Judy Ann Lockwood

Judy Ann Lockwood
I am also called SugarBear...Juju.. and Mom

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael
I do not know what I would do without him!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Aaron's 15th Birthday

Myspace Graphics

Aaron had asked his Case Worker from Regional Center for some money from his Trust Fund so he could invite some people to go with him to John's Incredible Pizza place. They always ask what he wants for his Birthday and this year he wished to treat some people to some fun with him. (what a sweetie) It is an awesome place to eat and to play they have rides, games etc plus it is a Buffet kind of place so pizza.. pasta.. potatoes..salads.. soups etc. . The check came on Friday so yesterday at the rally Aaron asked Angie Baxter and her family and DJ Kyle and his family if they could come with us last night to John's. They said sure (they really like Aaron and have a lot of patience with him too) Thanks guys. (WINK) So we all went and had a ball. A good friend of mine Jeannie who lives in Arizona had sent Aaron a card with money it. And she sent me a card with money in it and told me to buy Aaron's BD cake with it. Wasn't that sweet? So Auntie Jeannie paid for his cake this year. THANKS! He got money in the mail too from Connie, Deannie and got money from Angie and Family and DJ and Family last night too. He still has his gift cards from Christmas he has been saving them so he could buy something big at Gamestop. (I think the new PSP that came out last year) not sure though. He also while watching the television show Idol Gives Back this past week asked me to send some of his Birthday money to them. He was watching it and got very sad seeing all the children sick and hungry. (He has such a big heart)

Amanda and Family (Aaron's oldest sister) had sent Aaron a Wii game earlier in the week they have already played it together because it is Wifi. (Thanks Manda he loves it....

We all had fun at the Pizza Place then they all followed us home so they could see where we lived. DJ and Karen could not stay because they needed to get kids home and in bed for church today. But Angie, Donald, Ashley and Britney stayed. The girls loved Aaron's puppy Bella. The kids played Mario on Aaron's Wii for awhile. And Ashley informed me she is coming to spend some time with us this summer. (smile) what a cutie!

Today is Aaron's actual Birthday but we knew it would be hard to do much today with church. So we actually celebrated it a day early. Hard to believe my baby is 15.

Happy Birthday Bubba....

Also here is a little video of the kids on the ride last night. They loved this ride..


Anonymous said...

Looks like everyone had a fun time at the Pizza Place. I would have loved to have been there too. Glad Aaron had a good Birthday. Tell him Happy Birthday from me.

Unknown said...

So glad he had a good time!! I saw that pizza place when I was out there a few weeks ago. Looks pretty cool!

So glad he likes the game. It's Haley's favorite!! :)