Judy Ann Lockwood

Judy Ann Lockwood
I am also called SugarBear...Juju.. and Mom

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael
I do not know what I would do without him!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Happy Birthday Evelyn

Tomorrow is Evelyn's Birthday but the family could not all get together tomorrow because of work etc. so we celebrated her Birthday this afternoon and evening. We had a lot of fun and as usual Bob and Pat out did themselves with yummy food. (boy I wanted some of that corn Bob grilled on the Bar B Q) darn... Cannot have it since my surgery. Oh well they made some awfully yummy chicken. They had chicken and beef fajitas and beans. I made my Mexican dip (Patrice would not let me in the door without it) Ha! It was a lot of fun. Nathan put on his skates he was so cute. Only 2 years old and on skates. He and Uncle Aaron had a lot of fun. They are so cute together. Aaron loves little kids. Then after dinner Evelyn opened her gifts from everyone and her cards. It was really nice. PLEASE CONTINUE to keep her in your PRAYERS.. She is still undergoing Chemo and Radiation each week at Loma Linda for her Lung Cancer. She is very very special to our family. We have become family. So please pray for a miracle. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Dearest Evelyn. WE ALL LOVE YOU VERY MUCH!

Closing Day of RMBI for 2007-2008 school year

Yesterday were the services at our church for the closing of RMBI. A great day was had by all who love the Lord. Our Pastor, Bro. Lonnie Wiggins brought a wonderful sermon. Higher Calling sang 2 awesome specials. (Thank You)
The certificates were handed out and Joe Erwin received his degree. (Great job Joe)
Michael had taken the Church Bible History Course with Bro. Wiggins for the both semesters and really enjoyed it. He loves history of ANY KIND.. we call him MR. HISTORY. The students of RMBI served us lunch which was very nice and a lot of fun. All in all as I said the day was a really good one and another year gone for RMBI. Soon the 2008-2009 will begin. GOD IS GOOD.....
Here are some photos of the day and a video too of Higher Calling. Remember to hear the video of Higher Calling you will need to turn the player I have on my page at the bottom just click on pause to stop that player so you can hear the video.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Baseball BSK "2008"

Aaron's Baseball Team is called the Stallions he plays with a Special Needs Sports Group called Bill's Special Kids. Here are some pictures I have taken this year so far.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

BSK and Storm Baseball Game

Every year the Moreno Valley Youth Federation has a night along with many other schools and groups at the Lake Elsinore Baseball Game. We went again this year. It was a lot of fun and the kids all seemed to really enjoy themselves. After the game was over they put on a really cool fireworks show too. I love fireworks! Here are a few pictures of the night. Also Bill (from Bill's Special Kids) was one of the ones to pitch the first Baseball of the evening I took a video of it will see if I can post it on here too.You can hear Aaron screaming yeah when it was Bill on the mound pitching. (smile) Also they took a really cool picture of Bill pitching too I will post it as soon as Pat gets it scanned it.

Here is the video

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Uncle Aaron and Nathan

I took care of Nathan today for Patrice because Evelyn had to go to Loma Linda for more radiation and chemo treatments. We had so much fun we played, played, played and made a mess with all the toys. He is at such a cutie age. I took a bunch of pictures and made 3 videos of him too. I told you he was "My Boy" I love the way he says Gramma Judy it just warms my heart. I took some pictures of him and Uncle Aaron before Aaron went to school. He kept saying Uncle Aaron go to school? And would go to the door. Was so cute. He loves his Uncle Aaron.
Nathan also had fun playing with Corey today. So here are a few pictures

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Birthday keeps on......

