Judy Ann Lockwood

Judy Ann Lockwood
I am also called SugarBear...Juju.. and Mom

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael
I do not know what I would do without him!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Happy First Birthday Kaleb

Birthday Myspace Graphics
Many of you have emailed me and asked how Baby Kaleb was doing. It has been almost 7 months since he was shaken by his sitter. His parents have been living a nightmare all these months. Good news though he started the Hyperbaric chamber and is showing progress. His mom says he is getting stronger each day and even starting to jabber.
The place he is getting his hyperbaric treatment at is at a home. The lady has a son who is autistic and has mild cerebral palsy. He doesn't pay much attention to anything his mom said. But the other day when Kaleb and his mom got there she knelt down with Kaleb and this boys mom told him to look at the baby. Cognitively this boy is at the age of one but he is eight years old. When his mom told him to look at the baby he dropped his toy and looked at Kaleb for a minute and leaned over and kissed him on the forehead. Is that not the sweetest. GOD IS GOOD isn't he? Can you imagine how this mom felt? His mom started to cry and she said that he had never done that before and he has been around other babies! There is something so special about Kaleb... His mom states that "God has given him a presence that I will never understand and I am so thankful for this. He truly is a Angel of God. He has been touched by his hands and I think that people just sense that."

Happy First Birthday Kaleb we love you and are still praying for you..

Jim Hamill Gets Promoted To Heaven

Michael and I saw him sing a few times over the years. He
was a wonderful singer and sung the praises of the Lord.

Gospel Singing News has announced that the legendary Kingsmen
lead vocalist Jim Hamill passed away at approximately 5:30 a.m.
today. He was 73 years old.

Mr. Hamill was born August 10, 1934, in Big Stone Gap,
Virginia. In addition to singing with the Kingsmen, he
performed with the Weatherfords, Blue Ridge Quartet, the
Rebels Quartet, the Oak Ridge Quartet and the Senators.
Subscribers of Singing News Magazine had voted Mr. Hamill
"Favorite Lead Singer" five times, as well "Mr. Gospel
Music" twice during the magazine's Fan Awards.

Though he was often regarded as one of the best frontmen in
Southern Gospel music, his singing ability was also ranked
among the best. Many Southern Gospel fans will long remember
his performances of "Love Lifted Me" and "The Apple Tree
Song" among many others.

Mr. Hamill's legacy also includes his efforts to continually
put the younger members of the groups he sang with into the
spotlight. Though he was confident in his own stage
abilities, Mr. Hamill thought it was more important to
encourgage the young performers and give them the
opportunity to showcase their talents.

August 10, 1934 - November 29, 2007

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Corey.. isn't he the cutest?

Corey came this morning in the cutest outfit so of course me, Juju had to get out my camera. (smile) nah I know hard to believe me taking pictures and all put I just forced myself into do it. Ha! Anyway here are a few of the shots I took I put in a slideshow and I also did a couple of scrapbook pages for his mommy.

He is just the cutest little boy...

Sunday, November 25, 2007

My Pastor and his Wife

This year my Pastor and his wife celebrated their 50th Anniversary. What a testimony that is for sure especially the days we live in today. He also recently celebrated 51 years of "Preaching God's Word". AMEN!
I was messing around with a new scrapbook kind of program I got and I made this.
I love you both Bro. & Sis. Wiggins

Friday, November 23, 2007

Blessed Thanksgiving Day

Another Thanksgiving gone by... What a blessed day we had yesterday it was beautiful weather. We are so blessed to have the Yearsley Family in our lives. I truly believe God brought us together. I do not know what we would do without them. It was so nice to spend a wonderful day with them and I thank them with all my heart for adopting us into their family. I have just did some scrapbook pages of the day yesterday hope you enjoy them.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

What are you thankful for?

I am thankful that Jesus died for me on the cross and I am thankful I have such a loving husband you loves me even with all my faults. I am thankful God saw fit to entrust a special needs child for me to love and care for. I am thankful for my church family and I am thankful for the Yearsley Family who have adopted us these past few years and have made us a part of their very loving family. I am VERY thankful that they got all of Aaron's cancer. I pray you all have a Blessed Thanksgiving and that you are able to spend it with loved ones and the people who love and care for you and yours.

Hugs N Prayers Judy

In Memory of William C. Gable

I just returned from the funeral of Bro. Gable. I had not seen him in quite a few years but looking at him today I would have known him anywhere. His wife Marion is doing pretty well she did remember me but of course as Judy Waddill (not Lockwood). Roberta, Ruth and I always checked out all the boys at the Youth Rallys and Associations. (smile) I remember all his children singing together for years they were called the 4R's. Rex,Regina,Roberta and Ruth. I can remember knowing Bro. Gable for as long as I have known anyone. He had known me since I was just a toddler. So he actually knew me I guess longer than I knew him. It was nice seeing all the family again even under such sad circumstance. Seems like lately the only time I see many of my old time friends is when someone gets promoted into Heaven. I told that to Jed Winkleman today and he said yes and I bet we see a lot more of each other now. (I think that means we are getting old). I also saw Joyce Leota have known her basically all my life too. So today was a sad time and a good time all rolled up in one. Bro. John Swofford preached the service and did a wonderful job. See you again someday Bro. Gable.

