Judy Ann Lockwood

Judy Ann Lockwood
I am also called SugarBear...Juju.. and Mom

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael
I do not know what I would do without him!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Monday, June 18, 2007

Good times and sad times.....Father's Day

We had a nice weekend.
First on Friday we went to Palm Desert. George, Michael's friend who he graduated High School with, he went back to school and got his degree he graduated on Friday night at the College of the Desert. So we went to his graduation party on Friday night. I will post some pictures of Michael and George they had a lot of fun together. They had an awesome band playing a lot of old songs we really liked from the Beatles and Creedence Clearwater etc. It was a lot of fun.
We stayed at the Ramada Inn it is a really nice place and they serve you a full breakfast in the morning you tell them what you want and they cook it for you, so Michael and Aaron really enjoyed that.

George acting silly as always... this is the George I knew when I was only 14 years old always being crazy... (smile)

Michael and George

Saturday after checking out of the hotel we went to Indio to see Aunt Virgie. She is not really my aunt but I have called her that all of my life she has known me since I was 11 months old. All the kids at the Coachella church always called her Aunt Virgie. Funny thing is when Michael came to live in California in 1967, Aunt Virgie is his cousin. So I am related to her since I married Michael (smile) she was so happy to see us all and told Michael he had always been her favorite and that he was very special to her. So I am really glad we went to see her. She is 84 years old now. She told Michael a lot of thing about his family he never knew and told him about his Great Great Great Grandpa whose picture I got while we were there too...
Here are some pictures we took while visiting Aunt Virgie.

Aaron with Aunt Virgie's dog he loved this dog.

This is Aunt Virgie she looks really good for 84 years old doesn't she?

Michael, Aunt Virgie and Aaron

Aunt Virgie with Me

Aunt Virgie with Michael

This is Michael's Great Great Great Grandpa his name was Jurdon pretty name isn't it?
He came from Denmark to Ellis Island.

After going to see her we went back to Palm Desert and we went to see my cousin Maxine. She is not doing well at all her kidneys are shutting down she was getting dialysis but now she is to ill even for that. Please remember her and her family in prayer at this time as this is a very difficult time for them all. I was so happy I got to see her one last time and she opened her eyes for a moment and I think she knew who I was. I have always loved her very much. Her son Johnny and I were very close growing up, we were close in age too and went to school together all of our lives before we married. I got to see him on Saturday too along with his brother and sisters. Nice to see them all just wish it would have been under better circumstances.

We drove around and showed Aaron places we used to live in. The house we bought after Michael got out of the Air Force in 1975 we bought it for $18,500.00 and had no idea how on earth we could make a house payment of $181.00 a month how funny isn't it? The house is for sale right now they had flyers out in front of the house so Aaron got out and got one so we could see how much it was now... and it is selling for $245,000.00 to bad we do not still own it huh? Here is a picture of the house.

On Sunday after church Aaron wanted to take Dad to a movie for Father's Day so we took him to see Fantastic Four the Rise of the Silver Surfer. It was really good and Michael really enjoyed it. By the time the movie was over was time for us to go back for evening church. Michael teaches the Junior High Class on Sunday evening. So Michael had a really nice Father's Day and Aaron had fun too. So both my guys were happy. If my guys are happy Mom is happy too. (smile)
Michael's Birthday is Friday, I bought tickets for us on Saturday to go and see Ernie Haaus and Signiture Sound. Aaron is excited about that too.

So we had a busy weekend and it was fun and also sad to see Maxine as sick as she is now. But a blessing I was able to see her again.


Penny Bowhay said...

You know how to pack a lot of fun into a weekend girl....WOW! What great pics of ALL your adventures too. And now Michael has a birthday coming up this Friday? More excitement ahead!!!