Judy Ann Lockwood

Judy Ann Lockwood
I am also called SugarBear...Juju.. and Mom

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael
I do not know what I would do without him!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Monday, February 25, 2008

Birthday Blues but GOOD FRIENDS.....

Hard to have a really good Birthday today because as most of you already know Aaron has been in the hospital since Friday. They are redoing his medications. Poor kiddo when I visited him last night he wanted to come home so badly. He said but mom what about your Birthday I won't be home for that. I told him hon when you are my age we don't care about Birthday's. (smile)

This awful mental illness he has it so hard on him at times. Bless his BIG HEART. It is so very sad he must endure all of this so many times.

Dad and I will go see him tonight when I pick Dad up from the train. Then I have to get to the church because tonight is the Secret Pal Revealing Dinner. I will be late but it is okay because I still cannot eat regular food yet so soon after my surgery.

Please remember to keep Aaron in your prayers he sure could use them.

On a happy note a few minutes ago the doorbell rang and I went to get it. There was a delivery man with flowers he said are you Judy Lockwood. I said yes I sure am. He said Happy Birthday. I thought WOW who would send me a dozen red roses. I knew Mike couldn't we could not afford them right now. Ha...

So I opened up the card and saw they were from Penny and Gene Bowhay. WOW.. how exciting and sweet that was of them. I called her immediately and told how her thrilled I was. I have known Penny since we were kids. She was a member at the Colton (Mount Vernon) church when I was a member at Coachella Church. So many many years... Man we are getting old. (Just Kidding Penny) wink! Seriously I love you guys and you made my Birthday Rock with such an awesome surprise.
GOD IS GOOD!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Judy I am so glad you got roses for your Birthday no one deserves them more than you do. You are such a wonderful mother and Aaron is so lucky to have you look after him and love him. Please let me know how he is doing. we are praying for him. Happy Belated Birthday friend.