Judy Ann Lockwood

Judy Ann Lockwood
I am also called SugarBear...Juju.. and Mom

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael
I do not know what I would do without him!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Ernie Haase and Signature Sound Do I say WOO HOO or AMEN AMEN???

We just returned from the Ernie Haase and Signature Sound Concert that was at a church in Santa Ana tonight.

We had saw them 2 months ago with Bill Gaither for the Homecoming but wow.. were they good tonight. They had announced in April when we saw them with Bill that they would be coming back in June. So I came home and ordered tickets online the next day. I told Michael HAPPY BIRTHDAY. (smile) since yesterday was his Birthday I bought US ALL tickets to go. We all got presents sneaky huh?

I always loved Ernie when he was with the Cathedrals and tonight he sang some of the songs he sang while with them WOW WOW WOW he can still sing. AMEN indeed. What a voice this man has.

He sang Oh What A Savior the windows were rattling I tell ya.

He is the sweetest, most gentle man in person. I talked with him for a bit before the concert we had gotten there early. I got my picture with him I will put that in this email too.

At intermission time Aaron wanted to meet Tim Duncan the Bass Singer. He loves Tim's voice and he even talks really really deep like he sings so cool.

So he went up to the table to meet him. Tim shook his hand I got a picture of him shaking Aaron's hand. He asked Aaron what his name was and Aaron said my name is Aaron, sir I am really happy to meet you. Tim came from around the table and took his picture with Aaron. Aaron was beaming it was really cute.

We had awesome seats. While I was taking pictures during the concert Aaron said mom take a video. I keep forgetting my camera does do video too. I took 3 short videos.

What a wonderful evening we had. AMEN!!!!!!!

Here are some of the pictures... Hugs

Michael's Birthday

Glitter Maker

Aaron wanted to take Daddy to the movies for his Birthday after we got back from Palm Desert. We wanted to see Evan Almighty but it was not playing at the right time we had just missed the time to see it. So we saw 1408 the movie with John Cusack and Samuel L. Jackson. It was really good it is a thriller kind of movie made you jump quite a few times. Michael really enjoyed it and that is all that mattered since it was for his Birthday. (smile)

Maxine's Funeral

Yesterday was Maxine's funeral. It was a typical Family Funeral, most everyone said WHY does our family usually pass away in the summer when it is so hot in the desert? It was VERY HOT and was also humid. Many of my family said too it is sad we only get to see each other when someone dies. (That is sad isn't it?) But it is always wonderful seeing everyone. The service honoring the Celebration of Maxine's life was beautiful. Her son (my cousin Johnny did the service) also Bro. Burdette also did the obituary and part of the graveside as well. Many friends and loved ones came to honor Maxine's life and her love and commitment to Jesus Christ our Lord.
My nephew Larry Jr. came too with his Mom (Aunt Dodo to my kids) and her sister Jo. (who is Michael's aunt) Dodo whose name is really Dolores was married to my brother Larry. Yesterday would have been Larry's 58th Birthday. It was Michael's 57th Birthday. So while at the cemetery I went by my brother's grave. I know he is not there he is in heaven but I just felt like stopping by to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY. It was nice seeing Larry Jr. and Dolores and it was nice they came. I took some pictures after the funeral most were taken and Tommy and Maxine's home that is where the family dinner was. I made a slide show I will post it here.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Moms Night Out

We had Mom's Night Out last night for Bill's Special Kids Moms. We try to get together at least every 2 months. It is a lot of fun and without our kiddos.
I LOVE my special Moms and Grandmoms. They are a BIG part of our FAMILY. In fact they are OUR FAMILY. We love them all very much especially the Yearsley Clan.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Maxine Louise Coleman

My cousin Maxine went home to be with the Lord this morning. Please say a prayer for her family as they make arrangements for her funeral. Maxine is at peace and in the arms of Jesus today.

This is Maxine with her husband Tommy they were very devoted to each other.

