Judy Ann Lockwood

Judy Ann Lockwood
I am also called SugarBear...Juju.. and Mom

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael
I do not know what I would do without him!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Morning Winter Wonderland

Well we woke up this morning to a Winter Wonderland it was 10 degrees wind chill was like 0. (smile) so a bit on the chilly side you might say huh? Not like Southern California for sure. Ha ha ha.

I will post some pictures I took a few minutes ago at the bottom of this posting.

Wanted to update you all many have emailed and asked how we are etc..

We got here December 19th just in time to decorate a small tree for Christmas. We had a nice Christmas and New Years with my cousin Deannie and her family and Kim, Amanda and Jessica Lewis.

We have just about got all settled in. We still have to change our cell phones. Verizon does not get out well here. Most people have ATT so we will change to them soon.

We have been trying to go to nearby places and points of interest it is nice being so close to so many states and things to do,never had that before.

Mike had not worked since December 8th and he started his new job here on January 12th so he was retired for a month. (smile) he is working at Advantage Plane Plastics he basically decided to work just so we would have medical insurance until old enough to get Social Security. (And it is interesting he said making airplane parts) He works with my cousins oldest daughter, Shawna.

I went and enrolled Aaron in the High School here yesterday he will begin on the 20th. They have a Special Ed Program and they are also planning on mainstreaming him for some classes. This will be quite a difference for him. He has not been in Public School since First Grade. He has always went to a NPS Special Needs School. When talking with the Principal yesterday he was asking Aaron what he liked to do and what he was interested in. Aaron said I love History. So they will have him in the History Class. He said I love to draw so he put him in an Art Class. When taking a tour of the school with one of the Senior boys he showed us all the classrooms. We came to the Home Economics Room and the young man Marcus said I love this class I made a chocolate cake on Friday in here. Aaron said wow they cook and sew and stuff in here huh? He said yes. Aaron said wow cool. So when we got back after the tour to see the Principal again he asked if anything else intrigued or sparked an interest in Aaron.
Aaron said the Computer class and the Home Ec Class. He said well we can put you in Home Ec now. He said let's wait for the Computer class till September so you can start at the beginning of the year and learn it all. Aaron said that is cool. Had a smile from ear to ear.
They all eat lunch at the same time so he will get to see Justin and Jenna (his cousins) and Jessica (his best friend) everyday at lunchtime. So that made him happy to. Makes him not feel so much set apart I think. So I pray this is a good thing and he can handle this school. Time will tell but he is very anxious to try and do it all. The Principal said yesterday Mom you will have a harder time than Aaron will. We will take very good care of him. Ha!

I am doing good. Have lost about 109 pounds these past 11 months. And feel so much better.

I think I have fit in most of the update so I will post the pictures I just took of the snow today here.

Till next time sending you safe and warm hugs...


Anonymous said...

Wow Judy,

Look at all the sonw....Brrrr

I am glad that Arron seems happy about school. This might the change that he needed. Have you found a doctor and services for him out there?

WOW! 109 lbs. That is great! So happy for you and your family Judy. Looks like this might be a good change for you all.


Anonymous said...

Hi Judy, I am so glad that is going to like his new school. Mike working at a job that he does have to run to catch a train, cool.
You are doing amazing in loosing weight, keep up the great job. The snow is beautiful but you can keep it and the cold weather too. I will take Arizona weather for these old bones.