Judy Ann Lockwood

Judy Ann Lockwood
I am also called SugarBear...Juju.. and Mom

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael
I do not know what I would do without him!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Happy Monday Everyone

Well the weekend went flying by way to quickly. Mike worked as always all weekend at Walmart. Friday and Saturday Night from 10 pm to 7 am. So Saturday he had to take a nap in the daytime. On Sundays he does not really sleep much he gets off at 7 am and takes a shower and goes to church with us. Sometimes he will take a nap sitting on the couch in the afternoon inbetween morning and evening church time. So on Sunday nights he is really pooped out. So basically he is working 7 days a week since he works till 7 am on Sunday Morning. Then on Mondays it is back to work at the School from 8 till 3 each day as a Para Professional (Special Needs Teacher) So no rest for the weary it seems.

Bubba had an upset stomach a lot this past week think the medications are doing a number on his tummy. Pray that when we see the Surgeon next Monday, February 1st things are looking better and we can cut back on the medication a bit. (PRAY SO)

I did on Saturday afternoon take Bubba to a Matinee, since Mike had to sleep we got out of the house for a bit. We went and saw The Tooth Fairy. What a delightful movie that was. They should really make more movies like this. Such a good wholesome family kind of movie. No sex, no cussing etc.. We laughed and laughed was very cute. Then since the sun was shining and it was like 45 degrees out we went and cleaned up my van washed it and vacumned it out. We have to do this on days that is somewhat nice out.

Had great services at church yesterday Bro. Clapp is preaching in Job right now. Very interesting. And as always he did a great job.

But today is Monday so starts a new week. So far today the sun is shining the wind is blowing a bit so a bit on the chilly side out there this morning but it looks pretty through the windows.. and that is where I am INSIDE.. I am doing my regular Monday thing, cleaning up from over the weekend and laundry, laundry, laundry the never ending chore. I swear I go to bed at night and the piles multiply. HA!

Anyway I hope everyone reading this has a wonderful week. HUGS to you..