Judy Ann Lockwood

Judy Ann Lockwood
I am also called SugarBear...Juju.. and Mom

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael
I do not know what I would do without him!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

About the fires in California....Good Friends are hard to find.. I LOVE YA.....

I love my dear friends who are concerned about my family.... Wow I did not know we were so loved. (smile) I have had many phone calls from friends who live in places like Arizona, Georgia, Florida and other places. They were not sure how far from the fires we were and knew it looked like Southern California was all on fire on the news.
Since the fires began they have burned at least 373,000 acres, or 583 square miles an area larger than New York City. Fully a quarter of the California coast was ablaze. Flames climbed halfway toward the Nevada line through seven counties and devastating numerous communities.

Praise the Lord that we are fine where we are. All we have is the ashes and ugly sky and the awful smoke smells.

Yesterday Aaron's school went only for half day this morning at 6;30 they called and said today they were letting out (half day as well) so I said forget it don't pick him up for school today I will keep him with me.

I was going to be spending the morning and afternoon at Loma Linda Hospital with Bill. (from Bill's Special Kids) his wife Evelyn went in this morning for a Biopsy of her lungs. So Aaron and I sat with Bill and chatted while she was in surgery. We just got home a bit ago. They were going to make her stay for awhile. First they want to do a chest xray and they also have to keep an eye on her for awhile because the procedure they did on her can cause the lung to colapse. SO PLEASE PLEASE keep her in your prayers.. We love her so much she is like a Gramma to Aaron. We are quite close to the entire family.

Back to the awful fires.. I will post a couple of pictures one my friend sent me this is what it looked like near her home yesterday... And the other picture is what it looked like in our skies last night..

Pray for the fire fighters.... there seems to be no stopping of the fires and the winds have been very strong and makes it hard for them to get a handle on the fires..


Anonymous said...

Thank God you are safe with the fires. You have been in my prayers. I have been wanting to email but with all I have heard of the fires had NO idea you would still have internet and stuff up. God Bless You and your family and friends that are affected by the fires are in my prayers.
Lynn Rees