Judy Ann Lockwood

Judy Ann Lockwood
I am also called SugarBear...Juju.. and Mom

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael
I do not know what I would do without him!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Update on Bubba

Aaron has been doing pretty good been able to stay in school most days. Had to pick him early one day last week but for the most part doing good. I am so very proud of him. Even with his surgeries and all he has remained in good spirits most of the time. He is such an awesome kid. I cannot believe that he will be 17 in just one more week. My baby is a Handsome young man whom I am quite proud of. Amazing all the things he has overcome and learned to adapt to. I mean the mental disabilities and other issues he has been dealt in life was enough on his plate but then to have this terrible illness with tumors hit him this year. WOW is all I can say. And through it all he still remains the sweet spirited young man I so adore.

Many of you have emailed and asked if things have changed in the family trials.. No.. nothing has changed.. and even though all of all he has been going through and trials of him not having his sisters in his life he continues to try and deal with that.... and I must say for the most part he does well. He never even speaks about Sara anymore last thing he said about her was Mom she is just a lost cause. (oh the wisdom this child has been given) When he first got ill and knew about his tumors and all he was going through he did pray at night Amanda would contact him. Yet, she never did so he said the other day well I know now she just does not love me at all anymore and does not care if I live or die. He said so be it!!!! (just broke my heart he had tears streaming down his face as he said it) so even though out of his mouth he was saying it is finished, in his heart he was feeling something else. He said I was hoping to see Haley one more time before I die. I said sweetie you are not going to die anytime soon and I pray you see Haley again someday also.. Then he picked himself up and said, Mom thank God we have the Yearsley's for "OUR FAMILY" and I said yes, Bubba indeed we do. I said God knew we would need some family in our life so he blessed us with a Wonderful Family with them. And they love and adore and accept Bubba for the way he is despite his disabilities, anger, outbursts and all. They love him for HIM... just the way he is the way that GOD MADE HIM..

Last night he was talking about Patrice having the baby (she is like a sister to Bubba) Cooper was due a couple of days ago, so he should arrive anytime now. She has a boy named Nathan whom Aaron is Uncle Aaron to. And now he said I will have 2 nephews Nathan and Cooper. So even though they are in CA and us way back here in Oklahoma we are still a big part of their life and always will be. Hey that is what TRUE FAMILIES are like. And as I always have said you don't have to have the same DNA to be family..
So to me I will have another Grandson born anytime. I do wish I could be there for when he is born but I know I can't be so I will have to wait for pictures.. (smile)

I love my(adopted Yearsley sisters) Pam, Penny and Pat.. Penny is getting married in June we would oh so love to go to CA for the wedding.. Continue to keep Mom Evelyn in your prayers she is still having chemo and radiation for her Cancer and is having a rough go of it as of late. Bill had his heart surgey and seems to be doing pretty good. We miss you all and Bill's Special Kids which was oh such a LARGE part of our lives in CA..

We pray someday to be able to come back to CA and be a part of Bills Special Kids again but right now we have to concentrate on Bubba's health and getting him graduated. He is doing so awesome in school.. Still being mainstreamed for the majority of his classes and even though he was out alot because of surgeries and treatments he has made up the work.

So continue please to keep us in prayer.. As we continue to struggle not only with the daily life of Autism and Bipolar but also for his health from this past surgery.

GOD IS GOOD.. Hugs N Prayers to you all...................

Here is Bubba with Nathan.. when we flew back to CA for the wedding last year..