Judy Ann Lockwood

Judy Ann Lockwood
I am also called SugarBear...Juju.. and Mom

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael
I do not know what I would do without him!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Howdee all well today is Tuesday, I have been busy doing laundry and such all day long been a very busy day. Also been working on IEP plans for one of my special needs moms who had to take the school district to court soon. So had to reread some information to make sure I am current on all the laws pertaining to this case. Think I am ready though.

Spent the day at Aaron's school yesterday and got to sit in on his classroom throughout the day. I don't know his new teacher so was nice to see him in action. And I was quite impressed to say the least. Aaron really likes his new teacher too.

Our first PAC (Parent Advisory Committee Meeting) is next Wednesday so this should be prove interesting to see how many parents are actually interest and involved with their child's education and learning experiences at the school.

Then next Friday the 19th we leave for vacation. Aaron is so excited he can hardly stand it. (smile) should have never told him yes, I know should have waited till a couple of days before we take off. But all 3 of us are quite excited to get away. A friend of ours will be house sitting and doggie sitting for us, so that is nice too.

Aaron's eye looks better today still a bit purple and black but does look better. We did feel better knowing the young man who hit him had a Parole Officer and this broke his probation so therefore he is not at school. That made us quite happy. (smile)

Well, I had best get back to cooking dinner. Since my surgery I do not cook full dinners but like once a week. But I was in the mood to cook today so I made red potatoes with green beans cooked in bacon. And I have baby back ribs in bar b q sauce cooking in the oven wow it sure does smell good. What sucks is. I will take about 4 bites and then feel stuffed. Ha! Well that is a good thing though. And the reason for the surgery!!!!!!

You all have a wonderful evening.. Love and hugs.....


Anonymous said...

Wish I was in California tonight I would invite myself to dinner. Yummy girlie.