Judy Ann Lockwood

Judy Ann Lockwood
I am also called SugarBear...Juju.. and Mom

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael
I do not know what I would do without him!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Are We Having Fun Yet?

A couple of weeks ago I took the test for Sleep Apnea I was put on a machine while I slept. What fun! (not)

So last week I get a card in the mail about coming in and getting the results, so I went today..
I have what is called Mild apnea it is when you have 5 to 15 episodes of apnea or slowed breathing per hour with 86% or more oxygen saturation in the blood she said mine was at about 10 and suggested I start using a CPAP machine. Especially since I will be having my gallbladder and other surgeries in the next few months possibly. She also told me that hypothyroidism plays a big part in the numbers for sleep apnea. And also my having bronchitis sometimes can cause difficulty in how I breathe at night as well. She said I would not have to be on this machine for life just see if it helps me.

So tonight I sleep with this other machine attached to my face and take it back in the morning. Then the results go to my DR and she orders the machine for me. This test tonight is to see how much air I need actually from the machine itself I guess. WHO KNOWS.. hehehe so tonight I shall be Darth Vader's Wife. (smile)


Unknown said...

Make sure they don't leave any stones when you have your gallbladder out! I ended up back in for more surgery because they left stones in there!

Judy said...

Okay hon thanks.. they will not do surgery unless I have a major attack until all my blood work for all the things I am low on like calcium.. Iron.. Vitamin D B-1 and B-12 etc..they have to be all built up and also my thyroid level has to be somewhat normal. So I pray I don't have a major attack until these are all cleared up and they feel it safer to do surgery..

But really hon thanks so much for the advice. I always like to hear from people who have it done to know what to think about etc.