Judy Ann Lockwood

Judy Ann Lockwood
I am also called SugarBear...Juju.. and Mom

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael
I do not know what I would do without him!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Thursday, August 30, 2007

This joke was to funny not to share.. called Resume...


Deer Sir,

I waunt to apply for the secritary job what I saw in the paper. I can Type real quik wit one finggar and do sum a counting.

I think I am good on the phone and no I am a pepole person, Pepole really seam to respond to me well.

Im lookin for a Jobb as a secritary but it musent be to complicaited

I no my spelling is not to good but find that I Offen can get a job thru my persinalety. My salerery is open so we can discus wat you want to pay me and wat you think that I am werth,

I can start imeditely. Thank you in advanse fore yore anser.

hopifuly Yore best aplicant so farr.


Peggy May Starlings

PS : Because my resimay is a bit short - below is a pickture of me.

This was the Employer's response:......

Dear Peggy May,

It's OK honey, we've got spell check!

Are We Having Fun Yet?

A couple of weeks ago I took the test for Sleep Apnea I was put on a machine while I slept. What fun! (not)

So last week I get a card in the mail about coming in and getting the results, so I went today..
I have what is called Mild apnea it is when you have 5 to 15 episodes of apnea or slowed breathing per hour with 86% or more oxygen saturation in the blood she said mine was at about 10 and suggested I start using a CPAP machine. Especially since I will be having my gallbladder and other surgeries in the next few months possibly. She also told me that hypothyroidism plays a big part in the numbers for sleep apnea. And also my having bronchitis sometimes can cause difficulty in how I breathe at night as well. She said I would not have to be on this machine for life just see if it helps me.

So tonight I sleep with this other machine attached to my face and take it back in the morning. Then the results go to my DR and she orders the machine for me. This test tonight is to see how much air I need actually from the machine itself I guess. WHO KNOWS.. hehehe so tonight I shall be Darth Vader's Wife. (smile)

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Thanks Pastor Wiggins for the pictures....

My Pastor knows how much I loved to go and hear Roger Bennett. It was so sad when he passed away this year in March.
He was a member of the Legacy Five Quartet he was their pianist. He died as a result of complications encountered through his long battle with leukemia. He was 48 years old.

Roger was born March 10, 1959, he grew up in Strawberry, Arkansas. In November of 1979, Roger fulfilled his life-long dream of being a part of professional Southern Gospel music when he was invited by Glen Payne and George Younce to join the legendary Cathedral Quartet. Though he would leave the group for two years (1987-1989) to serve as the president of Journey Records, Roger was the group's pianist at the time of the quartet's retirement in 1999.

Following the retirement of the Cathedrals, Roger and fellow Cathedrals member Scott Fowler launched Legacy Five. In 2004, Roger fulfilled another dream (having his own successful quartet) when readers of Singing News voted Legacy Five as the Favorite Traditional Male Quartet.

Although an excellent singer, Roger is best remembered as pianist--and often a comedian--for the Cathedrals and Legacy Five. Roger received the Singing News Fan Award for Favorite Southern Gospel pianist 14 years in row (1993-2006).

Songwriting was another forte' of Roger Bennett. Many of his songs appeared on the recordings of the Cathedrals, Legacy Five and many others. His writing talent was not limited to just songs, however. Roger was a contributing editor to Singing News, writing "Midnight Meditations."

Roger left behind his wife Debbie and their children Chelsea and Jordan.
And a mountain top full of friends.

I saw him many many times in concert first with the Cathedrals then with Legacy Five.
He was a great man and he is very much missed. I think it is so cool Pastor sent me these pictures. He is in Tennessee right now on Vacation and was nice enough to include me in the email of the mailing of the pictures he and Sis. Wiggins went on a search to find his graveside. Thanks again Pastor. Love ya......

Here are the pictures he emailed me today...

Monday, August 27, 2007

The Pastor and Sis. Wiggins New Home...

The Pastor and Sis. Wiggins are on Vacation in Tennessee.
Today they are at Dollywood in Pigeon Forge.
They bought a house before they left and Saturday some of us got together and moved them into it so they would not have to do it when they returned.
It is a nice house. Michael and I went the weekend before they left and tried to get ceiling fans in all the bedrooms and offices. Michael was on his way out of the attic doing the wiring for the LAST ONE and oops his foot slipped right through the ceiling. (ergh) he was not a happy camper. But Praise the Lord he was not hurt. Three of the fans managed to get up and they sure look nice. He will put the other one up this next weekend before they return from vacation, and after the hole in ceiling is fixed. (smile) The house is really coming together nicely. WE LOVE YOU PASTOR and Sis. Wiggins.. and miss you.. I took some pictures Saturday during the move so we could share with you (Pastor & Sis. Wiggins) so you can see kind of what your new house looks like. Now remember these pictures were taken on Saturday and not all was done. Hugs


Welcome the newest member of the Jason Gayler family. Isn't she adorable?

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Another Busy Weekend

This past Saturday was the Opening Day for RMBI (which is the Seminary School) our church has. It went well and everyone seemed to have a nice time.
This whole month there has been something special happening on Saturdays good thing Aaron had a month off from Bill's Special Kids because our Saturday's are normally filled with things for Special Needs Sports etc.

Aaron will start school next Monday the 27th. And he will begin his Guitar lessons either this Saturday afternoon or the following one have not been in touch this week with the teacher yet. He is quite excited to begin the lessons.

He is also enjoying the Exercise bike he now has. It is pretty cool I like it too. He is computerized so it tells your heart and pulse rate etc and lets you know how many miles and minutes it takes you as well. It is made by Nordic Track. I will take a picture of him later today on it.