Aaron received more cards today. Pat came by with a card from her, Bob, Patrice and Nathan and also another card from Grandpa Bill, Grandma Evelyn, Aunt Penny, Aunt Pam and William...inside the cards were Gift Cards to GameStop. Aaron's favorite place. (smile) he got a total of $100.00 from them all. He said woo hoo. He wants to pre-order a couple of games that are coming out soon. We are so blessed to have these people in our lives and for them to adopt us ALL.....It is wonderful for them to accept and LOVE Aaron for who he is despite his disabilities. They have the biggest hearts of any family I ever met. They had called and text messaged Aaron on his actual Birthday on Sunday but we were in Redlands all day so we could not see them that day. Evelyn has started her more extensive chemo treatments and her radiation for her lung cancer. PLEASE continue to keep her in your prayers that God will allow us to have a lot more time with her. Friendster Layouts hosted images

Friendster Layouts

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Aaron's Birthday

Basically today his Birthday was spent in church we got out of church about 12:45 went to lunch with Pastor and Wife, John and Michelle and the Minton Family. Then Michael had to be back at the church by 3 for a Teachers Meeting. So we dropped Dad off and I took Aaron to GameStop for him to spend his Gift Cards and Money. He did buy the PSP he bought the new Bundle Package which came with a Game and also it is the Silver Edition. I cannot believe how much thinner and lighter this one is from the original one he got a few birthdays ago. He gave his old one to his Dad to use on the Metrolink everyday. Now Dad can watch movies etc while he rides to and from work. Might miss his stop ya think? Ha ha...

These pictures were this afternoon at church he was pretty tired since we had such a long day yesterday and late night so did not smile much for the pictures but anyway this is me and Aaron and Dad and Aaron on his 15th Birthday.

Aaron's 15th Birthday

Myspace Graphics

Aaron had asked his Case Worker from Regional Center for some money from his Trust Fund so he could invite some people to go with him to John's Incredible Pizza place. They always ask what he wants for his Birthday and this year he wished to treat some people to some fun with him. (what a sweetie) It is an awesome place to eat and to play they have rides, games etc plus it is a Buffet kind of place so pizza.. pasta.. potatoes..salads.. soups etc. . The check came on Friday so yesterday at the rally Aaron asked Angie Baxter and her family and DJ Kyle and his family if they could come with us last night to John's. They said sure (they really like Aaron and have a lot of patience with him too) Thanks guys. (WINK) So we all went and had a ball. A good friend of mine Jeannie who lives in Arizona had sent Aaron a card with money it. And she sent me a card with money in it and told me to buy Aaron's BD cake with it. Wasn't that sweet? So Auntie Jeannie paid for his cake this year. THANKS! He got money in the mail too from Connie, Deannie and got money from Angie and Family and DJ and Family last night too. He still has his gift cards from Christmas he has been saving them so he could buy something big at Gamestop. (I think the new PSP that came out last year) not sure though. He also while watching the television show Idol Gives Back this past week asked me to send some of his Birthday money to them. He was watching it and got very sad seeing all the children sick and hungry. (He has such a big heart)

Amanda and Family (Aaron's oldest sister) had sent Aaron a Wii game earlier in the week they have already played it together because it is Wifi. (Thanks Manda he loves it....

We all had fun at the Pizza Place then they all followed us home so they could see where we lived. DJ and Karen could not stay because they needed to get kids home and in bed for church today. But Angie, Donald, Ashley and Britney stayed. The girls loved Aaron's puppy Bella. The kids played Mario on Aaron's Wii for awhile. And Ashley informed me she is coming to spend some time with us this summer. (smile) what a cutie!

Today is Aaron's actual Birthday but we knew it would be hard to do much today with church. So we actually celebrated it a day early. Hard to believe my baby is 15.

Happy Birthday Bubba....

Also here is a little video of the kids on the ride last night. They loved this ride..

Rally at Hemet April 12th

Yesterday was the Youth Rally at Hemet Missionary Baptist Church here are a few pictures I took.

Congrats to Steven and Valerie Ridings

The twins have arrived all is going well they were 7 weeks early so will have to stay in hospital for awhile. Aren't they cute?

Monday, April 7, 2008

Autism Scrapbook Pages

I made these new scrapbook pages today of Aaron since it was Autism Awareness Month. I love my boy.... He is so special... don't know what I ever did without him..

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Autism and Your Church.....

