Judy Ann Lockwood

Judy Ann Lockwood
I am also called SugarBear...Juju.. and Mom

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael
I do not know what I would do without him!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Friday, February 29, 2008

My Boy Is Home.. YEAH!

Aaron was released last night from the hospital. We went to pick him up then we took Dad to school. He is taking the Baptist History class at RMBI at our church. So Aaron and I went to fill his new prescriptions while dad was at school, because we needed to stick around until 10 till dad got out. First we went to Walmart. Medi-Cal had given me a card for Aaron it is of no use whatsoever. Ergh... They said they could not fill the medications he had it had been denied due to the fact we have other insurance. I said okay how much is the medication then. For one it was like 700.00 the other was like 500.00. I said never mind we will drive to Fontana Kaiser. I cannot believe the cost of medications. One time when he was released from the hospital it was at night we drove to Riverside Kaiser to fill his medications. Mike came out and said they want 1800.00 for one of them and 1200.00 for the other. They were not covered by our insurance. So it was $3000.00 unreal. I really think something needs to be done about the cost of medications. Especially for our elderly and our special kiddos. I told Mike I didn't want all the meds in the Pharmacy I wanted 2 filled. (smile)
I really think some of us special moms need to have a rally or something in Washington DC for our kids... We need help!!!!!!!

On a happier note, Penny.... When Aaron came in and saw my roses he said wow Mom those are nice. He said you are so nice and said to thank you for being nice to his mom. So Aaron says thanks too Penny. (Wink)

He is in his room right now on his IMAC singing. Yes, he is happy to be home for sure. Thanks again for all the prayers. PRAYERS DO WORK! Without God in our lives we would never make it through times like this.

HUGS... and have a nice weekend....

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Update on Aaron...................Wednesday

Hello all well I just returned from seeing Aaron he was not depressed tonight and was thrilled to see Pat. (who he calls his Auntie Pat) she is from Bill's Special Kids. He was so excited to see her and talked NON STOP the entire hour to her. He adores Pat and her husband Bob. He has started on his new medication today too.

Thank you to all who have called, emailed, sent cards etc. Deannie I took your letter you emailed I printed it out. He was thrilled to get it. He said tell Aunt Deannie hello. No, Deannie is not his Aunt she is my cousin but he likes to call her Aunt Deannie and she likes him too so that is what he calls her. Thanks to all of you for loving my son. Do not know what I would do without you all when times like these happen. I am blessed to have you ALL in my life. I should say we are blessed to have you all in OUR LIVES... THANK YOU...

Monday, February 25, 2008

Birthday Blues but GOOD FRIENDS.....

Hard to have a really good Birthday today because as most of you already know Aaron has been in the hospital since Friday. They are redoing his medications. Poor kiddo when I visited him last night he wanted to come home so badly. He said but mom what about your Birthday I won't be home for that. I told him hon when you are my age we don't care about Birthday's. (smile)

This awful mental illness he has it so hard on him at times. Bless his BIG HEART. It is so very sad he must endure all of this so many times.

Dad and I will go see him tonight when I pick Dad up from the train. Then I have to get to the church because tonight is the Secret Pal Revealing Dinner. I will be late but it is okay because I still cannot eat regular food yet so soon after my surgery.

Please remember to keep Aaron in your prayers he sure could use them.

On a happy note a few minutes ago the doorbell rang and I went to get it. There was a delivery man with flowers he said are you Judy Lockwood. I said yes I sure am. He said Happy Birthday. I thought WOW who would send me a dozen red roses. I knew Mike couldn't we could not afford them right now. Ha...

So I opened up the card and saw they were from Penny and Gene Bowhay. WOW.. how exciting and sweet that was of them. I called her immediately and told how her thrilled I was. I have known Penny since we were kids. She was a member at the Colton (Mount Vernon) church when I was a member at Coachella Church. So many many years... Man we are getting old. (Just Kidding Penny) wink! Seriously I love you guys and you made my Birthday Rock with such an awesome surprise.
GOD IS GOOD!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Princess Bella

It started to rain here today. Bella was in the backyard playing and she was so messy... I just gave her a bath she looks so cute and fluffy now. Wanted to show you she has grown some. She is 4 months old now.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Cute gifts..

While in the hospital I got 2 of the cutest gifts.. One was a little with Bear...with a Diamond like J around it's neck. Aaron brought me that on Valentine's Day.
My friend Penny Bowhay came to visit both Wednesday and Thursday and she brought me this cute dancing Lion... Here are the pictures..

