Judy Ann Lockwood

Judy Ann Lockwood
I am also called SugarBear...Juju.. and Mom

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael
I do not know what I would do without him!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Sad Time....... then Rejoice....then Proud....

First of all the sad time was the passing of Bro. John Paul Goodreau from or church this past Thursday evening. He will be greatly missed. He always had such a pleasent attitude and a smile for everyone, always asking me how I was? When I could see that he was in great pain himself.

The rejoicing part is that John was saved and he was baptized in 2005. So this brings much joy to his loved ones left behind. John is no longer in pain and is in Heaven with our Lord. Maybe I should say this should be called the envy part of posting. What a day that will be when my Jesus I shall see. AMEN....

The Proud part is that Sis. LaVerne, John's widow asked Aaron to be one of the Pallbearer's. He has NEVER done anything at all like this. So I must say at first I was a bit leary about it. But I have to say. HE DID AWESOME... everyone kept telling him how very proud they were of him and that it is an honor to be asked to be a Pallbearer. He would just smile and say I know, I will do my best. AND he DID...So this Mama is very proud of him. My baby has become a young man indeed!!!!!

LaVerne asked me to take some pictures and she wanted one with Aaron yesterday she said I want a picture with this handsome young man. (smile)

So the day turned out very well despite the awful heat. And our dear friend Bro. John , what we knew as his body was laid to rest at the Riverside National Cemetery. John was in the Air Force during Viet Nam at the same time my hubby Michael was in the Air Force. So he had a wonderful military service.

Aaron wrote a poem that he read at the funeral. I had to help him spell the words correctly but he did a great job. Here is what he wrote...

There was a man at my church his name was Brother John
He passed away this last week and now he is gone
He would come in and smile at me as he hobbled along
It is such a shame but he was in so much pain.

I bet my Poppy met him at the pearly white gates
I am sure Heaven is beautiful I too can hardly wait

The Lord took him home and I lost a friend
This is not goodbye Brother John I will see you again.

Here are a few pictures of the day......


Penny Bowhay said...

Aaron is indeed becoming a very handsome young man and, I am so proud of him. How awesome that La Verne asked him to be a pallbearer -- what a dear lady she is. May God comfort her heart through her time of grief.

And Aaron's poem was beautiful. What a Godly heart he has!

My Love & Hugs to You,

MarlaSt said...

I was soooo proud of Aaron at the funeral. His poem made me cry. And when he sat down, he looked right at me and smiled and it sure put a smile in my heart. I love that young man!!!

Judy said...

Marla I was so proud of my young man too... I was afraid maybe he could not do it but he proved me wrong and made us all PROUD..... Thank you for loving my special child.. Hugs