I really feel as a Mom with a child with Autism and other mental disorders that the reason why many people fear our kids is because they do not understand our kids.
People need to be made more aware.....They need to learn. I have spoken with many Autism moms over the past few years and we all agree it is the not knowing and understanding that gets to us the most. Even if your child is the only child at your church with Autism they need a class for them and a place for them. Who knows it might become a wonderful ministry in the neighborhood if you could advertise stating you have special needs classes. Many parents with special kids do not attend church or maybe the parents take turns going to church. I know for a few years that is what we did we took turns attending because we could not deal with Aaron in a church setting. Anyway you might want to check out this new book.... Hugs

Autism and Your Church
Nurturing the Spiritual Growth of People with Autism Spectrum Disorders

Barbara J. Newman

This unique resource will help your church to embrace people with autism into the full life of your congregation.

Autism has evolved from an unfamiliar term to an everyday reality for millions of people. Bookstore shelves are filled with resources that address how Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) affect children and adults at school, work, and home.

But what about the church? What about your church? How can it become a welcoming place for individuals and families affected by ASD?

This resource offers practical ways to welcome and include individuals with ASD into the full life of your congregation. It will enable your church to

* appreciate those with ASD as persons created in God’s image
* learn about five specific disorders included in ASD
* discover ten strategies for including people with ASD
* develop an action plan for ongoing ministry

Reproducible resources included are

* Sample Interview Questionnaire for Children’s Ministry
* Sample Interview Questionnaire for Adult Ministry
* Sample Observation Form
* Sample Parent Permission Form
* Sample Adult Permission Form
* Sample Job Description for Coordinator of Ministry to Children and Adults with Special Needs
* Sample Individual Spiritual Formation Plan (ISFP)
* and much more!

Read what others have to say...

This is a book every pastor and children’s leader should read, even if there currently is no one with ASD attending their church. With the ASD incidence rate estimated to be one out of every 166 people, church leaders need to ask how spiritually nurturing to these people is my church, and if we have no individuals with ASD attending, why?
—Rachel Olstad, advisory board, Joni and Friends Southern Oregon

This book provides an excellent introduction to ASD for church workers and any others who would profit from an experienced guide on the journey toward full inclusion of those with behavior differences…a helpful resource for all in a Christian community of faith who want to increase their confidence and expertise in relating to children, youth, or adults with ASD.
—Christine J. Guth, associate, Anabaptist Disabilities Network

A wonderful resource that will empower churches to enfold individuals with ASD and their families into the life of the church. Basic information about the diagnosis helps demystify the responses of these individuals, and practical tools provide a means to celebrate their gifts and meet their unique needs.
—Laurel A. Hoekman, executive director, The Gray Center for Social Learning and Understanding

This book proclaims with faith and love that all children are children of their heavenly Father. Each is treasured by him and must be treasured by the church. The book will be most helpful to churches in living out that commitment.
—Rev. Len Kuyvenhoven, pastor, and father of Lizzie, a child of God who has autism

Barb Newman has combined the most current understanding of ASD with her 21 years of experience in Christian schools to develop this practical guide to help churches welcome children and adults with ASD into the body of Christ.
—Dr. David Winstrom, psychologist, Neuropsychology P.C.
Look for similar items by category...

See similar products in Friendship Ministries: Supplementary Resources
See similar products in For Volunteers: Special Needs
See similar products in Disability Resources
See similar products in Children: Disabilities/Diversity
See similar products in Training: Resources for Training and Support

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Autism...World Autism Awareness Day Today!

With this month being Autism Awareness Month there are many things on the television. I have watched CNN today a lot listening to their stories on Autism etc.

Today is the first ever World Autism Awareness Day....

HBO now has Autism the Musical I watched it the other day and I found out if you do not have HBO you can also view it online. Here is the web address:

It is a neat show about a Mom who took it upon herself to help other kids with Autism like her son has. AWESOME.... great MOM....

