Judy Ann Lockwood

Judy Ann Lockwood
I am also called SugarBear...Juju.. and Mom

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael
I do not know what I would do without him!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Aaron with Mickey Now and 15 years ago....

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Our day at Disneyland and California Adventure

Friday Michael had the day off so off we went to the Happiest Place on Earth.
We had a great day we went to both Parks and we were there for a total of 14 hours so yes, I am tired. I am to old for that anymore. (smile)it was amazing though how much better I can walk around and even climb stairs getting into the rides etc having almost 100 pounds off me since my last trip to Disneyland. We had a great day and I shall share some of the pictures with you here.

This one the guy at California Adventure Park took when we arrived... He had us point to this star on the cement I was thinking what the heck. Ha ha later they inserted Stitch into the picture. Very cute. You can double click on the photos to view them larger too by the way....

Here is more pictures of the California Park including some of the pretty flowers and things that were decorated for Halloween. You will also see Aaron got his ribs to eat at the Pilots grill he loves to eat there and you can see on his face he really enjoys them too. Ha ha ha

Then it was off to the other side to Disneyland when we arrived at the front gate the Photographer said you like Tinkerbell? I had her on my shirt I said yes I love Tink he took a few pictures of us and one he had us put our hands together upside down and stare at my hand. Later they inserted Tinkerbell in my hand with her wand spreading fairy dust. (adorable)....
Also more pictures of the day such as in Haunted Mansion decorated for the Nightmare Before Christmas etc.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Disneyland here we come...

MySpace Comments

Michael is off today and we are taking Aaron to Disneyland and California Disney
I will post some pictures tomorrow I am sure. (smile)

You all have a blessed day...

We are off the Mouse's House.....

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Click here to read the article about Bills Special Kids in the newspaper today

The Press did an article about our special needs kiddos and put it in the paper today it is a nice article you can read by clicking on the title above.

Here is a picture of Aaron last Saturday playing Basketball. He was shooting a basket you can see the ball was about to go in.... Way to go Aaron.. WOO HOO...If you double click on the photo it enlarges it so you can see it better too.

Prayers needed

Please remember the Cannon family in your prayers, Ruth's son Russell passed away yesterday. They are in much need of love and prayers at this time. Ruth has known me since I was like 10 years old I grew up at the Coachella Church and she was a member there. This is me and Ruth a couple of months ago. I love her very much.. I am so sorry Ruth for your loss. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


"I'll keep my freedom, my guns, and my money,
and you can keep the "CHANGE".
Vote for McCain/Palin

Sunday, October 19, 2008


As I said in earlier posts my adorable hubby bought me a few clothes yesterday since so many of my things are to big now. ( I still love saying that) Ha ha ha

Anyway he took a couple of pictures today after church here is my new skirt outfit. Yes he loves me in black and that is also my favorite color everything we bought was either black or had black in it. (smile)

Oak Glen

Yesterday after Aaron went to Basketball, we decided to take a drive up to Oak Glen to get some yummy Apples. It was a very pretty day but wow it was busy up there they were having some sort of street fair with all kinds of booths and such. We had a nice time though we walked around and Aaron got a Frozen Lemonade and Carmel Apple so he was quite happy. (smile) after that we went to the church so I could finish making the new Church Directory's. I am glad those are finished, wanted to make sure I got them done before I moved away. Hate to leave a job unfinished that s just not me as you all well know. So anyway we had a nice day and also accomplished finishing putting together the Directory's. Then on the way home from Redlands Michael said lets go by Catherine's ( a womans store I love to shop at) I had gotten a sale card from them in the mail he said lets go see if you like anything. He is such a doll. He bought me a really cute skirt outfit was 40 percent of the sale price so really good deal. Also bought me a pair of pants, long black velvet skirt and a really cute top looks like it it 2 pieces but it is only one like a sweater with shirt under it. Something I would have never worn before losing almost 100 pounds....
Here are a few pictures from yesterday.. Loved these flowers they smelled so nice.
There is one with this guy singing and playing he was entertaining people as they shopped was very nice.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Prayer Request

Most of you know that when I finally got Michael to go for his physical since he had not been feeling well that they learned he had diabetes. They are having a rough time getting it under control and he is still not feeling well. He came home from work yesterday morning at 10 am. Please keep him in your prayers that the medications will kick in and start working for him. Aaron and I have been very worried about him and Michael is starting to have some depression issues due to the illness and family issues he is missing his granddaughter so very much these days. When you are ill things seem to bother you more. As most of you know Michael does not say much to others he keeps to himself pretty much but after being his wife for 38 years I know when things are bothering him and affecting him, he needs your prayers. And pray for the family situation that someday maybe our daughters will at least call or email it will be very sad if something happens to their Daddy and things have not been resolved. Life is to short to argue and fight. People are different our lives are different but it does not mean you have to argue and fight. So pray for these situations when you say your prayers tonight please? I love you dear friends... Hugs

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Rally at Coachella today

First off I loved their new church sign I had not seen it until today. Very very nice.

We had a great time today at Coachella we went and picked up Sis. Ruth Cannon to go with us since she has family at the Coachella church it was a nice day was great seeing everyone. And the Teens did a great skit. Brian Maulden from up North had come to preach the for the rally. After the Rally was over and we had lunch. They had got a Dunk Tank and a Cotton Candy Machine. The kids had a ball. Actually I think the adults had fun too. Many people actually got in the dunk tank was a lot of fun. Here are some pictures of the day...Of course there are some of Colton and Clayton our little Ridings buddies. Michael, Aaron and I each had a lot of time with both of them today. I love those little dudes. Also saw Tommy today which was nice I had not seen him since my cousin Maxine (his wife) died last year. Also there is a picture of Shari (used to be Counley) and me. We grew up at the Coachella church together. And of course there are some pictures of my Matt. (smile) even one of me and Matt together.
Hugs Judy