Judy Ann Lockwood

Judy Ann Lockwood
I am also called SugarBear...Juju.. and Mom

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael
I do not know what I would do without him!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Aaron and his wisdom teeth

Last year in California the dentist told me Aaron's wisdom teeth were impacted. He said they needed to come out. There was a co pay of 300.00 to put him to sleep while they would do it. The day of the surgery the Dr said he did not feel comfortable doing it with all the medications Aaron was taking and I would have to sign a release I was doing it against his better judgment. Well duh I was not going to do that. I may be blonde but I ain't totally stupid. Ha ha ha
So we did not have it done. Last week while getting his cleaning etc done at the dentist her in our town in Oklahoma, the dentist said he really needed to have the wisdom teeth out they were impacted badly and was making the other teeth push together. I told him we tried to have them out last year. He said there was a wonderful Surgeon in Oklahoma City he does more difficult cases and he was sure he would do it. So I called them when I got home and we got an appointment for last Friday in OK City. He could not eat or drink anything prior to surgery which really stunk cause his appointment was at 1 pm and it is a 3 hour drive from our house. But they said he could have sips of water. (Thank Goodness).... So off we went on our journey to the City. He did wonderful was a real trooper. The Dr was a young man very nice and very talkative and friendly which eased Aaron for sure. He also had an office full of very pretty nurses as Aaron said they were very easy on the eyes. (An expression he got from his Dad) chip off the old block for sure. Lord help me with two of them in my house. Ha! Anyway the Dr told him that his nurses would be flirting with him cause he was a handsome young man I said well believe me he will flirt back. So I signed the forms and went to wait in the waiting room. Kim and Jessica had went with us also. Mike and Jess had went to the Pharmacy to pick up Aaron's pain medication cause we knew he would need them before we got back to Alva to long of a drive to go without pain meds we thought. After surgery the Dr told me they had been very deeply impacted and that they could bleed for several hours. They also put this wrap around his head that had an ice pack on each side was really cool. He has actually been using it some each day since he came home to help bring down the swelling. He was still a bit swollen yesterday so I kept him home from school but he went today. He is still eating soft things like jello and pudding and eggs etc. Still hurts to chew much. But he is on the road to recovery. I will post a couple of pictures the one with the wrap on was in the van about an hour or so after surgery. The other was yesterday after the swelling had went down some but his left side is still even swollen today. And oh by the way the surgery was covered 100 percent I did not have to pay the 300.00 co pay I would have had to pay in CA. The insurance for kids here is SUPER!!!!!!