....
Hope your day has been less hectic than mine.. Hugs

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Bill's Special Kids Christmas Party

WOW what a great Christmas Party we had last night for all "OUR" Special Kiddos.. Santa arrived on the Fire Truck and gifts were given to all the kids (Thank you Riverside Police Department) they have adopted our kids to give them gifts each year. So so neat... We had a wonderful Catered Dinner (Mexican Food) Yum....
Bob took pictures of the all the kids after they got their presents with Santa. (except for Aaron he wanted his picture taken with Bill not Santa)...
Aaron was so surprised and happy when he opened his gift bag. A former daycare mom, Dawn works for the Riverside Police Dept. I took care of both her children as babies inside the bag was Soccer Pictures of both Arlene and Nolan it was so cool and a note they loved and missed him. Think he liked that as much as the Gift Card. (smile)
As people arrived we put each Family Name in a drawing for the Centerpieces at the end of the evening. They were thrilled with that.
The raffle was a huge success as always. We have people donate items for the raffle. This year the main prizes were a 37 inch flat screen tv you can hang on the wall. No phooey I did not win it. ( we could have used it ours in the our living room is going nuts on the colors running together lately) Other main gift was an Ipod, a Olympus Digital Camera and a Nintendo Wii. When Pat went to purchase the Wii for the raffle Aaron told her he wanted to win it. And guess what YEP he won it. He is the luckiest booger. One of the kids came up after the party and said Aaron you can sell that on ebay for like $700.00 he said no.. I am sending it to Oklahoma to my cousin Justin. He does not have a Wii and he wants one so I want him to have this one. So guess I will be at the Post Office bright and early tomorrow to see it gets mailed hopefully in time for a Wonderful Christmas for them in Oklahoma.
Aaron has got the biggest, sweetest most loving, giving heart even if he is my kid. The sweet gentle side of Aaron I could just HUG and Squeeze. The other side I could choke sometimes. Ha!!!!!! That he cannot help though and it does help me remember the REAL AARON.. the one we love and adore and are so very proud of for his loving nature. He made this Mama very proud indeed last night and many other parents too they were amazed he would give away the Wii they said he could put it in your van so he could play on the road. (smile) but nope off it goes to Oklahoma..
Here are some pictures of the wonderful evening. I love you, Bill, Evelyn, Pam, Penny, Pat, Bob, Patrice, Michael, William and Nathan... Did I leave someone out? Hope not.. Anyway I do LOVE you all and all you do for "ALL" the Special Kids..not just mine.. Merry CHRISTmas and God Bless.............

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Haley and Christmas

Amanda had emailed me yesterday that their packages had arrived safely. She had placed the box with the gifts in it in her bedroom and was planning on placing the gifts under the tree today. Well this morning she heard this ripping paper sound and went in her room to find Haley sitting there opening her presents. (smile) Amanda said "Remember, we don't open the presents yet." She said, "No Christmas tree presents!" Amanda had been telling her over and over she was not to open the presents under the Christmas tree...well these presents were not under the tree so she thought why can't I open them. Too too cute. Amanda said Haley started yelling, "Thank you, thank you! She loves Minnie Mouse she calls her Minnie the Mouse. Cute huh? So Amanda let her put it on and she took a picture of her in it. It is a red Minnie the Mouse sweater and I had her name put on it. Isn't she the cutest little girl in the world?

You can see the sweater better if picture is larger so put another one on here..

Does she not have the most beautiful eyes????

RMBI Christmas Party

Saturday we had our 2nd Annual RMBI Christmas Party for the students and faculty and those who help out for RMBI. Everyone seemed to really enjoy themselves and we heard a lot of really good singing and testimonies etc.
Here are a few pictures of the day I did not get pictures of everyone singing or everyone who was there either because I was in charge of the food and decorations so I was kind of busy. But you can see how much fun we did have. You will also notice Aaron had to have his picture taken with all the pretty girls who attended the party (even Angie) Ha!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Happy First Birthday Kaleb

Birthday Myspace Graphics
Many of you have emailed me and asked how Baby Kaleb was doing. It has been almost 7 months since he was shaken by his sitter. His parents have been living a nightmare all these months. Good news though he started the Hyperbaric chamber and is showing progress. His mom says he is getting stronger each day and even starting to jabber.
The place he is getting his hyperbaric treatment at is at a home. The lady has a son who is autistic and has mild cerebral palsy. He doesn't pay much attention to anything his mom said. But the other day when Kaleb and his mom got there she knelt down with Kaleb and this boys mom told him to look at the baby. Cognitively this boy is at the age of one but he is eight years old. When his mom told him to look at the baby he dropped his toy and looked at Kaleb for a minute and leaned over and kissed him on the forehead. Is that not the sweetest. GOD IS GOOD isn't he? Can you imagine how this mom felt? His mom started to cry and she said that he had never done that before and he has been around other babies! There is something so special about Kaleb... His mom states that "God has given him a presence that I will never understand and I am so thankful for this. He truly is a Angel of God. He has been touched by his hands and I think that people just sense that."

Happy First Birthday Kaleb we love you and are still praying for you..

Jim Hamill Gets Promoted To Heaven

Michael and I saw him sing a few times over the years. He
was a wonderful singer and sung the praises of the Lord.

Gospel Singing News has announced that the legendary Kingsmen
lead vocalist Jim Hamill passed away at approximately 5:30 a.m.
today. He was 73 years old.

Mr. Hamill was born August 10, 1934, in Big Stone Gap,
Virginia. In addition to singing with the Kingsmen, he
performed with the Weatherfords, Blue Ridge Quartet, the
Rebels Quartet, the Oak Ridge Quartet and the Senators.
Subscribers of Singing News Magazine had voted Mr. Hamill
"Favorite Lead Singer" five times, as well "Mr. Gospel
Music" twice during the magazine's Fan Awards.

Though he was often regarded as one of the best frontmen in
Southern Gospel music, his singing ability was also ranked
among the best. Many Southern Gospel fans will long remember
his performances of "Love Lifted Me" and "The Apple Tree
Song" among many others.

Mr. Hamill's legacy also includes his efforts to continually
put the younger members of the groups he sang with into the
spotlight. Though he was confident in his own stage
abilities, Mr. Hamill thought it was more important to
encourgage the young performers and give them the
opportunity to showcase their talents.

August 10, 1934 - November 29, 2007

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Corey.. isn't he the cutest?

Corey came this morning in the cutest outfit so of course me, Juju had to get out my camera. (smile) nah I know hard to believe me taking pictures and all put I just forced myself into do it. Ha! Anyway here are a few of the shots I took I put in a slideshow and I also did a couple of scrapbook pages for his mommy.

He is just the cutest little boy...

Sunday, November 25, 2007

My Pastor and his Wife

This year my Pastor and his wife celebrated their 50th Anniversary. What a testimony that is for sure especially the days we live in today. He also recently celebrated 51 years of "Preaching God's Word". AMEN!
I was messing around with a new scrapbook kind of program I got and I made this.
I love you both Bro. & Sis. Wiggins

Friday, November 23, 2007

Blessed Thanksgiving Day

Another Thanksgiving gone by... What a blessed day we had yesterday it was beautiful weather. We are so blessed to have the Yearsley Family in our lives. I truly believe God brought us together. I do not know what we would do without them. It was so nice to spend a wonderful day with them and I thank them with all my heart for adopting us into their family. I have just did some scrapbook pages of the day yesterday hope you enjoy them.