Judy Ann Lockwood

Judy Ann Lockwood
I am also called SugarBear...Juju.. and Mom

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael
I do not know what I would do without him!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Change of plans for today and Proud Mom

Well we had planned on going to Disneyland today to see Mickey Mouse.
But that all changed. One reason was because Haunted Mansion is not working today they are getting it all ready for the Holidays with the Nightmare Before Christmas. This is one of Aaron's favorite rides at Disneyland. So we opted to wait till next month when it is cooler and take him on one of Michael's Fridays off because it will be less crowded on a weekday also.

We would not have been going today anyway though because of something that transpired yesterday. We are so very proud of Aaron and how he handled the situation. The Principal and all those involved told me when I arrived at the school how proud they were of Aaron etc over it all.

I am still not quite sure of the entire situation because I had to rush Aaron to the ER so I will get the incident report on Monday from school. But I just wanted to make sure it was nothing Aaron had did and they all assured me he did nothing wrong. There is this new kid in his class this year that apparently has a very short fuse and a lot of anger issues. Well yesterday he was not having a good day and he decided to use Aaron as his target. Is this kid nuts Aaron is almost 6 foot 4?????? Would you pick on someone that size? NOT!!!!!

Anyway he punched Aaron in the face hitting his eye. Yes he got a black eye it also messed up the inside of the eye it was like bloodshot. He was calling names such as what goes with the word mother and wonderful adjectives such as this while in his rage. Aaron said you want me to deck you? You better shut the ... up. Well we have been working hard with Aaron telling him fighting is not usually the answer and that when someone makes you angry walk away and hit a wall or whatever is around. His Psych and Psychologist have told him to hit a pillow or something like that when at home. That way he doesn't harm himself while getting his anger out. Well he hit the wall at school and hit a fire extinguisher I guess. I was called at home and told he was in the office and they were cleaning him up. First she told me Mrs. Lockwood want you to know Aaron is hurt but it is not his fault honest! I actually laughed thinking yeah right what did Aaron do??? She said really this attack was unprovoked on Aaron's part. I thought wow wonders never cease. (smile) She said she would call me back as soon as they could check him all out better. She called a few minutes later and said could I please get to the school and take Aaron to the ER? His hand had a gash in it and it kept on bleeding. A new friend, Carol was at my home I was trying to help Advocate for her special needs son who has Autism as well. So I asked her do you want to take a ride with me we can talk in the van. So she came along. She got to see YES ALL US SPECIAL MOMS there is never a dull moment in our lives. Since her son has Autism she for sure knows all she has to endure but at times even though we hate to see others go through something I guess as the saying goes misery loves company. (smile) upon arriving at the school they had ice and towels on his hand. We took him to the ER where they x-rayed his hand and his face. They butterflied his hand. We were there about 3 hours or so. Luckily nothing was broken, Dr said just very bruised. So that was good to hear. I had to fill out a report and they had to contact the police. The school had already contacted Police on the boy who did it. So all is documented. They wanted to know if we wished to file charges. I said goodness no, I said the child who did this attends school with my son it is for SPECIAL NEEDS kids. I said next time it might be my son who is having a bad day or it is the FULL MOON and me might go off on someone. I said these things happen when dealing with mental disorders. Goodness...

As I said though we are SO VERY PROUD of Aaron he could have really hurt this kid had he decided to hit back. We have been working with him on learning to control his anger a bit or at least redirect it not towards a living person, especially because of his size. He has been doing quite well with that. There is this teen at our church who LOVES to irritate Aaron and does things basically to set him off. (thinking it is funny to watch him explode) Well a couple of teens, who are friends of Aaron's have come to me to alert me of the situation more than once. I already knew of the situation though and we try to keep him away from Aaron as much as possible. But one of these days if Aaron is in a manic mood this kid is gonna get laid out flat. Bipolar and Autistic people will many times take and take and then one day even when something small happens they erupt like a volcano. I would hate to have this happen but at the same time it may be the only way to get this kid to shut up with his smart mouth and attitude.

So Michael and I are very proud of Aaron and how he handled himself yesterday. The Dr and nurse at the hospital even told him they was proud of him. His Aunt Kimmie called and said she was proud of him also. And when I called Deannie my cousin in Oklahoma to tell her I had spent the afternoon in ER with Aaron she spoke with Aaron and told him she was extremely proud of him also. So that was awesome it showed him that he had did the right thing and he received much praise for the way he handled the situation.

Well I had best get in the shower we are going to the Swap meet this morning. I pray you all have a wonderful weekend. Hugs N Prayers to you and yours...........


Anonymous said...

We are very proud of Aaron and the way it sounds like he handled himself he is for sure growing up there Mom and you should be very happy and proud give him hugs from us please.