Judy Ann Lockwood

Judy Ann Lockwood
I am also called SugarBear...Juju.. and Mom

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael
I do not know what I would do without him!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Tuesday Morning

Good morning all sorry I didn't post last week what a week it was. As you will read below how many people were ill and in the hospital and had accidents etc..

My friend Pat Yates went into the hospital in CA. She was not doing well at all and we really thought her time on earth was done. But a miracle happened and she is home now from the hospital. Please continue to pray for her health issues however.

My adopted Mom, Evelyn is under going further treatments for her Cancer so please still also keep her in prayer.She had her 75th Birthday last week but spent most of her Birthday at Loma Linda getting Chemo and Dr visits.. She is a VERY special person and we love her dearly. And thank God for putting her and her blessed family into our lives. When our family walked out on us they were there to fill in and pick up the pieces. We are so very blessed to have them. And it is awesome having 3 sisters. (smile) Pat, Penny and Pam.. I need to change my name umn.. something with a P.... let's see oh you know what I have been called Punkin all my life so just call me Punkin then I fit right into the Yearsley Clan. Yep that be me Punkin Yearsley. Ha!

Aaron had a bad week last week too he had a respritory infection and had to be put on 4 different medications. He is doing better yet still has a bad cough.

A co-worker of Mike's fell off a ladder at Walmart and broke his ankle and will be off work for a couple of months it looks like.

A teen from the church here in Alva was helping his brother with a roofing job and fell through a sky light. He broke his arm, wrist, ankle and hurt his back as well. It was a miracle it did not kill him when he fell. So God was sure with him. But he had to have surgery and is still in the hospital. We went on Saturday to Enid and saw him. His name is Cody please keep this young man in your prayers as he heals.

I went to the Dr and had blood work done and got my B-12 injection and a Migraine injection. My blood sugar continues to drop at night just out of the blue so so weird. So she is trying to figure out what is causing this. Still no answers as of yet. However the one blood test did show I needed to increase my thyroid medication. I have been on thyroid meds since I was 11 years old.

I called to check on my mom and my sister informed me she had been ill all week with some sort of flu bug. She was in bed so I did not get to speak with her. She had been running a temp etc. She is not in good health even when she does not have the flu and secondary kind of issues going on. So also please keep my Mom in prayer that she will feel somewhat better soon. She also suffers from COPD which makes life hard on her.

School is almost out here actual school days left is about 10 days I think. Because next week we leave on Wednesday for Stillwater, Ok for the State Special Olympics for 3 days. Bubba is doing the Softball Throw and Shot Put Throw. Hard to believe the school year is almost over with. And next year Bubba will be a Senior. WOO HOO.. Never thought that would happen I am so very excited for him he has worked so very very hard on this all.
He is doing Drivers Education now in school and is hoping to get his Permit this summer we shall see... (smile) but where there is a will there is a way.. !!!!! We go back to the Cancer Dr later this month. So continue to keep Bubba also in prayer he has been such a Trooper through all his sugeries and treatments and Dr appointments. I am so so so Proud of him.

Well I think that updates you for the most part.. As for Mike he is still working like crazy.. Once school is out he will pick up another couple of days a week at Walmart he is hoping.

Hope everyone has a wonderful week. God Bless.. Hugs to all who is reading this..