Judy Ann Lockwood

Judy Ann Lockwood
I am also called SugarBear...Juju.. and Mom

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael
I do not know what I would do without him!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Schools and Staff and No Patience or Understanding..

Okay first off why work at a school for Special Kids if you have a very short fuse?
That is my first question I plan on asking the IEP meeting tomorrow morning.
Last Thursday Aaron was at school was near the end of the day...
School had been in 9 days STILL NO ONE ON ONE was in place as of yet. Which I had been to the school 3 times in those 9 days to let them know I wanted his IEP plan put into place TODAY.. not tomorrow..!!!!!! They had all summer to see it was done. NOT!!!!!

Last Thursday here is a bit of what happened....

They told him to do a writing assignment they gave him a pencil and paper they did no give him his alpha smart keyboard he told them he needed his keyboard they said NO he needed the pencil. He said NO I need my alpha smart. This is in his IEP that he goes nuts about using a pencil many times especially if not in the mood it was the end of the day and tired.. So he told them again no I need my Alpha Smart to do this..
He got angry tore his paper up they took him to the refocus room and he got even madder..he hit the walls in the room and was yelling at them he wanted his alpha smart not a pencil....
They restrained him on the floor and he said one guy whose name I shall not use that every time he raised his head ****** would shove it back on the floor..
This man is a big guy so is Aaron of course. There were 3 others restraining him as well but just this one guy kept shoving his head on the floor.
I was called as Aaron was about to leave for home on the van I was told there was not an IR (Incident Report) today but they would have one tomorrow they said he had a small bruise like on his forehead. I just love how they word things... Here is what Aaron looked like when he came home..

Now if this were your child would you consider this a small bruise????

They did not say anything about the other side of his face..

You can see on his ear there are marks his cheek has a bruise and his eye is a bit swollen and turning black..

So needless to say Michael and I did not send him to school on Friday.... however Michael and I did go to the school we had scheduled an emergency IEP already for Wednesday of this week. So I wrote a letter stating I was taping the meeting you have to give a 24 hour notice in order to do this and I gave 96 hours notice so there would be no problem whatsoever. I told them also that I wanted to see copies of the certificates of the 4 ADULTS who restrained Aaron that I wanted to be assured they do indeed have PART which is a restraint traing method used for special kids etc. I stated if they do have certificates I believe it is time they take a refresher course then.... so we shall see what they come up with tomorrow as far as certificates..

I also found out the school had been sold last year to a new company which is in Pennsylvania so I went online and found the company and the corporate offices. I contacted them and placed a complaint. The Director called me later in the day and asked me to email the pictures to her. I did she was appalled this had happened to any child but especially at one of her schools.. She said there would be a representative for the company at the IEP meeting on Wednesday that they would fly in from Pennsylvania on Tuesday in order to be here for Wednesday.

I sent the pictures to his Worker at the Regional Center too after he got them she called and said she is coming to the meeting on Wednesday and that if needed we would contact the Regional Center Attorney. So this was good....

This picture was taken on Monday 4 days after the incident...

Aaron has still not returned to school he will go with me for meeting tomorrow.
Today the Speech person called and said she could not be at the school tomorrow for the meeting she only works 2 days at the school and tomorrow she is at a different school. She went over on the phone what I expected as far as Speech therapy goals are. They were giving him 25 lessons at 20 minutes each. It shall be changed to like 50 times at 30 minutes each which is still less than requested but the specialist at UCLA Aaron saw but ALOT more than he has been receiving.

Tomorrow I have a LONG LIST typed out to make sure gets put on the IEP.

WHERE IS HIS ONE ON ONE AIDE the district pays for?????
Transportation issues.. Why are the kids arriving an hour or more into the school day in the morning and missing their Math classes. Which is one of Aaron's favorite classes I might add and he hates to miss it.
So some of the issues to discuss are

Earobics Program
Was it found? And what number is it?
They have one called Step 2 for developmental ages 7-10

In prior papers stated that he should use
Fast For Word has this been being used or bought for him?

SLP stated in prior IEP
30 minutes x 2 times a week want a monthly report from her…

I used to receive a log book daily from his one on one way back
when things were being done correctly. That way I knew it was his ONE ON ONE helping him and she would report any behavior issues or work issues. She also would write in his book when he was taken from classroom for his speech or his psychologist visits etc.

Make sure using Alpha Smart as needed and that it has batteries

When was his last I Q test and has
he ever been tested for Dyslexia?

Do all the teachers here have their credentials?

Also again ask about STAFF being properly trained..

Do you have any kind of Arts Class?
Drawing, music, acting etc?
Is there any kind of classes for this?

Transportation issues..
Needs to make sure they arrive to school on time.
He lost approximately 3 hours math time due to
late van first 4 mornings of school.
Last one on in morning on the van
First one off in afternoon..

These are just a few things we shall address but I wanted to make sure I had these written down..

I know I sound like a mean mom.. but seriously if I am not an Advocate for Aaron's education who will be?

He is a smart young man and deserves to have the best education he can comprehend.
I am not going to allow him to be harmed again by an adult who has to patience or understanding.

Wish me luck.. Hugs


MarlaSt said...

I am appalled!!!! Sic 'em Judy!! How dare anyone hurt a child like Aaron was....
Please keep me updated.
Much love to you and please give my Aaron a huge hug for me!!!

Judy said...

Marla I will give Aaron your love.
We had our meeting yesterday we did not to the actual IEP we will do that in October after they do all they are supposed to do. They want to do a full Behavioral Analyst Assessment on Aaron and some other tests to see actually what he does need. They were interviewing yesterday afternoon for a One On One Aide for him. As of yesterday they did start the daily log coming back and forth from school with him his teacher and or Aide is to write in it at the end of the day and let me know how is day was and if he want to speech or psychologist etc. Then I write in it every morning before he leaves for school to let them know how is night and morning was. Like if he slept well or if had a Bipolar night and was up all night that will give them heads up of what kind of day he might have.
I did find out the one who did this do him was certified in restraint training I asked to see his Certificate. So therefore I said he needs a refresher course in it and should not be allowed around the kids until he has it done.
Aaron's worker from Regional Center came to the meeting too. She said she was not needed I knew how to get what Aaron needed but said she was glad to have been there and hear all that was said. Gives her a better idea of what is going on. One thing that was recommended was a voice recognition computer. Since Aaron cannot spell well and has difficulty. He LOVES the computer if he had one he could speak into that could type what he said would be awesome. So his Case Worker is going to check out about that too.
So all in all was a productive 3 hours and we will have actual IEP next month and set everything into place after all the tests.


Anonymous said...

Judy you are a very strong woman; You are not a mean mom at all!

I admire you for what you do for Aaron. If we don't stand up for them no one will. No child deserves to be treated in that manner especially a special needs child!

You are a wonderful mother Judy and don't ever forget that.

Hugs Angela_32_32

Anonymous said...

Judy oh my!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would have been a mad mom did you call the police I would have wanted a police report taken NO WAY should this have happened. I hope every one at that meeting takes this serious. I am so up set by the pic alone. I commend you for having Arron's best intrest I wouldnt want to send him back to that school. Some one needs there job taken away. COme on are you serious. You should have went to the new paper. This really needs to be address. Tell Arron I send my love and I am praying for you and your family. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
