Judy Ann Lockwood

Judy Ann Lockwood
I am also called SugarBear...Juju.. and Mom

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael
I do not know what I would do without him!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Surgery has been scheduled for Aaron

Went to the Surgeon in Enid yesterday was a long tiring day we left a bit early to drive there because we had a major snow storm this past week. We arrived in Enid and decided to go to Dollar Tree to waste some time until time for DR while looking around the DR office called and said they would have to reschedule the appointment that the DR was stuck in surgery. I asked what time did they think he would be out because we had driven a long way to come there she said well he said he would try to come to the office by 4:30 or 5:00 I said we will come at 4:30 and camp out and see if he would be able to see Bubba because he was having some pain and the medications were giving him diarrhea.
A little after 5:00 the Dr came out to the waiting room to get Bubba I love that he does that he does not send a nurse out he comes himself. Anyway he took us back and he checked him out. He took one look and shook his head he said no they were not any smaller and in fact looked larger than they had 2 weeks ago. He tried to open the large one on top to relieve some of the pain because of the abscess inside of them. Aaron went ooooowieeeee.. The Dr had stuck it in quite far it was quite painful for me to watch I can only imagine the pain Aaron felt when he did this, bless his heart.
Anyway the Dr said Hoss (that is what he calls Aaron because of his size) He said you are going to have to have surgery I am sorry to say. Aaron said well if it will get rid of the pain okay. He is tired of this going on. We went out to the nurse and I filled out the Pre-Opt paperwork. She tried to call the hospital to get an exact time of surgery but by this time it was 6 pm so I guess the OR Scheduling people had went home for the day already. She told me she would call me today with the time to arrive on Thursday and they just called me the surgery has been set for 12:30.

The actual paperwork for the surgery states this:
Multiple Cyst Excision (removal of a genetic element, cutting out of a part; removal of a foreign body or growth from a part, organ, or tissue. Will be done under a General anaesthetic (which means he is knocked out is all I know.) Dr told me he could not do local pain medication for this type of extensive surgery.
There are 4 cysts and all are abscessed. Anyway that is the latest news from Lockwood Land. Please continue to pray for Bubba.

Love and Hugs Judy