Judy Ann Lockwood

Judy Ann Lockwood
I am also called SugarBear...Juju.. and Mom

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael
I do not know what I would do without him!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Beautiful Snowy Day in Alva

This is what we woke up too. We went out and played in it for awhile then shoveled our van out of the garage.. LOL

Here are a few pictures..

Monday, January 25, 2010

Happy Monday Everyone

Well the weekend went flying by way to quickly. Mike worked as always all weekend at Walmart. Friday and Saturday Night from 10 pm to 7 am. So Saturday he had to take a nap in the daytime. On Sundays he does not really sleep much he gets off at 7 am and takes a shower and goes to church with us. Sometimes he will take a nap sitting on the couch in the afternoon inbetween morning and evening church time. So on Sunday nights he is really pooped out. So basically he is working 7 days a week since he works till 7 am on Sunday Morning. Then on Mondays it is back to work at the School from 8 till 3 each day as a Para Professional (Special Needs Teacher) So no rest for the weary it seems.

Bubba had an upset stomach a lot this past week think the medications are doing a number on his tummy. Pray that when we see the Surgeon next Monday, February 1st things are looking better and we can cut back on the medication a bit. (PRAY SO)

I did on Saturday afternoon take Bubba to a Matinee, since Mike had to sleep we got out of the house for a bit. We went and saw The Tooth Fairy. What a delightful movie that was. They should really make more movies like this. Such a good wholesome family kind of movie. No sex, no cussing etc.. We laughed and laughed was very cute. Then since the sun was shining and it was like 45 degrees out we went and cleaned up my van washed it and vacumned it out. We have to do this on days that is somewhat nice out.

Had great services at church yesterday Bro. Clapp is preaching in Job right now. Very interesting. And as always he did a great job.

But today is Monday so starts a new week. So far today the sun is shining the wind is blowing a bit so a bit on the chilly side out there this morning but it looks pretty through the windows.. and that is where I am INSIDE.. I am doing my regular Monday thing, cleaning up from over the weekend and laundry, laundry, laundry the never ending chore. I swear I go to bed at night and the piles multiply. HA!

Anyway I hope everyone reading this has a wonderful week. HUGS to you..

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Update on Bubba

We saw the new surgeon on Monday we all liked him a lot he was very nice and very personable. He asked Aaron if he was the runt of the litter and Aaron laughed. He asked if he liked to be called Aaron or Aaron Michael? I said we call him Bubba most of the time he said well I am gonna call you Hoss. So he continued while we were there and he was working on Aaron's behind calling him Hoss. (smile) He said when he looked at it well mom it says on the paperwork he did have a malignant melanoma originally in this top area he said what I am seeing now is a Cyst. He said and I bet he has more. So he opened up his buttocks and sure enough there were 3 more large cysts down inside. He opened them all up he said they were all abscessed and that is why the one on top continues to grow. He put him on heavy duty antibiotics and topical medication for the cysts etc. He wishes to see him again in 2 weeks which will be February 1st. He said he would rather try a few options before a complete surgery is necessary. He said these are all entwined and inline with his spine. So for now we are doing the medications. Just wanted to update you all. Thanks for the prayers and keep them coming please. Still fighting over the insurance issue for Aaron no word as of yet I did ask for a fair hearing meeting.
Have a great week..................Hugs

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Nathan turns 4

I can hardly believe that Mister Nathan is 4 years old now wow.. where has the time went. This Gramma is getting older by the second for sure. Nathan is not our grandson by blood but he is BY HEART!!!!!! We are blessed to have him in our lives and he calls Aaron his Uncle which makes Aaron so very happy and proud. And soon Nathan is to have a baby brother so I shall have another grandson WOO HOO.. just sorry I will not be there to see him BOO HOO!!!! But will get pictures I am sure. (HINT HINT) ha ha ha

Anyway hope your Birthday was a wonderful one Nathan and hoped you enjoyed the gift we mailed to you. WE LOVE YOU MISTER very very much. And it was hard leaving you in CA.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Bubba.. and the Special Olympics State

Bubba slept until 6:30 am but wanted to go to the Olympics so off we went when Mike got home from work Saturday morning. He still did not feel all that great but he did awesome.. He got First Place GOLD.. WOO HOO for Bubba.. was quite proud of him. The kids all had fun..
After the bowling we went into the Oklahoma City and had dinner at Olive Garden (thanks to Pat, Bob and family) they had sent us a Gift Card for Christmas..

We spent the night in the city then went to Sams Club the next day.

Here is a few pictures..

You can see them all here...

Friday, January 8, 2010

Update on Bubba

Aaron called today from school about 11:00 said he was not feeling really well I said well see how you feel in a couple of hours okay if still feeling bad let me know. At 1:00 his teacher called me and said Aaron did not look well and was feeling bad. She thought I should pick him up also. So I did. He came home put on his jammies and went right to bed that was over 6 hours ago he is still asleep....

I pray he is able to go tomorrow to Edmond to the Special Olympics he will be so upset if he cannot go. I am afraid all of this is beginning to take a toll on him with the surgeries, medications and treatments. Please say a prayer for Bubba tonight. Thanks... Love you all...

Sunday, January 3, 2010

The Quilt Aaron Made for Elijah

Aaron made this Quilt in Home Economics this semester

Here is Bubba with Elijah this morning at church with his Quilt.. it has frogs on it... it is adorable.. Good Job Bubba

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy 4th Birthday Haley Ann and Happy Birthday in Heaven Daddy

Today my Daddy would have been 82 years young. But he is celebrating in Heaven with Jesus walking on streets of gold. I really envy him and feel sad because I do miss him so very very much. He was the BEST DADDY in the whole world very few days went by without me calling him on the phone to say hello. He would tell my mom that is Punkin calling.. (smile)

Today is also Haley Ann Dunn's 4th Birthday my granddaughter. Hard to believe it was 4 years ago we saw her being born in AZ. We were all in the room when Haley came into this world and oh what a joy that was. We have not seen her in years but none the less she is still my granddaughter and we do love her very much. So we pray she is having a great day and someday I shall see you pretty girl in Heaven even though I cannot see you on Earth. I do find comfort in that.

This is my Daddy. I do not have a recent picture of Haley because they never send us pictures. So not sure what she looks like now. Have a wonderful New Year to all my friends and loved ones... And please pray for Bubba this year that he will beat this with all the treatments he is having.