Judy Ann Lockwood

Judy Ann Lockwood
I am also called SugarBear...Juju.. and Mom

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael
I do not know what I would do without him!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Morning All

Just thought I would come and thank you all for the prayers for Michael to find a job as many of you already know he did get a job last week. He is working at the Local 24 Super Walmart as a night stocker. Not a Night Stalker but a Stocker. ha ha ha

His hours are from 10 to 7 so that is kind of hard having to get used to sleeping during the day. He did it for many years but that was when he was younger. (smile)

We are just thankful he found a job in this day and time they are not easy to come by for sure. So we take what we can get at times.

I have not been feeling all that great my Fibromyalgia is giving me some problems and the past few days it has even gotten worse. It gets worse in damp weather, stressful times and lack of sleep. And I have had all 3 of these as of late. So I am in need of some prayers please, to not give in to pain. The best thing you can do for it is exercise and that is hard to do when you can hardly walk somedays..Thank God for the Wii Fit it does keep me moving and I know that is what is best despite the pain. I hate to take pain medication so do not use it unless it is a dire need. I do not want to become dependant on pain medications they are not good for you either. I want to learn to deal with the pain the best I can.

I just got back from picking Aaron up from school. They called and said he was not feeling well and he is running a temperature. I pray it is just a little bug and nothing major. He had a dentist appointment for this afternoon to get 2 more quadrants cleaned but I just called and cancelled it I do not want to get those nice girls in that office sick if he is contagious with something. He came in put his PJs on and went right to bed.
So he and Dad are asleep upstairs now so here I sit trying to be quiet. Which is hard for me to do ya know. Ha ha ha

Anyway thanks for all the prayers for our family.

Have a nice day.. Love and Hugs


pat yates said...

Everyone feel better.