Judy Ann Lockwood

Judy Ann Lockwood
I am also called SugarBear...Juju.. and Mom

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael
I do not know what I would do without him!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Digging our way out

Never thought we would have to dig our way out in order to attend church. Ha ha ha.. But after 18 inches of snow hit us, that is what the guys had to do. It was a nice warm morning it was 50 degrees so they had to take their jackets off to work they got so hot. Ha ha ha.. Very weird weather for Spring Time isn't it?

Well this was our exciting weekend. Ha ha ha...

Last night we took Aaron and Jessica to see Monsters and Aliens what a cute movie that was we all enjoyed it.

Here are the guys digging us out..

Saturday, March 28, 2009


We all went out to build a snowman but the snow was too soft and just kept blowing away... Mike said it was not wet enough. He is the master snowman builder growing up in Montana and living in Colorado for awhile too. (smile) But he said it was just to flaky... so we gave up and had little snowball fights but it kept falling apart too.. so was funny... Anyway we all had a great time outside in the beautiful Springtime weather here in Oklahoma.

Springtime in Oklahoma HA HA HA

Well it is supposed to be Spring I thought. 3 days ago Mike moved the lawns and it was about 70 degrees. Now we have about 18 inches of snow. (smile)

It is beautiful and Aaron wants to go out and make a snowman today.

We went out yesterday in it for awhile but it was not really deep enough to make a good snowman today he should not have a problem. Here are some of the pictures I took yesterday and then this morning when I got up.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Allow me to brag a bit please....

Okay well you ALL know well those of you who really knows our family... you know how much Aaron has struggled in School and other areas because of all his disabilities etc. WELL... Might I say this is ONE PROUD MAMA.... I got his grades yesterday and I might add I was extremely happy and proud of Aaron. Coming to Oklahoma seems to agree with him as far as the school system goes. Here are his current grades...

WAY TO GO AARON.... 1 A 2 Bs and 4 Cs... woo hoo!!!!

And those of you who really know Aaron.. yes one of the B's is in History. (SMILE) go figure huh? Ha ha ha...

Anyway thanks for allowing me to brag a bit...I will unpuff myself now. Ha!!!!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Aaron and his wisdom teeth

Last year in California the dentist told me Aaron's wisdom teeth were impacted. He said they needed to come out. There was a co pay of 300.00 to put him to sleep while they would do it. The day of the surgery the Dr said he did not feel comfortable doing it with all the medications Aaron was taking and I would have to sign a release I was doing it against his better judgment. Well duh I was not going to do that. I may be blonde but I ain't totally stupid. Ha ha ha
So we did not have it done. Last week while getting his cleaning etc done at the dentist her in our town in Oklahoma, the dentist said he really needed to have the wisdom teeth out they were impacted badly and was making the other teeth push together. I told him we tried to have them out last year. He said there was a wonderful Surgeon in Oklahoma City he does more difficult cases and he was sure he would do it. So I called them when I got home and we got an appointment for last Friday in OK City. He could not eat or drink anything prior to surgery which really stunk cause his appointment was at 1 pm and it is a 3 hour drive from our house. But they said he could have sips of water. (Thank Goodness).... So off we went on our journey to the City. He did wonderful was a real trooper. The Dr was a young man very nice and very talkative and friendly which eased Aaron for sure. He also had an office full of very pretty nurses as Aaron said they were very easy on the eyes. (An expression he got from his Dad) chip off the old block for sure. Lord help me with two of them in my house. Ha! Anyway the Dr told him that his nurses would be flirting with him cause he was a handsome young man I said well believe me he will flirt back. So I signed the forms and went to wait in the waiting room. Kim and Jessica had went with us also. Mike and Jess had went to the Pharmacy to pick up Aaron's pain medication cause we knew he would need them before we got back to Alva to long of a drive to go without pain meds we thought. After surgery the Dr told me they had been very deeply impacted and that they could bleed for several hours. They also put this wrap around his head that had an ice pack on each side was really cool. He has actually been using it some each day since he came home to help bring down the swelling. He was still a bit swollen yesterday so I kept him home from school but he went today. He is still eating soft things like jello and pudding and eggs etc. Still hurts to chew much. But he is on the road to recovery. I will post a couple of pictures the one with the wrap on was in the van about an hour or so after surgery. The other was yesterday after the swelling had went down some but his left side is still even swollen today. And oh by the way the surgery was covered 100 percent I did not have to pay the 300.00 co pay I would have had to pay in CA. The insurance for kids here is SUPER!!!!!!

