Judy Ann Lockwood

Judy Ann Lockwood
I am also called SugarBear...Juju.. and Mom

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael
I do not know what I would do without him!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Monday, September 17, 2007

Our Busy Weekend.. I am glad it is Monday.......

I usually am thankful when Friday rolls around but I am pooped. (smile) we had quite a busy weekend. I am to old for all of this.

Friday the day started off with getting Aaron off to school. Michael had the day off so we had some errands to do. We went to Redlands and took Bro. & Sis Wiggins (our Pastor and his wife) to lunch it was their 50th Wedding Anniversary on Friday. We told the waitress and they sang Happy Anniversary to them and brought them a Chocolate Dessert to share. Here is their picture.

Then Friday evening was the Youth rally it was a great rally I am so glad we went. Coachella church decided to get in the rotation of the rally's so sometime we will be going there for the rally too now. Matt, Trisha and Steven sang a beautiful song. I just love to hear Matt sing but of course I am a bit prejudice. Ha!
Steven Ridings is the new Pastor of Coachella and he gave the message on Friday evening and did a great job and there was a young lady saved too so that made it even more awesome. I am posting a few pictures from Friday night one is our Group from Redlands singing we won the banner for most in attendance too.

We didn't get home till past midnight on Friday after the rally. So it was a late night and we had to be up EARLY to get to Lake Perris for CAST for Kids.

Bill's Special Kids had been invited to join in again this year. We arrived out there about 6:45 a.m. CAST for Kids is an Organization that gives Disabled children a chance to go fishing for the day. They give the kids a fishing pole and tackle box, a t-shirt and hat and all kind of goodies. They take the kids out on boats and let them catch fish you should see some of the smiles on these kids faces. These people are AWESOME!!!! Here are some pictures of the Morning....

We had to leave the Lake before the outing was over because we had a 50th Wedding Anniversary Party to attend for our Pastor and his wife.
It was a very nice small party and they seemed to enjoy the afternoon very much here are some photos I took at the party.

As soon as the Party was over we went to Loma Linda Hospital we had received a call earlier about Eveyln being taken to ER there she was vomiting up blood. Evelyn is Bill's wife (from Bill's Special Kids) they are like family to us. We got to the ER and they said only family could go in so I told her you want me to be truthful or lie. The lady smiled I said I am like a daughter to her. So she called back to the ER and they let me in. I told Evelyn and Bill when I got in and they said next time just tell them YES I AM a Daughter.. They were waiting for results back from the CT Scan they had done earlier. Penny was there also. (one of Bill and Evelyn's daughters) we tried to make Evelyn smile and keep her mind off of things until results came back so we talked about the adorable DRs in the ER. I think they do not hire UGLY or OLD Drs at Loma Linda. (Smile) The nurse (who was also a MALE) and was cute came over and told Evelyn there were not results back yet. So I told them I would go out with Mike and Aaron in the Lobby. Bill came out a few minutes later and to talk with us for a bit and then Penny came out and got Bill said the Dr was there. We did not get good news from the DR. They immediately called in a team of DRs to see what they are going to do. Today she is to have a Biopsy done. Please keep this family in your prayers..They are VERY SPECIAL PEOPLE and we have come to LOVE THEM ALL very much. Aaron has minimum days all this week at school so when he gets home today we will go to Loma Linda and check on her and see if they have any more news. But after we found out the awful news Saturday evening, Michael, Aaron and I went to the Yearsley's home to stay with Pam (another daughter) who was home taking care of her Special Needs Son, William and Nathan a Great-Grandson of Bill and Evelyn's. He is the toddler that Aaron is Uncle Aaron to. We stayed with Pam until Penny and Bill got home from the hospital that night it was about 11:30. I had rocked Nathan to sleep we had wore him out playing with him. And he learned to say my name Saturday Night.. we were playing peek a boo around a corner and I said say Peek a boo.. gramma Judy... and from then on it was Juey... Juey.. Juey.. it was so cute. And he said it again yesterday too so he did not forget..(SMILE)
So we got home about Midnight on Saturday night and we had to be up EARLY AGAIN.. it was our Annual Pancake Breakfast for Bill's Special Kids on Sunday.. So we got there a little after 6 am.. And yes of course I have some pictures of the day. hehehe

So you can see we had a VERY BUSY weekend.... and this week looks like it will be busy as well.
This week is Michael's standby week at work. He will leave at 4 am tomorrow morning and not come home till 6 pm next Tuesday.
So this will be a LONG WEEK....
So that is the update of our Busy life... PLEASE PLEASE PRAY FOR EVELYN.....


Penny Bowhay said...

WOW!!! You pack A LOT into a weekend, much of which looks like you had a wonderful time. Busy can be a "good thing" though it does take a lot of energy. Evelyn will definitely be in our prayers.

Love & Hugs to You,
Penny & Gene