God saw you getting tired, and a cure was not to be,
so he put his arms around you, and whispered,
"Come With Me",
We watched you suffer, and we saw you fade away,
although we loved you dearly, we could not make you stay.
A golden heart stopped beating, hard breathing finally at rest,
God broke our hearts to prove, he only takes the best.
It's lonesome here without you, we miss you more each day,
life doesn't seem the same, since you've gone away.
When days are sad and lonely, and everything goes wrong.
We seem to hear you finally whisper,
"Cheer Up Carry On." each time we see your picture,
you seem to smile and say,
"Don't cry, I'm in God's keeping,
we'll meet again some day."

Monday, June 18, 2007

Good times and sad times.....Father's Day

We had a nice weekend.
First on Friday we went to Palm Desert. George, Michael's friend who he graduated High School with, he went back to school and got his degree he graduated on Friday night at the College of the Desert. So we went to his graduation party on Friday night. I will post some pictures of Michael and George they had a lot of fun together. They had an awesome band playing a lot of old songs we really liked from the Beatles and Creedence Clearwater etc. It was a lot of fun.
We stayed at the Ramada Inn it is a really nice place and they serve you a full breakfast in the morning you tell them what you want and they cook it for you, so Michael and Aaron really enjoyed that.

George acting silly as always... this is the George I knew when I was only 14 years old always being crazy... (smile)

Michael and George

Saturday after checking out of the hotel we went to Indio to see Aunt Virgie. She is not really my aunt but I have called her that all of my life she has known me since I was 11 months old. All the kids at the Coachella church always called her Aunt Virgie. Funny thing is when Michael came to live in California in 1967, Aunt Virgie is his cousin. So I am related to her since I married Michael (smile) she was so happy to see us all and told Michael he had always been her favorite and that he was very special to her. So I am really glad we went to see her. She is 84 years old now. She told Michael a lot of thing about his family he never knew and told him about his Great Great Great Grandpa whose picture I got while we were there too...
Here are some pictures we took while visiting Aunt Virgie.

Aaron with Aunt Virgie's dog he loved this dog.

This is Aunt Virgie she looks really good for 84 years old doesn't she?

Michael, Aunt Virgie and Aaron

Aunt Virgie with Me

Aunt Virgie with Michael

This is Michael's Great Great Great Grandpa his name was Jurdon pretty name isn't it?
He came from Denmark to Ellis Island.

After going to see her we went back to Palm Desert and we went to see my cousin Maxine. She is not doing well at all her kidneys are shutting down she was getting dialysis but now she is to ill even for that. Please remember her and her family in prayer at this time as this is a very difficult time for them all. I was so happy I got to see her one last time and she opened her eyes for a moment and I think she knew who I was. I have always loved her very much. Her son Johnny and I were very close growing up, we were close in age too and went to school together all of our lives before we married. I got to see him on Saturday too along with his brother and sisters. Nice to see them all just wish it would have been under better circumstances.

We drove around and showed Aaron places we used to live in. The house we bought after Michael got out of the Air Force in 1975 we bought it for $18,500.00 and had no idea how on earth we could make a house payment of $181.00 a month how funny isn't it? The house is for sale right now they had flyers out in front of the house so Aaron got out and got one so we could see how much it was now... and it is selling for $245,000.00 to bad we do not still own it huh? Here is a picture of the house.

On Sunday after church Aaron wanted to take Dad to a movie for Father's Day so we took him to see Fantastic Four the Rise of the Silver Surfer. It was really good and Michael really enjoyed it. By the time the movie was over was time for us to go back for evening church. Michael teaches the Junior High Class on Sunday evening. So Michael had a really nice Father's Day and Aaron had fun too. So both my guys were happy. If my guys are happy Mom is happy too. (smile)
Michael's Birthday is Friday, I bought tickets for us on Saturday to go and see Ernie Haaus and Signiture Sound. Aaron is excited about that too.

So we had a busy weekend and it was fun and also sad to see Maxine as sick as she is now. But a blessing I was able to see her again.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Haley's First Haircut

Amanda took Haley for her first haircut last week she was so good as you can see in the pictures. She is such a big girl.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Pray for Baby Kaleb

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Like any responsible parents, Kristy and Josh Schwade wanted what was best for their only child, Kaleb. They did a background check on their day care worker, and even interviewed her in her home for two hours. Kristy was even willing to drive 20 miles out of her way to provide, what they thought to have been, "optimum" care in a good neighborhood.

