Judy Ann Lockwood

Judy Ann Lockwood
I am also called SugarBear...Juju.. and Mom

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael
I do not know what I would do without him!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Is it Friday Yet????

I am getting excited about this weekend and Michael's Bowling Tournament in Las Vegas. Honestly I could care less about where we are going I just want to go somewhere.(smile) We have not been anywhere in a couple of years. Aaron is very excited. And Patrice and Nathan are going too as well as William. So Aaron can play in the pool with them.
It will just be nice to get out of town for a couple of days.
And of course going with good friends who have become like family to us makes it even better. Bill, Evelyn, Pam, William, Penny, Danny, Stephen, Pat, Bob, Patrice, Nathan, Michael and David. Well that is not all who is going there are many others but these are who we will hang out with.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Memorial Day Holiday Glitter Graphics

Have a blessed Memorial Day.. Drive safely....

Memorial Day Holiday Glitter Graphics

Saturday, May 26, 2007

We took Aaron this afternoon to see Pirates of the Caribbean At World's End. It came out yesterday. We like all the Pirate movies and had promised Aaron we would take him when it came out. It was great as usual and for those of you reading this who have not seen it yet I will not say anything about it cause I do not want to ruin it for you. But ONE with the first two movies make sure you stay for all the credits cause you will want to see what is on screen after the credits that is all I will say but just wanna warn you so you do not leave the theatre to soon. (smile) My hubby has to read ALL the credits.. hehe
Anyway go see the movie.. Hugs

Promoted to Heaven

Yesterday was Tony's Memorial Service. It was very fitting for a Soldier. The Army promoted him to Spc. William Farrar when he died. But he was promoted to a wonderful place when he died. His loved ones shall miss him but he is in a much better place than we are. Please continue to remember his Dad Tony Sr., his Stepmother Cathy and his mother Sally in your prayers. The service may be over but the heartache shall continue for quite some time.
Goodbye Tony.....See you in Heaven....
I wrote this poem about Tony...

Tony none of us knew that morning
that God had called your name.
Your church family and friends have always
loved you, and in death we do the same.

It has broken our hearts to lose you
we can remember your gentle smile.
But we shall see you again someday
it will just take a little while.

You have left us happy memories
you were thoughtful and you were kind
And even if we cannot see you,
you will forever be in our minds.

Your family’s hearts have been broken
and there is nothing we can say
However we shall see you again in heaven
when God calls us home one day.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Well not much new around here we had a busy weekend again. Saturday was Aaron's Awards Picnic for Baseball. All the kids seemed to have a great time. Bowling will start on June 9th for the Bill's Special Kids. That is Aaron's favorite thing to do with BSK. So he is very excited that Bowling is starting again. Michael's last night of bowling was Sunday evening they have this weekend off then off to Las Vegas for the Tournament. We are so excited about getting away for a few days. Especially it is nice since the hotel is already paid for from the money from the league that makes it even nicer. (smile)We have not been anywhere in a long time so we are all actually excited about going. Of course Aaron keeps asking when are we going mom?
I am glad it was not this weekend we had planned to go since Tony Jr's funeral service is planned for Friday this week. Please continue to keep his entire family in your prayers. I cannot even begin to imagine what they are going through.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Today is my oldest daughter, Amanda's Birthday she is 27 years old today. If you know her please wish her a Happy Birthday today. Thanks.. Hugs Judy

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Monday, May 14, 2007

Picture Bob made me for Mother's Day

This is the picture Bob did for me for Mother's Day isn't it neat how he imports a picture of Aaron on top of Daddy? I LOVE IT! And I love Bob for making it for me.

Mother's Day

Yesterday was Mother's Day. We went to church then I needed to go by Walmart to print the pictures from the weekend etc. Aaron was getting tired waiting cause their was a long line in Walmart to do pictures. So he asked Dad for the keys so he could go outside and play a game. He had the game plugged into the charger in the van and turned on the key to charge it but did not start the engine. SO YEP... we came out and Van was dead.. I had been in trying to pay for my things and pictures I had printed. Could not find my card holder with license and ATM and cards in it. (I was not having a good afternoon) Ha! Anyway I finally just write a check cause I knew my License number by heart to put on the check. But once we realized the van was dead I am thinking okay I have no AAA card to call for a jump. Ha! I have had AAA roadside for almost 30 years. So I called them from my cell and they looked me up.. and sent someone to jump the van.

We were due to go to Pat Losner's house from Bill's Special Kids at 5:00 for a Mother's Day Dinner for Evelyn. They made chicken and steak fajitas and man they were yummy. I got presents too which was quite unexpected. I got a bag full of goodies from Bath and Body Works from Nathan and William. And Pat had Bob (her hubby) who is a wonderful photographer he takes pictures of the kids for BSK. Well he had this picture of Aaron getting ready to hit the ball and a picture of Mike and he put them together it is SOOOOOOOOOOO cool. And framed it for me. It is just beautiful and so special. I will try and scan it if I can. But I was so HAPPY and surprised to get it. So all in all Mother's day wound up being a great day and we were with our friends and loved ones. GOD IS GOOD.....

The Storm Baseball Game with Bill's Special Kids

Saturday evening Bill's Special Kids had been invited to attend the Lake Elisinore Storm Baseball Game. It was really cool. Our kids got to walk around the field before the game then some actually got to meet some of the players and throw the first pitch it was really cool. Aaron got his baseball autographed by the left fielder who he ran out on the field with before the game. A fun time was had by all...
I will post pictures of the evening.

Bill's Special Kids and Applebees

On Saturday the new Applebee's here in town opened it's doors for the first time. It was not yet open to the public just those with invitations. It was all very nice. They were charging $5.00 for each meal and all the proceeds was given to BSK. They adopted us as thier organization to sponsor. Isn't that cool? It is a wonderful restraurant and all the people were so nice. Our waitress Brigada we were the first table she had ever waited on before and she did an awesome job. I will post some pictures...

I was not online much this weekend so I will have to catch up now.
On Saturday morning we received a phone call that one of our church members who was serving our Country in Iraq was killed. Please keep this family in your prayers. It will be a rough couple of weeks while waiting and planning the service for him.
He will be deeply missed by many. Thank you for defending our county and I know you are in a better place than we are and we shall see you again someday.
William Farrar, Jr. (AKA TONY)
I found this information online about him.

May 11, 2007

Army Pfc. William A. Farrar Jr., 20, of Redlands, Calif.; assigned to the 127th Military Police Company, 709th Military Police Battalion, 18th Military Police Brigade, Darmstadt, Germany; died May 11 in Al Iskandariyah, Iraq, of wounds suffered when an improvised explosive device detonated near his vehicle.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Aaron's 14th Birthday

Aaron hit another homerun

Friday night at baseball Aaron hit another homerun. He was really excited. It was cool some girls from UCR came to help out the kids and of course Aaron is not bashful. He started talking to one of the girls and before she left that night he had her email address. He told his dad, a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do.... (smile) he is so funny...
This is his baseball picture this year. And this is him and his new friend Lauren.