Friday, March 20, 2009


Please say a prayer for Aaron today we are leaving in a few minutes to drive into Oklahoma city... it is about a 3 hour drive. Aaron is having his 4 wisdom teeth cut out today in the city. He cannot eat or drink anything so that should be fun. NOT!!!!! So please say a prayer for him today.. (and for me to) wink*


Friday, March 13, 2009

Hard to Imagine

It is hard to imagine that one month from today my Baby Boy, Aaron Michael will be 16 years old. Goodness where have all the years gone. Seems like a couple of years ago I brought him home from the hospital. (smile) And I wonder many times what on earth I would have ever done without my BUBBA... he is such a sweetie.. My big teddy bear...Ha ha ha.. Some of you have asked me if we have a GameStop nearby. Yes, we have one in Enid and go there often. (smile) When we were talking about moving here Aaron said is there a Gamestop near there. I said I don't know but GameStop is on the internet. But I looked it up before we moved and found there is one in Enid and in Woodward and we go to both of these towns often. Enid is where the Missionary Baptist Church is and Woodward is where his Psychologist is. So those of you who asked about getting him a Gift card for his Birthdays and or Christmastime etc.. Yes you can get GameStop ones still.

I had best get busy it is Friday and the there is no school kids are out for Spring Break from now until March 23rd. So Jess came here right after school yesterday and is planning on staying a few days... That makes Aaron happy. He and Jessica have known each other since they were toddlers. They have a lot of fun together and love to aggravate each other just like regular Brother and Sisters do.. ha ha ha

Have a great weekend... Love ya...

Monday, March 9, 2009

Howdy Ya'll


We did not go out of town this weekend. Michael has not been feeling well he got dizzy and fell outside on Saturday, skinned his knee, his arm and his toe. Not sure what is going on if it is caused by his sugar levels or what. We do not have medical insurance as of yet. He has to work on the job for 90 days before he can apply for medical insurance. So we still have about 30 more days before that can happen. I pray he will be fine until we can get him to the Dr. I wanted to take him to the ER on Saturday but he did not want to go said it would be way to expensive. (YES HE IS STUBBORN) (Smile)
So please keep him in your prayers.

We took Aaron on Saturday afternoon to the tiny theatre here in town. It is just $5.00 to go. So the price is right. We saw the Watchmen.... I must say I do need to read more about a movie before we go to it.We had been seeing the credits for this movie for almost a year.. It looked to be like any other superhero type of movie..such as Ironman, Superman, Spiderman etc.... NOT... not at all.. I did not see that it was rated R for “strong graphic violence, sexuality, nudity and language.” I was quite disappointed actually in many areas of the movie they could have left the sex scenes out for sure. Sad thing is that every time we saw a trailer for it at the movies all the kids around us was wow I want to see that movie mom.. etc.. I think many people will be disappointed if they take their small children to see it. Also it is a long movie. It was 2 hours and 45 minutes. So because of the hype of the movie we had heard about I was quite disappointed with it myself. (Just my humble opinion) Ha!

Yesterday we attended church here in town at the Bible Baptist church we have been attending a lot. This month is what they call Missionary Month. Each Sunday they have one of the MANY missionaries they support. They support over 20 missionaries. Yesterday the family visiting was from Kenya. They have been working over there for about 10 years. It was quite interesting to hear about their work over there. Next Sunday they will have another Missionary Family coming. Also after each Sunday morning this month they are serving dinner. So quite a busy month for this church here in Alva. We really enjoy some of the people that attend the church. One couple lives around the corner from us. We see them all the time during the week like at Walmart etc. They always greet us with HOWDY NEIGHBOR... Ha ha ha.. People here are so so friendly. I really like that part of living back here for sure. Cause I have always enjoyed talking to people when I am out and about and in California sometimes when I did that people would look at me like is she going to try and rob me or something. Ha!