On May 9th, 2007 their worst nighmare happened. After being in the care of this home day care worker only five times, Kaleb was picked up by his Grandmother and Aunt. They noticed that he was lethargic and experiencing obvious breathing abnormalities. The caregiver told them he was ill, but Kaleb had just visited the doctors the day before and was given a "clean bill of health". When Kristy arrived at her mother's home to pick Kaleb up, she described him as "having no life in his body". She tried repeatedly to wake him, but with no avail. She and her father got in the car and rushed to the hospital. While in the vehicle, Kristy lifted Kaleb's little eyelids. She noticed that his pupils were different sizes. Being the wife of an EMT, she knew immediately that this was the sign of a head injury Kaleb needed IMMEDIATE care. They stopped at the nearest firestation. The ambulance took him to the nearest hospital, and he was classified as a "trauma alert". He was then life-flighted to Tampa General Hospital, and was admitted to the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU). He was diagnosed as having Shaken Baby Syndrome. They also discovered that he had been SMOTHERED!

When something happens to your child, your world STOPS. You no longer care that someone cut you off on the highway, or that someone jumps in front of you in line at the grocery store. Nothing else matters but your child.

Kaleb is their world. The doctors. The PICU. It's all that matters now. PRAY for this family please....

Monday, June 11, 2007

Church Sign

I really liked this sign....

Friday, June 8, 2007

Our weekend in Vegas

These are a few of the scrapbook pages I made from Vegas last weekend...

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Haley Ann Dunn

My Weekly Class

Well yesterday was week five of my twenty-four week class on Nutrition and Options.
I was so excited I lost another 4 pounds since last week. I thought going to Vegas and me not writing down everything I placed in my mouth would make me gain. But woo hoo it did not. So far I have lost 16 pounds. Weird cause I have to eat 5 times a day too. hehehe I used to eat like once a day. But they said that was what was wrong my body was not getting jump started in the morning so my metabolism was not working. Plus my DR is keeping a close eye on my thyroid and for the moment it seems to working too.
So all in all it was a good week I guess. Please keep praying for me as I have been overweight for the majority of my life. Hugs

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Mr. Brooks the Movie

We went and saw Mr. Brooks it is the movie with Kevin Costner I really like him. Demi Moore is in it and I like her also. What I did not know till I got there was the one playing Kevin Costner's wife (Mrs. Brooks was Marg Helgenberger who plays on CSI, Las Vegas) I like her alot but did not see in the movie credits before that she was in it. Anyway the movie was really good.
Was sad actually cause he really wanted to be a nice guy. Has a split personality kind of actually what is called an alter ego. If you go see it let me know what you think.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Aaron and Amanda

Look how much taller Aaron is than Amanda now....he had not seen her in over a year until at the Funeral for Tony Jr. A lady from our church, Esther took this picture. Thank you so much Esther the picture means the world to me and will to Aaron when he sees it too.

Monday, June 4, 2007

Our Weekend

We had a great time at the Bowling League Tournament in Vegas this weekend. We had not been anywhere in almost 2 years so it was nice even if it only lasted 2 days.

We stayed at the Orleans cause that is where the Tournament was. We thought it would be easier than running back and forth etc.
We had never stayed there before it is an awesome Hotel and wonderful places to eat in it too. Has TGIF.. Don Miquels....SUBWAY too woo hoo...There are many many places to eat to many to post....
And as all hotels in Vegas an awesome Buffet that is where we all ate on Saturday night. There was 17 in our group so made it easier to eat there too.
Mike bowled really well in Vegas. He actually won a little money which was a real surprise. He had not bowled in years until he joined this league in September of 2006. It has been good for him and he is having fun.
Aaron had a ball in Vegas. He loves when we go to Mexican places so he can get Virgin Strawberry Margarita's. It is just a punch like slushy but he thinks it is cool the glass it come in etc. Hey whatever makes him happy. hehehe

This is the Hotel where we stayed....