Entered into this life on Monday, August 11, 1924
Entered into Eternal Life on Saturday, November 10, 2007

Monday, November 19, 2007

Family Christmas Picture for "2007"

A tradition we started when Amanda was born was every November we would have a Family picture taken for Christmas. So all through the years when the girls were still at home we have done this..
I do not like to have my picture taken but I love having the family picture so if I want it I have to do it. Michael is not a Holiday kind of guy as you can see in some of the pictures. (smile) But at least he was willing to go. Aaron always smiles don't have to worry about him.

These are some of the pictures of our Family during Christmas time.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Aaron and his little buddy Julian

I love the way Julian says Aaron.. He says Aaaaa ron. Ha! So so cute.
Aaron wanted a picture today with Julian he thinks it is so cool he can walk some now. He was telling Aaron I can walk he walked to Aaron with the help of his wonderful Gramma Sandy. He is just toooooooo cute. And yes we ADORE HIM in case you had not figured that out. Ha!!!!!!

All the Bloodwashed Band minus Scott......

Matt sent me this of the guys singing at Darren's Wedding.
Darren filled in for Scott of the Former Bloodwashed Band. MY BOYS.. .(smile)
Not very often do you hear When The Saints Go Marching In sung at a wedding.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Julian can walk.. Praise the Lord...

Yesterday at church after Sunday School, Julian came walking through the doors with his gramma it was so cute and what a blessing.

This is Julian's favorite verse...

Wonderful busy weekend....

Friday night we attended the youth rally at Hemet Church it was a very good rally and Redlands won the banner for most in attendance.

Saturday the District Ladies Meeting was held at our church in Redlands. The program our ladies did was entitled Soldiers of Christ. So I made centerpieces and programs according to the title. Our ladies did an excellent job on the play. Asking what kind of soldier are you?
Those in the play were:

Introduction: Eunice Wiggins

Cast of Characters

Captain.............Susan Meyers

Private Faithful....Dondra Ferris

Private Truth.......Lisa Kanady

Private Compassion..Michelle Gaylord

Private Peaceful...Chris Smith

Prayer Warrior.....Nadine Ridings

Private Prideful...Jill Turpin

Private Unarmed....Florence Hendrix

Private Worldly....Brittany Sturtevant

Private Lazy.......Tina Stephens

Private Fearful....Jesica Kanady

“Wounded Soldier"...sung by Kristen Crosby

Here are some pictures of the play and the luncheon and fellowship time.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Been a busy week...

Well I took Aaron on Monday to the Dr he said Tuesday he had to have surgery. Wednesday he had to go back to have it checked. Thursday morning I had to be at the hospital for more tests....Chest X ray....sonargram....and EKG...
Then had to go to the church Thursday night to decorate for Ladies Meeting on Saturday. Today was a busy day and then tonight was the Youth Rally at Hemet church we won the banner with 15 from our church in attendance. Tomorrow morning have to get to the bowling ally for Bill's Special Kids even though Aaron cannot bowl then have to get to the church for the District Ladies Meeting. Monday Aaron has a dentist appointment and then on Wednesday I have my Mammogram oh how I love those. NOT! Since my last cancer share they make me have them every 6 months now. And of course they want all these tests done before my surgery. So you can see life has been far from dull. (smile)
Night All..... Hugs

Friday, November 9, 2007

Update on Aaron

Aaron was a real trooper for his surgery. Dr said he had no problems at all with him. The stitches will come out in 2 weeks and hopefully have the biopsy results by then too. Thanks for all the prayers and good wishes.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Please say a prayer for Aaron ... Thank you....

Pray for Aaron please we got home a bit ago from a Dermatologist appointment I have been worried about this mole on his back it was beginning to have a black circle in the middle of it.

With me having Cancer (malignant Melanoma) from a mole and Sara too. I wanted it looked it. The Dermatologist said it has to be removed tomorrow.
He said with his Mom and his sister having Cancer it has to come off now..
So they are doing surgery on it tomorrow afternoon.

Please pray he will be fine with this and that the biopsy will be fine.
Poor kiddo has enough medical issues in his life already...

Here is what the mole looks like the DR took pictures of it today....

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Daylight Savings turn your clock back an hour....

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Been working on my Genealogy

I decided today since Aaron was well enough to go back to school that I would start working on my Genealogy again. So I thought I would start with doing some photos. Thought I would share what I have done so far today....