This is a little video of the Lion dancing and singing

Saturday, February 16, 2008

I'm Home

Thank you to all of you who prayed for me sent me gifts and cards and called and supported me or emailed me. I came through it all just fine. The surgeon said it would take from 1 1/2 to 3 hours and it took 90 minutes so that meant things went according to plan. GOD IS GOOD....

Love you all..................

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Morning All

Well I did not sleep much last night been up since 2 am. Guess I will sleep today huh? (smile) we are off to the hospital in a few minutes as soon as Michael and Aaron are dressed and ready. (And men think women take a long time to get ready. Ha!
I will blog when I get home and let you all know how things went. Remember Jesus loves you and so do I. Hugs

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Dear Friends

Please say a prayer for me tomorrow morning. I will leave here before the sun rises because I have to be at the hospital early. They have changed my surgery time to 7:30. He said it could take anywhere from 1 1/2 hours to 3 hours.
Also keep Aaron in your prayers he is a bit fretful about my surgery he has never seen me have surgery and have to stay in the hospital like this before. He is so cute he keeps telling me mom I love you please don't ever leave me, I wish you would never die. He can be so cute and sweet so much of the time. I have no idea why God chose me to bless with this very Special Child, but he did so I do the best I can to help him. I know after this surgery is over and done with I will feel so much better and healthier too. So PLEASE keep me in your prayers and say one for Aaron too that he deals with this okay while I am in the hospital. I told him hey think about it as Guys Time just him and Dad. (smile) Oh no what will the house look like when I get home? Ha!
And for all my dear friends who come to read my blog daily EVEN THOUGH MANY OF YOU WON'T comment on here HA! (I am not complaining you can still just email me if that makes you feel more comfortable).
Here is a graphic I found for you ALL.. LOVE YA

Glitter Graphics

Friday, February 8, 2008

I loved this.. too funny

Driving Miss Hillary

This is Hillary's Dream

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Discovery Health Channel

I love this channel it seems like our tv is on this channel or the History channel most of the time. (smile). We tape all the weekly shows like NCIS, CSI etc and then we can watch them in about 35 minutes with no commercials.

Last night after Aaron went to bed, Michael and I were watching the Health Channel and this show came on about the Dugger Family. They are Southern Baptists. They homeschool all their children. They live in Arkansas.
The show last night was about their vacation from Arkansas to Disneyland and the places they visited along the way. It was great.
Here they are with 16 of their children. Yes I did say 16.

And with their newest addition they now have 17 children.

Here are the children's names and their ages.
Jennifer - 5 months old

Johannah - 2 years old

Jackson - 3 years old

Justin - 5 years old

James - 6 years old

Jason - 7 years old

Jeremiah and Jedidiah (twins) 9 years old

Joy-Anna - 10 years old

Josiah - 11 years old

Joseph - 13 years old

Jinger - 14 years old

Jessa - 15 years old

Jill - 16 years old

John and Jana (twins) 18 years old

Joshua - 19 years old

As a family project the Duggars built a 7000 square foot home debt free! They all pitched in and built it themselves. Both Jim Bob and Michelle are licensed real estate agents. Jim Bob served in the Arkansas House of Representatives from 1999 to 2003 and was a candidate for the U.S. Senate in 2002.
Here are some pictures of their home they built. Beautiful!!!!!!!

Each of the children learn to play the Violin and the Piano. Now with all these kids I would teach them all instruments so I could have a full Orchestra. (smile)

Some facts about the family are....

Michelle’s been pregnant for 135 months of her life.

Average number of months between Duggar births is 18.

The Duggars do approximately 200 loads of laundry each month.

The Duggars feed their entire brood for less than $2,000 per month.

The only person in the Duggar family whose name doesn’t start with "J" is Mom — Michelle.

Every Duggar child learns to play both violin and piano.

The family organizes their household chores by assigning "jurisdictions," so everyone knows exactly what their daily responsibilities are.

The Duggars estimate all the family members combined have worked approximately 39,000 total hours building their new house.

The Duggars are debt free.

Just wanted to share this amazing family with you and it is wonderful they have Bible Study each day with their children. AWESOME.. AMAZING.. Family.....

Tuesday, February 5, 2008


I have my surgery date it is the 13th which is next Wednesday. So please say a prayer for me on that day and remember I won't be online for a few days. They said I would be in the hospital from 2 to 5 days depending on how things go. Love ya