Judy Ann Lockwood

Judy Ann Lockwood
I am also called SugarBear...Juju.. and Mom

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael
I do not know what I would do without him!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Morning All

Hello dear friends and family hope you are all doing well as you are reading this post. We are doing fine. Mike had a bit of a bug for a couple of days this week and Aaron seemed to get a tad of it himself but they are both fine now. Mike is still looking for work something that will have medical insurance for us. It stinks having no medical for sure. I really need to get into the Doctor and have some much needed past due bloodwork done for my year tests from my gastric bypass. To date I have lost 120 pounds. Which is wonderful the Doctor had told me because of my age and and my thyroid condition I might only lose about 100 pounds. So I am thrilled to say the least. And I feel so much better too, not carrying around that extra person on me.

I would ask that you continue to remember the Lawless Family in your prayers as more news is developing daily with Melissa and the murder of Sandra Cantu. This is all so scary and sad at the same time. Melissa is about the age of Amanda and Sara and she grew up in the Old State Missionary Baptist Work as did my girls. I have basically known this family the majority of my lifetime and I cannot fathom what they must all be going through at this time in their lives. So please say a special prayer that the truth will prevail and peace come for the Lawless and the Cantu families.

Also I ask that you say a prayer for D.J. Kyle today. He is being ordained at the Hemet Missionary Baptist Church today at 2 PM we are quite sad we cannot attend this service, we would so love to be there for him and to support him in this wonderful service. He is such a sweet young man who I am quite fond of. (smile) I love his entire family....But I would like everyone to remember him today in a special prayer that God be with him and help to give him peace during the questioning part of the service. I LOVE YOU DJ....

I hope you all have a wonderful day. We have had rain the past two days and today at this moment anyway the sun is shining brightly and it looks so pretty and clean outside. The air smells so nice after a wonderful rainfall. GOD IS GOOD.... ALL THE TIME!!!!!!

Love ya