The Dr called and I have to go this afternoon for MORE BLOOD WORK.. soon I won't have any left I told them. (Ha!)

Michael starts his Standby today he left this morning at 4am and won't be home till next Tuesday at 6pm it will be a long week without him. But the city rules are he has to be within a 30 minute response time and we live more than an hour away.
He will have to do this every 3 or 4 weeks. Not sure how I will like this new schedule but we do what we have to do.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Sad Time....... then Rejoice....then Proud....

First of all the sad time was the passing of Bro. John Paul Goodreau from or church this past Thursday evening. He will be greatly missed. He always had such a pleasent attitude and a smile for everyone, always asking me how I was? When I could see that he was in great pain himself.

The rejoicing part is that John was saved and he was baptized in 2005. So this brings much joy to his loved ones left behind. John is no longer in pain and is in Heaven with our Lord. Maybe I should say this should be called the envy part of posting. What a day that will be when my Jesus I shall see. AMEN....

The Proud part is that Sis. LaVerne, John's widow asked Aaron to be one of the Pallbearer's. He has NEVER done anything at all like this. So I must say at first I was a bit leary about it. But I have to say. HE DID AWESOME... everyone kept telling him how very proud they were of him and that it is an honor to be asked to be a Pallbearer. He would just smile and say I know, I will do my best. AND he DID...So this Mama is very proud of him. My baby has become a young man indeed!!!!!

LaVerne asked me to take some pictures and she wanted one with Aaron yesterday she said I want a picture with this handsome young man. (smile)

So the day turned out very well despite the awful heat. And our dear friend Bro. John , what we knew as his body was laid to rest at the Riverside National Cemetery. John was in the Air Force during Viet Nam at the same time my hubby Michael was in the Air Force. So he had a wonderful military service.

Aaron wrote a poem that he read at the funeral. I had to help him spell the words correctly but he did a great job. Here is what he wrote...

There was a man at my church his name was Brother John
He passed away this last week and now he is gone
He would come in and smile at me as he hobbled along
It is such a shame but he was in so much pain.

I bet my Poppy met him at the pearly white gates
I am sure Heaven is beautiful I too can hardly wait

The Lord took him home and I lost a friend
This is not goodbye Brother John I will see you again.

Here are a few pictures of the day......

Friday, August 10, 2007

Aaron Playing Bass Guitar

Aaron has expressed a desire to learn to play the Bass Guitar so I went on Ebay and bought him one also found an Amplifier on ebay too. Yes, I do love Ebay......

He will hopefully begin taking lessons in September. I found a Guitar Teacher who said he would love to teach a special needs child to play a guitar. He actually is getting his Masters and becoming a Special Ed Teacher. WOW was it awesome I called this guy or what?

Here he is with his new Guitar..

Cool Slideshows!

Movie Reviews..

Yesterday afternoon Aaron and I decided to go to the movies. Soon he will start school and he and I won't be able to spend all day together as we have these past couple of months. The summer has actually went very fast and I am so proud of Aaron and the way he is handling himself these days. Can you tell I love him Nah!!!!!
Anyway yesterday we saw NO RESERVATIONS what a wonderful CLEAN WHOLESOME Family movie. We both really enjoyed it. Yes, I did cry a couple of times. I am a sap with movies YES....

Then today Pat called and asked if she could treat Aaron and I to a movie with her and Nathan. They were going to see UNDERDOG. What a cute kids movie. Aaron and Nathan both enjoyed it very much. Of course Aaron would have enjoyed any movie going with Nathan and Pat. (smile) He so adores that little boy and Pat is extremely special to him.
We did have a lot of fun and a wonderful afternoon. Thanks Pat for taking us. We love you.. Hugs

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Great weekend.. most of it in church

What a weekend... as stated in the last post it started on Friday evening with closing night of Vacation Bible School. Then Saturday morning we had to be up early in order to be in La Habra by 9:30 for the Ordination of Bro. Kevin Parsons. Who as of today is now a PASTOR woo hoo for Kevin. It was a wonderful service and there were a lot of people there. Matt came from Coachella and he led songs. (Good job as always) Wish he would have sang a special though. (Maybe next weekend? Please Matthew) hehehe
Jason, Jerry and Odis came too. It was great seeing all of them as well.
After services the ladies from the church served a wonderful lunch too all.
Then today of course was church. A bunch of us went to lunch (as many of us always do) today there were 16 of us that went we had a nice time. It was to late to come home after lunch because it would have been time to turn around and go back for evening services. So we went to the church. Bro. Mark Minton had his guitars as always with him. Aaron told him he wanted to learn to play the Bass Guitar so he sat Aaron down and showed him a couple of cords. He told me if I got Aaron a guitar he would help teach him that got Aaron all excited. Then Dad went to the van to get my camera he wanted some pictures of Aaron playing. It was really cute.
So as with every Sunday we had a very full day.
All in all we had a wonderful weekend. Next weekend our church is hosting a Big Youth Rally on Saturday from 10 am to 4 pm. So it will be another full weekend that weekend too. Then the following Saturday is Opening Day of RMBI. (Good thing Aaron had a month off from Bill's Special Kids before Bowling starts again) We have all the Saturdays in August almost filled with church activities.
Anyway hope everyone had a Blessed Weekend.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Vacation Bible School..Wild West Witness

Our church hosted a Vacation Bible School this year for a week. I took some pictures last night on the last evening. I am not sure who had the most fun the kids or our Adults from our church. It was enjoyed by all......