Judy Ann Lockwood

Judy Ann Lockwood
I am also called SugarBear...Juju.. and Mom

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael
I do not know what I would do without him!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Well once again Bubba is hurt by uncaring people..

Okay time for me to vent before I scream.. I am so livid right now ... and probably a good thing I am not in California right now too.. I would hate to have to run into this person who has hurt my son.

You know I just never will understand how some people can call themselves or claim to be a Christian and hurt a child any child but a Special Needs child who already feels so many does not love him how can they live with themselves for doing such mean and cruel and hurtful things? Aaron has tried to commit suicide several times because of thinking people does not love and care for him and this person know this!

A few months back Aaron's sister deleted him from facebook it broke his heart he was devastated for days. He adored his older sister. But she was told the facebook account was not Aaron's it was mine. Well that is a LIE it is Aaron's facebook account and always has been. He is the one who signed up for it and maintains it. And ANYONE he knows Bubba knows he is capable of having his own account. He is in his second year of Computer Classes at School a mainstream 11th grade class and getting an A in it. So there!!!!! He is not stupid and he can do many things on his own especially where computers are concerned. If people cared and loved him enough to really know him they would know this about him. After his sister deleted him so did many of her friends. He took it quite personally. Aaron has his own Apple Imac computer in his room and all of his game units can also access the web wirelessly so he is on the computer alot and knows how to use it all. (Better than his old mama I might add) he has taught me a few things. Ha!

Well today he went to send his Auntie in CA a picture of him with his two Gold Medals on facebook that he won at the Special Olympics this week and found out she had deleted him. (she is not a real Aunt just someone from church he called Aunt) I looked and she did me as well. I said well son she probably deleted the account and is no longer on facebook. But he went and checked some of their mutual friends and came back and said nope she is still on facebook she has just deleted me from her facebook.

I said what the heck for?????? He said well you know a few weeks ago she posted on facebook she had dinner with Amanda, Christopher, Haley, Ian and Sara before Amanda left for Japan. He said they turned her against me too. He was bawling his eyes out. People can be so so so cruel. They have no ideas what runs through a special needs child mind nor I might add do they really even care for that matter.

I am so upset that once again he has been hurt by such childish behaviours. It is so uncalled for. I mean if she wants to delete me it is no big deal. Go ahead and delete me (which she did) if only we could delete people from our lives as easily as people tend to do on facebook etc.

I think Bubba needs to share some of his medications with some of these people if you ask me. For I am beginning to feel maybe they need the medication even more than he does.

He has more love in his pinky finger than they have in their whole bodies. All he wishes is for people to love and accept him for who he is despite his disabilities and shortcomings. Is that to much to ask for.

What makes this even sadder is it is a church member if it were someone out in the world I could tell him we could pray for their salvation and that God would give them a loving and caring heart. But hard to try and explain such behaviors for someone in their middle 40's and who should know better. All I can say is I am so glad Bubba has such a big heart and he himself would never hurt and treat someone the way he is being treated. And he is the one who is called not of the "NORM" umn... I am seriously beginning to wonder on this one for sure.

Anyway thank you for the rantings Michael is upstairs asleep and I just had to vent to get this out....

Say a prayer for Bubba that he might see that he does not need people such as her in his life. And that she will pay someday for hurting him the way she has.