The time changed yesterday as you all know.. I do not like it when it changes..messes up my internal clock too. Ha.... Aaron was really tired yesterday also so it messed him up too. And when he left for school today it was DARK as could be outside looked like night time. He is still enjoying his new school and his classes especially the Art, Computer and Home Ec class. He is now making a toy bag for Nathan. We went and bought some Thomas the Tank Engine Material this week so he could make one like he made for Haley. Nathan is like Aaron's nephew and he loves the little guy very much!!!!!!! When he speaks about him and how much he misses him he gets all teary eyed. (My sweet gentle giant) he has the sweetest most tender heart!!!!! I keep telling him he is going to have to teach me how to sew like him. I am very very proud of him and all he is able to accomplish. ONE PROUD MAMA I AM....!!! I am so blessed that God chose me to be Aaron's Mom, do not know what on earth I would have ever done without him.

Tonight we have to make the trip to Woodward to see his Psychologist. He said he wanted to see him every 2 weeks for now until he gets to know Aaron better. In California he used to see Ben, his Psychologist about every 4-6 weeks. So eventually we will be on that kind of a schedule with this guy also. But for now it will have to be more. He first said every Monday, but I asked him can we do it every other Monday? It is about 80 miles or so each way. So 160 round trip. I made the appointment for 6 PM this time. Last time his appointment was 7:30 and it was a long first appointment so it was after 11 before we got back home. That makes a late night for school the next day and Mike going to work at 6 AM. (but it is nice Mike is off at 3 each day) that part Mike really likes. Also he comes home everyday at 11 for lunch. He has never worked so close to home he could come home for lunch. So he is really enjoying that.

Aaron is out of school all next week for Spring Break. Actually he is out this Friday, teachers in service day is Friday then the break all next week.

Well guess that catches you all up on the Lockwood Clan... if I missed anything you want to know about just email me and ask me..

I love ya.. Have a great week.............Hugs from Oklahoma....

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Aaron is taking 3 mainstream classes in his New High School and 4 Special Education ones. One of the mainstream ones he is taking is Home Economics. (He loves this class) they are teaching him to sew and to cook. He is having a ball. The other two classes are Art which is also loves and a Computer Class so anyone who knows my son at all knows he loves everything about computers. (Smile)

Anyway a couple of weeks ago I posted on here that he had made this awesome pillowcase. Well yesterday he comes home with something he had made for his niece Haley. (he has the sweetest heart) so loving and giving. Anyway he made this denim bag and put a cord through it said she could have it for her toys. But he also embroidered her name on it. AWESOME JOB.. he is going to teach me now how to do this. Ha Ha Ha......Anyway wanted to share this beautiful work done by Aaron. Yes yes yes I am a proud mama can you tell??????

Monday, March 2, 2009

My Birthday

Last week was my Birthday. Michael and Aaron wanted to take me to this nice place to eat in Cherokee, Oklahoma because of Alva being so tiny and not many places to choose from here. Even though I am not eating much since my surgery last year I still like to go out to dinner. (I bring home my dinner in a box and eat on it a couple of days) Ha Ha ha So I have become a very cheap date for sure. I ate my salad and a bit of soup and put my dinner in a box. Amanda did not have to go to work till 1 AM so Kimmi, Amanda and Jessica wanted to go to dinner with us also. We all enjoyed the place. And of course we had to take pictures to remember the occasion. Thank you all for making my Birthday Extra Special. We had two adorable waitresses one kept calling me Mom so they took a picture of my new daughter with me for my Birthday and when she sang happy birthday to me she sang Happy Dear Mom. Was way to funny.. Amanda made me Tinkerbell Cupcakes for my Birthday they were so cute.