All in the Autism Family
April 11th and 12th
Long Beach, CA
Joey Travolta (brother of John Travolta) - Director "Inclusive Films"
When not directing, Travolta provides hands on leadership as the artistic director of the Woodland Hills acting and filmmaking academy Joey Travolta's Entertainment Experience. Joey Travolta has gained national acclaim for his mission of helping students develop self-esteem, confidence, and creativity through acting and digital film making. He founded Inclusion Films to specifically make films about individuals with special needs.

Event for Autism Awareness
Welcome to Walk Now for Autism
Saturday, April 26, 2008
The Rose Bowl, Pasadena

Autism Awareness Night with the Los Angeles Clippers
Sunday, April 6th, 2008
3:00 PM
Come to the STAPLES Center and take part in this great night as the Clippers join together with Autism Speaks and Athletes against Autism to raise awareness and funds with portion of every
ticket purchased going toward a cure for Autism. Please show your support for this great cause and come watch as the Clippers take on All-Stars Yao Ming and Tracy McGrady
For more information on the evening and to order your tickets, please click here or contact Sam Levitt with Athletes Against Autism at (323) 549-0500, ext. 747 or

Many businesses have teamed up to help Autism Awareness

Autism Speaks and Chevrolet have partnered for a month-long promotion to help generate up to $1 million for the non-profit organization. During April, people who visit can click on the “Help Chevy Help Autism” icon and take a free virtual test drive of the Chevy Malibu. Chevrolet will increase its $500,000 donation for every virtual test drive taken. Those who participate in the virtual test drive will be offered a free 30-day online trial of XM Satellite Radio.

During April 6-26 at 800 TJ Maxx stores nationwide, customers will be invited to purchase an Autism Speaks puzzle piece at checkout for a donation of $1. No purchase is necessary to make a donation, and all proceeds will benefit Autism Speaks.

Modell's Sporting Goods stores launched a four-week "Dollar Donation Days" promotion Sunday. Through April 26, customers at all 135 Modell's store locations throughout the Northeast will be able to purchase $1 Autism Speaks puzzle pieces at check-out, with all proceeds being directed towards autism research.

Five hundred Barnes & Noble stores across the country will partner with Autism Speaks to host special Storytimes in April as part of Autism Awareness Month. Barnes & Noble's national program, in partnership with Autism Speaks, is designed to raise awareness and foster understanding about autism.

The Bachman Company recently launched its "edible awareness" campaign with puzzle piece-shaped pretzels. The Puzzle Pretzel is now available in grocery stores in the Northeast and online at Bachman will donate five percent of the proceeds from the sale of the Puzzle Pretzels to Autism Speaks.

Build-a-Bear Workshop and Autism Speaks are teaming up for the fourth year to raise funds for autism research and awareness with the sale of purple satin hearts to benefit Autism Speaks. Stores will also offer customers printed information about autism.

You can use the web address below to go to the site about the Autism Cruises I would love to take Aaron on one someday.

"Tee Up for Autism Golf Classic"

The tournament is on June 28th, 2008 at the Indian Wells Golf Resort, home of the LG Skins, in Indian Wells, CA. Registration and breakfast will begin at 7:00 AM followed by a Shotgun start at 7:45 AM sharp (Scramble Format). Enjoy multiple contests and games during play - along with memorable awards for the top 3 teams following play.

These are just a few of the happenings concerning Autism Awareness.

I had suspected for a few years our son Aaron had Autism. He was finally diagnosed by taking him to UCLA Autism Clinic over the course of a few weeks of visits. The very first visit we had been there less than a half hour when the specialist came and told us yes indeed they were sure our son was Autistic. It answered so many questions and concerns we had over the years. I would recommend UCLA Autism Clinic to any parent who feels their child may have Autism. You can use this url to find some information on it.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Amanda and Haley

Amanda sent Aaron a cute card and a Wii Game Book yesterday in the mail she also put 2 pictures in the card which he was very excited about. I scanned them in this morning before he went to school, because he wanted to take the pictures to school with him to show everyone his cute niece.
One picture is of Amanda and Haley together the other is Haley on her tummy. What a doll she is. Just wanted to share...