Judy Ann Lockwood

Judy Ann Lockwood
I am also called SugarBear...Juju.. and Mom

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael
I do not know what I would do without him!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Guitar Lessons.. Working.. Health and IEP...

Howdee all been a busy time since I last posted. Last weekend on Saturday, Aaron had his first Bass Guitar Lesson. He really seemed to like it so we shall see how this goes. It would be a nice outlet for him if he does enjoy it.
After his lesson we went back over to the Pastor's new house to try and get some more things finished before they returned. We still had one more ceiling fan to get up but could not do that until the ceiling was textured from the fall through the ceiling. (smile) so Collin, John and Mike did that on Saturday. When they finished that Mike and John cut out the cabinet in the kitchen in order for Sis. Wiggins to have a dishwasher. There had never been one in this house so they had to make a place for it. Darla and I worked on cleaning the floor in the guest room once they had finished the texture ceiling what a mess men make when they work. Ha! Have to say though the finished results were very pretty. After they had the cabinet cut. Mike and John decided that since Monday was Labor Day and they had it off they would come over and put in the dishwasher then and Mike could do the fan first thing Monday morning could not do it on Saturday cause ceiling was still very wet.
Sunday of course was church and we went to lunch with John and Michelle and their son Michael, they were celebrating Michael's Birthday so we went to the Olive Garden. YUM I just love their Salad.
Monday we went to work again... Mike and I finally got the ceiling fan up but not without some problems. The other 3 went up with no problems. Darla and I agreed there was for sure some kind of bad carma in that bedroom. Ha! Almost anything that had went wrong the past 3 weeks it had been in that room. hehehe
But it finally got put up.. and the bedroom furniture all moved in it. Woo hoo.
Mark Minton had came by to work on the sprinklers a bit and he started to put in some of the plumbing of the dishwasher while we were finishing up the fan. Then Michael and John went to work on wiring the dishwasher. Michael was on the floor under the sink and all of a sudden we here this ZAP....POOF! they thought they had all the breakers off for that part of the house but OOPS they missed one. Michael just sat up not saying a word I kept saying are you alright finally he said YEAH! a couple of his fingers were black and later when he showed me the pliers he had been using they had burned and had like little cuts or holes in them from the ZAP.... WOOOOOOO very scary..After all that they also realized things were wired backwards in the kitchen ooh fun.. after quite some time with Collin, John and Mike trying to figure it all out. Collin went home. I told Michael call Bro. Rider he knows about this kind of stuff. So they did and he came over and figured it out, yes it was all wired wrong and a mess... and from the ZAP it had also messed up the electrical box that had the garbage disposal on it. So John and Bro. Rider went to Home Depot to get a new one. By this time it was 9 p.m. But when he came back and they put that in it all seemed to be fine. Mike went back under the sink to finish installing the drain for the dishwasher I said let's run it through a rinse cycle to make sure it does not leak. John and Mike looked at me like it better not leak. hahahaha.. they were so tired.
And woo hoo.. it worked fine.
I told them in this weeks church bulletin and I putting as the weekly tidbit..
How many Missionary Baptist Men does it take to get a Dishwasher in ?
Answer is 5....
Mike, John, Collin, Mark and Carl. hahahahaha...
On Tuesday after Aaron got picked up from school, Mike had taken that day off because we needed to go rent a car so I could drop my van off to get the door and fender painted from the mess up a few months we went and did all that. We rented and HHR.. Aaron has always liked them so I knew he would love it. It is a nice little car drives really nice and lots of leg room to drive more than even my van. It would sure be a cute car for Mike to use for commuting.
After Aaron came home from school back to Redlands we went to finish up some things at the Pastor's house. Mike wanted to check the rest of the wiring in the kitchen since the one side had been bad. And Collin, Mike and John went back to the Mobile Home where they had lived to finish getting everything out of their shed and over to the new house. I tore down all the boxes on the patio and swept and cleaned it up. It is a nice patio has misters too so make it cooler out there. They also have a built in spa.
Darla and I went to buy some extensions for the curtin rods the windows were a bit bigger at the new house. So when we came back we got the valances all put up. It sure looked nice and more like home with pictures on the walls now and the curtins up.
Darla and Cheryl were planning on yesterday doing last minute cleaning and touches before the Wiggin's got back from vacation last night.
Wouldn't it be nice to go on long vacation and be moved into a new place while you were gone. That is the way I want to move. Ha!
We had a lot of fun actually doing it. Who thinks Christians cannot have fun? (smile)
And you get John and Mike together watch out.. what a pair them two are together..

Now update on health issues..
On Thursday after returning from getting that machine for the sleep apnea etc.. The specialist I had seen called and said they had called in a prescription for MEGA vitamin D get tabs they are to only be taken once a week for 12 weeks. .they are like potent ones.. And then they called back and said my B-1 was also very low. I have been getting Vitamin B-12 injections for a few months now. But now I have to get the B-1 injection too. So on Friday when I went to my Doctors office I told the nurse I also need the B-1 she said ooooohhh you won't like that one. I said why? She said that one burns and hurts.. I said Nah.. it will be fine I had been taking the B-12 ones could barely even feel the prick of the needle. I don't mind shots. WEEEEELLLLLLLLLL she was right.. Man.. did it burn I felt like I had been stung by a bee WOW.. I said umn.. I don't want to come back for more of these. Ha! But I have to go back in tomorrow morning for another one. OH FUN... It actually left a bruise on my arm too.

Last night was my 17th week of the class I am taking I have 7 more to go. It has really went by very fast.

Next Wednesday is Aaron's IEP at his school and I have a long list of things to discuss. I do not think they will like me very well when I leave there. Ha!
Oh well I don't care as long as Aaron is getting what is needed and what he deserves to have. I am not there to win a personality and friend contest. (smile)
When I went to his school last week and met the new principal I told him I am not like most of the parents are probably at this Special School. I said many parents send their kids here to get them out of their hair and for you to babysit their kids basically all day. NOT Aaron I said I want him to have the best education that he is able to learn and I will see that he gets it. Since I am not working I told him I can come to the school everyday until I see his IEP is in place. I think I got my point across. So we shall see how things go next week.
Well I think that about catches you up and you can see why I have not had time to post this week.

Here is a picture of the cute car I am driving this week..